Contributor’s links for May 23, 2019

Daily Links Post graphic

Each day at just after midnight Eastern, a post like this one is created for contributors and readers of this site to upload news links and video links on the issues that concern this site. Most notably, Islam and its effects on Classical Civilization, and various forms of leftism from Soviet era communism, to postmodernism and all the flavours of galloping statism and totalitarianism such as Nazism and Fascism which are increasingly snuffing out the classical liberalism which created our near, miraculous civilization the West has been building since the time of Socrates.

This document was written around the time this site was created, for those who wish to understand what this site is about. And while our understanding of the world and events has grown since then, the basic ideas remain sound and true to the purpose.

So please post all links, thoughts and ideas that you feel will benefit the readers of this site to the comments under this post each day. And thank you all for your contributions.

This is the new Samizdat. We must use it while we can.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

148 Replies to “Contributor’s links for May 23, 2019”

  1. Convair’s B-58 Hustler was America’s first operational Mach 2 jet bomber and quite possibly one of the most beautiful delta wing Cold War planes ever made. Only the Blackbird and Valkyrie made that same cut (Britain’s Avro Vulcan tried).

    T = 00:17:22 TSFW

    includes video – 4 minutes 21 seconds
    After the 2017 London Bridge attack, local officials were told: ‘We’re sending you a hundred imams.’ How hashtags, vigils and flowers are used to steer the public towards grief instead of anger’. In operations that contingency planners term “controlled spontaneity”, politicians’ statements, vigils and inter-faith events are also negotiated and planned in readiness for any terrorist attack. The campaigns have been deployed during every terrorist incident in recent years including the 2017 London Bridge attack and the Finsbury Park mosque attack. Within hours of an attack, other campaigns are swiftly organised… The [British] government doesn’t want spontaneity: it wants controlled spontaneity. Nor, some say, is the public being encouraged to engage in debate about the causes of the hatred that underpin terrorist attacks. But we’re not going to get to the bottom of terrorism by socially engineering a response. We’re not doing the difficult debate. And what that stops, is true learning. Ian Cobain

    More orchestrated deception by UK government! Nothing is what it seems in the UK today. Smoke and mirrors and duplicity.

    • But we’re not going to get to the bottom of terrorism by socially engineering a response.

      I believe this was covered back in that first quarter 101 lecture about E=MC^2.

  3. The professional politician is the reason that democracy is now a joke and governments are nought but a raffle between Marxists and globalists with ALL candidates owing much to their “friends’ and donors. I believe that as Trump and Farage are businessmen who turned to politics out of frustration and who by doing so that way, owed favours to no one, has to be the WTG of the future if democracy is to survive(currently I do not think that it does).
    WRT elected members, I believe that no more than two terms and NO pension unless elderly/ill and/or a retiring active minister should be the rule. All too often we see media darlings with nary a clue ensconced in comfortable seats almost automatically and who, other than faithfully party vote, never do a day’s work and then retire on an income that makes even dentists jealous : )The party system also needs to be changed but after years of thinking about it I really don’t know how to implement such changes as by definition a party requires a doctrinally acceptable donkey vote always from its elected members while the concept of “safe seats” means that they can elect any idiot who suits them. In an ideal world there would be no such thing as a safe seats, political parties or professional politicians.

    • I am related to a politician. He has better skill than a conman at having helpful insight into what makes people feel good when agreeing to a compromise. Having him at family gatherings guarantees no discord. There is a reason that people and colleagues like being around him. I acknowledge that career politicians have personal attributes that help them garner popular support.

    • “To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.”
      >Baron de Montesquieu<

      Something most of the Political "Elite" has conveniently chosen to forget.

    • The amateur politicians are what the Founding Father wanted, in their minds a permanent government was an evil that the US wanted to avoid. To a large extent that is why all Federal Jobs were patronage jobs, that avoided the “Deep State, Permanent Government” that is running our nations.

