About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “A couple of new videos which use science to discredit the religion of Global Warming”

    • “Al Gore and the teapot dome: His­tory re­peats it­self”
      Chuck Morse – Published 17 years ago


      Gore’s re­la­tion­ship with the oil be­he­moth goes back to his fa­ther, Al Gore Sr., who, af­ter a long and mu­tu­ally ben­e­fi­cial re­la­tion­ship with Oc­ci­den­tal, was given a $500,000 per year there af­ter leav­ing the US Sen­ate. Oc­ci­den­tal Chair­man, Ar­mand Ham­mer, was quoted as say­ing that he had Al Sr.”In my back pocket”. Oc­ci­den­tal pur­chased min­eral rich land near the Gore farm in Ten­nessee, sold the land to Al Sr, and paid the Gore fam­ily $20,000 per year for the min­eral rights. The Vice Pres­i­dent still col­lects on this con­tract al­though an­other com­pany now owns it. Gore owns shares in Oc­ci­den­tal worth up to $500,000.

      Au­thor Ed­ward Jay Ep­stein, in Dossier-The Se­cret His­tory of Ar­mand Ham­mer, doc­u­ments the long­stand­ing re­la­tion­ship be­tween the Oc­ci­den­tal Chair­man and every So­viet leader from Lenin to Gor­bachev. Ham­mer’s fa­ther, Julius Ham­mer, was one of the founders of the Amer­i­can Com­mu­nist Party. The book fur­ther re­veals the fact that Ham­mer lived in the So­viet Union in the 1920’s, fi­nanced So­viet es­pi­onage in the US, and sold con­fis­cated art for the So­vi­ets at his New York gallery. Make no mis­take, Ham­mer was a So­viet spy and a trai­tor, no dif­fer­ent than Al­ger Hiss. Ham­mer’s han­dling of con­fis­cated So­viet art was no dif­fer­ent than the way Nazi Field Mar­shall Gor­ing han­dled French art con­fis­cated from the Lourve in oc­cu­pied Paris. Gore’s fam­ily be­came rich from their as­so­ci­a­tion with Ar­mand Ham­mer and Oc­ci­den­tal Pe­tro­leum.