      The term limit problem is one that Conservatives in the US have fought for years, the problem is that to limit the terms of office requires amending the Constitution. . This is one of the main pushes for a Convention of the States, if enough State Legislatures call for one Congress has no choice but to call one. The amendments that are being talked about will return the US to the nation the Founding Fathers wanted. I think one is coming but it will probably be held during the civil war.

      Yes in many nations democracy is dead, the left and the bureaucrats have screwed up the western education system to the point many people will welcome strong man rule thinking the mythical creature the benevolent dictator will take over and run the nation for the benefit of the people. Since this will run against the history that proves Lord Acton and George Santana were right we are facing a Dark Age where all of the mistakes of history will be remade. Just remember that any person or group of people who want to disarm the public body as a whole are not playing with a full deck or are living in a delusion and aren’t to be trusted or the leaders of the movement are wanna be dictators.

    • Deconstruction

      “Deconstructing Young Minds”
      by Robert Knight – June 12, 218


      As author William J. Federer explains, animus toward their own country and free market capitalism among many younger Americans – even Christians – is no accident but the result of a conditioning process that begins in the elementary and secondary schools and goes into overdrive in universities.

      “There is actually a socialist-communist tactic called ‘deconstruction,’ where you separate a people from their past, get them into a neutral position where they do not remember where they came from, then you can easily brainwash them into whatever future you have planned for them,” he writes in his book, “Who Is the King in America and Who Are the Counselors to the King?” (Amerisearch Inc., 2017).

      “Chains to Change” William Federer
      March 17, 2015

      • William J. Federer
        “Who is the King in America?”
        Published on Jan 29, 2018

  4. There’s right now a Life-stream on Austrian OE24.TV about this IBIZA-Gate Scandal

  5. There is a nice Rant by Gerald Grosz, the Austrian Equivalent of Pat Condell.

  6. NR: My R&D lab was sputter-depositing submicron films of lanthanum in 1986.

    Scientists break record for highest-temperature superconductor
    Experiment produces new material that can conduct electricity perfectly

    University of Chicago scientists are part of an international research team that has discovered superconductivity — the ability to conduct electricity perfectly — at the highest temperatures ever recorded.

    Using advanced technology at UChicago-affiliated Argonne National Laboratory, the team studied a class of materials in which they observed superconductivity at temperatures of about minus-23 degrees Celsius (minus-9 degrees Fahrenheit) — a jump of about 50 degrees compared to the previous confirmed record.

    Though the superconductivity happened under extremely high pressure, the result still represents a big step toward creating superconductivity at room temperature — the ultimate goal for scientists to be able to use this phenomenon for advanced technologies. The results were published May 23 in the journal Nature; Vitali Prakapenka, a research professor at the University of Chicago, and Eran Greenberg, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago, are co-authors of the research.

    Just as a copper wire conducts electricity better than a rubber tube, certain kinds of materials are better at becoming superconductive, a state defined by two main properties: The material offers zero resistance to electrical current and cannot be penetrated by magnetic fields. The potential uses for this are as vast as they are exciting: electrical wires without diminishing currents, extremely fast supercomputers and efficient magnetic levitation trains.

    But scientists have previously only been able to create superconducting materials when they are cooled to extremely cold temperatures — initially, minus-240 degrees Celsius and more recently about minus-73 degrees Celsius. Since such cooling is expensive, it has limited their applications in the world at large.

    Recent theoretical predictions have shown that a new class of materials of superconducting hydrides could pave the way for higher-temperature superconductivity. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany teamed up with University of Chicago researchers to create one of these materials, called lanthanum superhydrides, test its superconductivity, and determine its structure and composition.

    The only catch was that the material needed to be placed under extremely high pressure — between 150 and 170 gigapascals, more than one and a half million times the pressure at sea level. Only under these high-pressure conditions did the material — a tiny sample only a few microns across — exhibit superconductivity at the new record temperature.

    In fact, the material showed three of the four characteristics needed to prove superconductivity: It dropped its electrical resistance, decreased its critical temperature under an external magnetic field and showed a temperature change when some elements were replaced with different isotopes. The fourth characteristic, called the Meissner effect, in which the material expels any magnetic field, was not detected. That’s because the material is so small that this effect could not be observed, researchers said.

    They used the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, which provides ultra-bright, high-energy X-ray beams that have enabled breakthroughs in everything from better batteries to understanding the Earth’s deep interior, to analyze the material. In the experiment, researchers within University of Chicago’s Center for Advanced Radiation Sources squeezed a tiny sample of the material between two tiny diamonds to exert the pressure needed, then used the beamline’s X-rays to probe its structure and composition.

    Because the temperatures used to conduct the experiment is within the normal range of many places in the world, that makes the ultimate goal of room temperature — or at least 0 degrees Celsius — seem within reach.

    The team is already continuing to collaborate to find new materials that can create superconductivity under more reasonable conditions.

    “Our next goal is to reduce the pressure needed to synthesize samples, to bring the critical temperature closer to ambient, and perhaps even create samples that could be synthesized at high pressures, but still superconduct at normal pressures,” Prakapenka said. “We are continuing to search for new and interesting compounds that will bring us new, and often unexpected, discoveries.”

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ END OF ARTICLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    NR: Please recall that part about how:

    The only catch was that the material needed to be placed under extremely high pressure — between 150 and 170 gigapascals, more than one and a half million times the pressure at sea level. Only under these high-pressure conditions did the material — a tiny sample only a few microns across — exhibit superconductivity at the new record temperature.

    NOTE: — 1 gigapascal (GPa) = 14,5037.7 psi, or over 10 times the pressure in the deepest oceans. The Marianas Trench is seven miles deep. That number of between 150 and 170 gigapascals equates to pressures found well below the earth’s mantle. That’s past a depth of somewhere around 1,700 miles (2,890 km), where pressures reside in the range of ~140 GPa (1.4 million atmospheres). —

    CURIOUSLY, those are the zones of combined pressure and temperature where diamonds are formed. Equally curious is how the (unnamed Fortune 500) company that the lanthanum research was performed for also just happens to be one of the world’s foremost producers of synthetic diamonds.

    Why does that stand out? Typically, experiments requiring gigapascal pressures are performed using a clamping device whose faces are capable of withstanding such extreme pressures. In order to provide perspective, these compressive loads simulate those that are found near the centers of moons or small planets and are used to create non-molecular ice, polymeric nitrogen, and metallic phases of xenon.

    Such tools have been used to create the world’s first metallic hydrogen. This happens in the region of 270 GPa and 300° K. One of the only instruments capable of delivering these forces is the Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC).

    It enables compression of small (sub-millimeter-sized) specimens to extreme pressures, typically up around 100-200 gigapascals. Upper limits reach a mindbending 770 gigapascals (7,700,000 bars / 7.7 million atmospheres).

    WHY IS A company that (literally) makes tons of diamonds doing DAC research into high temperature, superconducting lanthanum superhydrides?

    Did I mention that this company also makes nuclear submarines?

    Remember all of my tales about waterwheels with coffee can-sized (room temperature) superconducting alternators attached to them that can power your entire off-grid cabin … or farm?

    With current advances in battery technology (pun intended), imagine powering a nuclear missile submarine without a fission reactor. Imagine refueling from the ocean.

    Imagine a submersible nuclear weapons platform that operates with seawater-extracted deuterium (i.e., heavy water) in a compact fusion reactor whose energy output drives electrically powered superconducting prop motors with magnetically levitated bearings for a near-silent propulsion system.

    Imagine how much more difficult it would be to find a fully armed submarine that’s half the size of—with a higher top-speed than—any Los Angeles class boat, and doesn’t splash around, hissing and bubbling like an old coffee percolator.

    Then again, just making a residential refrigerator that doesn’t suck down some 20% of the average household utility bill and has a motor the size of a soda can could be worth several bazillion dollars on the home appliance market.

    Not to mention how superconducting technology has the potential to reduce dissipated waste heat and exhaust emissions in ways which might avert the thermal gradients that cause all those climate change neurotics to have kittens.

    Why aren’t the greenies spending all their time protesting and boycotting companies (or governments) that are dragging their feet on this research?

    Oh, wait! Affordable room temperature superconductors can’t compete with carbon taxes and Kyoto Protocols when it comes to crippling industrialized Western Civilizationl. In fact: These incredibly power-efficient power management tools could place America at the forefront of low cost, short run, custom manufacturing which will represent some of the most profitable value-added, job creating, sectors in future economies.

    Other than that, no one knows why these lanthanides are so damn important.

    PS: Pop quiz after lunch!

    • From Wiki:

      The diamond [anvil] cell was created at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) by Charles E. Weir, Ellis R. Lippincott, and Elmer N. Bunting. Within the group each member focused on different applications of the diamond cell. Van focused on making visual observations, Charles on XRD, Ellis on IR Spectroscopy. The group was well established in each of their techniques before outside collaboration kicked off with university researchers like William A. Bassett and Taro Takahashi at the University of Rochester.

      During the first experiments using diamond anvils, the sample was placed on the flat tip of the diamond, the culet, and pressed between the diamond faces. As the diamond faces were pushed closer together, the sample would be pressed and extrude out from the center. Using a microscope to view the sample, it could be seen that a smooth pressure gradient existed across the sample with the outer most portions of the sample acting as a kind of gasket. The sample was not evenly distributed across the diamond culet but localized in the center due to the “cupping” of the diamond at higher pressures. This cupping phenomenon is the elastic stretching of the edges of the diamond culet, commonly referred to as the “shoulder height”. Many diamonds were broken during the first stages of producing a new cell or any time an experiment is pushed to higher pressure. The NBS group was in a unique position where almost endless supplies of diamonds were available to them. Custom officials occasionally confiscated diamonds from people attempting to smuggle them into the country. Disposing of such valuable confiscated materials could be problematic given rules and regulations. A solution was simply to make such materials available to people at other government agencies if they could make a convincing case for their use. This became an unrivaled resource as other teams at the University of Chicago, Harvard University and General Electric entered the high pressure field.

      During the following decades DACs have been successively refined, the most important innovations being the use of gaskets and the ruby pressure calibration. The DAC evolved to be the most powerful lab device for generating static high pressure. The range of static pressure attainable today extends to 640 GPa, much higher than the estimated pressures at the Earth’s center (~360 GPa). [emphasis added]

    • And I bet that China already has the world market covered, just like it has for all rare earth elements.

      • There are several large deposits of rare earths in the Rocky Mountains, the Obama Administration stopped all mining and refining on environmental grounds. I don’t know how long it would take to bring mines and refineries on line but we need to do this.

        • They’re abundant, but getting them brings lots of pollution. Yankee ingenuity better kick in, figure out how to get around that problem.

          Let the Chinese EAT their earth RARE.

  7. NR: This is their usual “THE MACHINES ARE THINKING!” hysteria-mongering. (see my trailing comments)

    [due to site security settings, this is being posted in two parts]

    New AI sees like a human, filling in the blanks

    Date: May 15, 2019

    Source: University of Texas at Austin

    Summary: Computer scientists have taught an artificial intelligence agent how to do something that usually only humans can do — take a few quick glimpses around and infer its whole environment, a skill necessary for the development of effective search-and-rescue robots that one day can improve the effectiveness of dangerous missions.

    Computer scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have taught an artificial intelligence agent how to do something that usually only humans can do — take a few quick glimpses around and infer its whole environment, a skill necessary for the development of effective search-and-rescue robots that one day can improve the effectiveness of dangerous missions. The team, led by professor Kristen Grauman, Ph.D. candidate Santhosh Ramakrishnan and former Ph.D. candidate Dinesh Jayaraman (now at the University of California, Berkeley) published their results today in the journal Science Robotics.

    Most AI agents — computer systems that could endow robots or other machines with intelligence — are trained for very specific tasks — such as to recognize an object or estimate its volume — in an environment they have experienced before, like a factory. But the agent developed by Grauman and Ramakrishnan is general purpose, gathering visual information that can then be used for a wide range of tasks.

    “We want an agent that’s generally equipped to enter environments and be ready for new perception tasks as they arise,” Grauman said. “It behaves in a way that’s versatile and able to succeed at different tasks because it has learned useful patterns about the visual world.”

    The scientists used deep learning, a type of machine learning inspired by the brain’s neural networks, to train their agent on thousands of 360-degree images of different environments.

    Now, when presented with a scene it has never seen before, the agent uses its experience to choose a few glimpses — like a tourist standing in the middle of a cathedral taking a few snapshots in different directions — that together add up to less than 20 percent of the full scene. What makes this system so effective is that it’s not just taking pictures in random directions but, after each glimpse, choosing the next shot that it predicts will add the most new information about the whole scene. This is much like if you were in a grocery store you had never visited before, and you saw apples, you would expect to find oranges nearby, but to locate the milk, you might glance the other way. Based on glimpses, the agent infers what it would have seen if it had looked in all the other directions, reconstructing a full 360-degree image of its surroundings.

    “Just as you bring in prior information about the regularities that exist in previously experienced environments — like all the grocery stores you have ever been to — this agent searches in a nonexhaustive way,” Grauman said. “It learns to make intelligent guesses about where to gather visual information to succeed in perception tasks.”

    One of the main challenges the scientists set for themselves was to design an agent that can work under tight time constraints. This would be critical in a search-and-rescue application. For example, in a burning building a robot would be called upon to quickly locate people, flames and hazardous materials and relay that information to firefighters.

    For now, the new agent operates like a person standing in one spot, with the ability to point a camera in any direction but not able to move to a new position. Or, equivalently, the agent could gaze upon an object it is holding and decide how to turn the object to inspect another side of it. Next, the researchers are developing the system further to work in a fully mobile robot.

    Using the supercomputers at UT Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center and Department of Computer Science, it took about a day to train their agent using an artificial intelligence approach called reinforcement learning. The team, with Ramakrishnan’s leadership, developed a method for speeding up the training: building a second agent, called a sidekick, to assist the primary agent.

    “Using extra information that’s present purely during training helps the [primary] agent learn faster,” Ramakrishnan said.

    This research was supported, in part, by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, IBM Corp. and Sony Corp.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ END OF ARTICLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    • NR: For once, the article is dealing with something that vaguely approaches the rundown, barely piped and wired, undeveloped city limits of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

      As usual, some badly needed perspective is in order. Let’s take a walk on a rainy day, shall we?

      Looking down at the puddled sidewalk is a barely discernible jumble of rapidly dissolving white lines chalked onto the now-wet concrete. Despite missing several important lines, quick as a wink you pick out the assemblage of numbered squares as a child’s hopscotch pattern.

      But wait, that square isn’t numbered with a “+” sign. That’s obviously a “4” with the diagonal washed out. And that name scrawled next to the game isn’t “Jan y”, the little girl next door is named “Janey” and you don’t even have to think about that.

      In fact: You didn’t have to think about any of it AT ALL.

      PREFACE: The dawn of semiconductor technology saw scientists bragging about how the (then calculated) gigabyte of brain storage capacity could, one day, be fit into a golf ball. Recent studies modeled with rat neurons have forced investigators to revise their estimates by several orders of magnitude, to ONE PETABYTE.

      By comparison, IBM is working on a 120 petabyte drive that networks 200,000 conventional hard disks. A petabyte equals 1,000 terabytes and it takes 728,177 floppy disks or 1,498 CD-ROM discs to store just 1 TB. Current petabyte arrays require the space of entire rooms or data farms.

      Less conservative methodologies gauge the brain’s lush rete of neural, synaptic, and dendritic interconnections as being capable of holding a complete core dump of this planet’s entire Internet. So, as can be seen, the jury’s still out on available storage space—but it’s safe to say that primate RAM upgrades aren’t going to be a major concern anytime soon.

      When you consider how old, shopworn estimates swore that Einstein used a whopping few percent of his brain capability (not just storage), apparently our skulls hold enough gray matter for several lifetimes worth of wisdom and knowledge. Why? Redundancy. A few spare motherboards and extra core planes enable partial or near-full recovery from brain injuries and birth defects.

      A slight problem with these storage estimates is that they do not fully incorporate all of the peripheral processing that goes on in and around the cranium. One or two illustrations might help.

      DINOSAURS were famous for cavorting around with walnut-sized brains that probably lacked even that much convolution to them. Instead, strung like holiday lights along their dorsal nerve (i.e., spinal cord), were nodal clusters called ganglion. Stegosaurus had a handful of them sprinkled along his finny backbone.

      Likewise, your home computer’s speed relies heavily upon peripheral utilities like scanners and digital cameras to have local, dedicated Read-Only Memory (ROM) and RAM to manage temporary files or hold instructions transmitted from the main CPU.

      Both of these are pre-processors similar to a set-top cable decoder box for your television. In fact, each of your retinas has specific constellations of rod and cone optical receptors configured to precisely detect such features as circularity (i.e., roundness), perpendicularity (plumb orientation), and orthogonality (right angles). The brain-boggling nexus of our optical chiasm is reserved for another discussion.

      ALL OF THIS happens before a single nerve impulse reaches your brain. The same goes for your ears and how they perform noise rejection, even as they pre-filter tones and chords (in coordination with the auditory cortex).

      I have long maintained (ever since hearing of that golf ball estimate) that, when flanked by its array of peripheral pre-processing systems, any serious simulation of human consciousness would still be the size of a house, if not a large barn.

      MEANWHILE, back on that rain-washed sidewalk, you assemble the barely legible features with a reflexive speed that the most self-aware minds cannot fathom or even detect happening. It is a process called optical closure and few people on Earth understand how it works.

      Nevertheless, your mind automatically fills in the various gaps, blanks, and dropouts with a speed and grace that enables human consciousness in unimaginable ways.

      SO MUCH FOR THE PREFACE. All of the article’s foofaraw about how this “AI sees like a human, filling in the blanks” still is a load of bullshit. What’s really happening is one shitload of preprocessing that compares shapes, follows edges, tracks anomalies, and then refers back to what is probably a humongous (scientific term, there) data base of Akashic proportions.

      To lend this some proportion, consider how a major breakthrough in machine intelligence involved stacking blocks. In the experiment, a table is strewn with seemingly randomly piled blocks, with reds on top of blues, and greens on top of pinks.

      The computer and its robot arm has no problem picking up any of the readily accessible red or green blocks. However, when instructed to pick up a pink or blue block, the processor becomes stymied because it cannot implement a single command that renders it in possession of a block so colored.

      Although this was decades ago, it still remains illustrative that it constituted a major breakthrough when programming was devised that allowed the machine intelligence, upon being stymied, to go through its entire roster of alternate possible operations and—after completing any one of those seemingly extraneous moves—check if it then could accomplish the primary assigned task.

      Move a red or green block and, hey presto! there’s a pink or blue one ready to be had. This sounds so simple as to seem retarded. Yet, this process, called “back-chaining” logic represented a quantum jump in sophistication at that time.

      All of this is meant to convey what sort of baby steps the Austin team have accomplished by implementing some crude level of quasi-optical closure in machine intelligence. This does not give full credit for whatever achievements were made in terms of identifying and incorporating more complex “perceptions” about the shape or function of whichever elements are under examination.

      MY POINT REMAINS that much of what is being trumpeted about as AI is, in fact, something that our biological mainframes execute before signals even arrive in the brain.

      It is vital to sort grain from chaff in these reports because the MSM would like nothing more than for everyone reading those pieces to be overwhelmed with insecurity and a fear of becoming another interchangeable part. All of which is exactly how they want you to feel and THEY ARE PAID MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO.

      Even in this age of technological wonders, I still wonder if even a roomy barn could contain a genuine Artificial Intelligence. Only the arrival of quantum computing has obliged me to reconsider that long held belief.

      • Each time google and others ask me to verify my identity by selecting photos with cars etc, I assume that my data becomes part of some training set for algorithm development.

        • … I assume that my data becomes part of some training set for algorithm development.

          Excellent point, Malca. Mimicking human behavior and ratiocination is a primary path towards emulation and simulation of intelligence.

          This is like the tale of television. Humanity is in possession of a compact, portable, battery operated, apparently 3-D, self-illuminated color display capable of depicting apparently real-time, multichannel video with full spectrum stereo sound and side-lobed digital content.

          So, what do we do with this miracle tool of educational and informational data management? Baywatch, Squeal of Fortune, Bollywood, K-pop, any-fucking-thing but the enlightening and transformative effect of knowledge sent down through the ages.

          How tragic that something with potential to positively reorder the quality of human life is, most assuredly, being developed as a competitor instead of a servant to our minds and bodies.

          If there is an afterlife, those who take mankind’s genius and regularly pervert it into weapons against the human spirit must be high on the Christmas list for perpetual reincarnation as Winston Smith at his exact moment of mind-crushing agony.

  8. Swiss Muslims force infidel classmates to fast during Ramadan+++
    An alarming message is coming from Switzerland. Muslim students there are to put their infidel classmates under psychological pressure to take part during Ramadan. The spoiled Swiss pupils with no firm beliefs are easy victims for the fundamentalist “missionaries” of political Islam who have been taught from childhood.”Group pressure also makes Christian pupils fast – Muslim pupils would also incite non-Muslims to fast, complain Swiss teachers. However, the teachers’ association still sees no need for action”. According to a corresponding message from the Austrian news platform newspaper focuses on the Swiss primary school in the municipality of Winterthur, where the proportion of Muslim children is “quite high”, as teacher Arlinda Dauti says in the magazine of the Zurich Teachers’ Association ZLV.”In my last 6th grade, I observed the children in the class motivating each other to fast.” According to the teachers, this led to non-Muslim children finally stopping eating and drinking. As a result, many children often became very tired in the afternoon. “And also in the physical education lessons I had to partly consider the children, because they were not as efficient as usual”, Dauti says in the magazine. Franziska Peterhans, General Secretary of the Swiss Teachers’ Association, has similar experiences to report. “Peterhans has also heard that even non-Muslim pupils have been persuaded to fast. reports further. Her advice: “Franziska Peterhans, General Secretary of the Swiss Teachers’ Association, has similar experiences to report. “Peterhans has also heard that even non-Muslim pupils have been persuaded to fast. reports further. Her advice: “Parents should turn to the teachers when Muslims exert group pressure on their children. Beat W. Zemp, President of the Teachers’ Association, admits that the problem of Muslim peer pressure is also one, but plays it down. Group pressure in Ramadan only becomes a problem “if students who are not fasting are bullied. If pupils want to fast for religious reasons, this must be respected according to the Federal Constitution.Mobbing is of course a very elastic term. Conclusion: Islamisation and submission to the rules of Sharia law are proceeding according to plan.
    Read more:

    • Judaism and Catholicism also have fast days. (Judiasm has 5 day-fasts and 2 25-hour fasts.) I reckon that most people don’t even realize that the person fasting is doing so. I have also met Jews and Muslims who voluntarily fast 1 day per week to draw themselves closer to God. The classroom behavior sounds more like hazing than an exercise in voluntary asceticism. The adults–parents, teachers, ministers of all faiths–are responsible for allowing such harmful and abusive behavior to continue. Fasting requires spiritual and physical preparation, which is not the job of peers or teachers.

    • However, the teachers’ association still sees no need for action”.

      And neither will they until the local Muslim Community Patrol’s sharia police are frogmarching such race traitors to the chopping block. These spineless, over-glaciated, chocolate-bending cowherds will fucking well deserve it for the intellectual treachery of baring defenseless young minds to the ravages of Islam’s withering embrace.

      Rot in everlasting hell, fondue-eating, Muslim appeasing, butt-yodelers. Soon enough, there’ll be more reamed ass holes in their culture than one of their fucking 180-pound (386 kg) Emmentaler wheels. Ruedi Rymann would know well-enough where they can stuff their Toblerone bar. Thank goodness America had Roy and Dale.

      PS: My insatiable taxidermist pal was notorious for having mounted Trigger.

      T = 00:03:03 TSFW

  9. Swedish Terror Expert: Do Not Allow ISIS Women to Return to Sweden (breitbart, May 22, 2019)

    “Swedish terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp has recommended that the Swedish government should not allow female Islamic State members to return, citing a lack of laws to prosecute them.

    While he criticised the deficiency in the Swedish legal system, Ranstorp praised neighbouring Norway, saying, “As Norway has functioning terror legislation, the Norwegian women should be brought home and prosecuted. The child welfare service should take care of the children,” Norwegian public broadcaster NRK reports.

    “The Norwegians should be retrieved and prosecuted. There are few individuals. They are citizens and have rights,” he suggested.

    “But I do not think the Swedish women and the children will come back. We do not have a good system to take care of them and make sure they are not dangerous,” Ranstorp added.

    The terror expert added that there has been a shift in opinion on the topic of Islamic State women and noted: “Previously, one had an attitude that the women were not so dangerous. Now we know that they are at least as active as men. Some are very radical and have shown malice by acting as morality police against other women. They should be considered dangerous, even though they may not be.”

    Several Islamic State women including German national Jennifer W. and the former UK citizen Shamima Begum were revealed to have been members of the terror group’s so-called morality police.

    According to Norwegian law, those who participate in the Islamic State can be brought to trial and face prison time, but according to Ranstorp that is not the case in Sweden. Of the 150 or so Islamic State members who have returned to Sweden, none have been prosecuted for participation, according to the terror expert.

    Some of those who have returned from the Middle East have even been allegedly recruiting at underground mosques in the city of Malmö, according to reports from earlier this year.

    Lawyer Jan Glent, who prosecutes returning fighters in Norway, agreed with Ranstorp saying: “Sweden does not have a completely developed terrorist law.””

    • They should be considered dangerous, even though they may not be.”

      Is Ranstorp talking about just the ISIS whores or Muslims in general?

  10. Central African Republic massacres leave more than 30 dead (abcnews, May 23, 2019)

    “Authorities say more than 30 people are dead after a militia attacked several villages in Central African Republic.

    The government has issued an ultimatum to the leader of a militia group known as 3R, calling on him to hand over those responsible.

    The bloodshed took place in several villages in the volatile country’s northwest near the border with Chad.

    Government spokesman Ange-Maxime Kazagui says the group retaliated against several communities in the Ouham Pende prefecture after an incident in which one man was killed.

    Lucien Mbaigoto, a legislator from the area, said that militia fighters on the ground are not abiding by the peace agreements signed by their leaders, including one in February.

    Human rights groups have blamed the 3R group for killing and raping civilians since 2015.”

  11. ‘It was a direct hit’: Monster tornado tears through Jefferson City in Missouri causing ‘catastrophic damage’ and a ‘mass casualty event’ as twisters across the state kill three and the National Guard is called in

    A catastrophic tornado has ripped through Missouri’s capital, according to the National Weather Service.

    The ‘violent tornado’ was confirmed in Jefferson City around 11.43pm Wednesday night. Jefferson City took a direct hit by the storm and there are several unconfirmed reports of residents hearing ‘mass casualties’ over their scanners.

    Three deaths in Missouri have been confirmed, the result of a tornado earlier in the day, but there is no word yet on possible fatalities in the capital.

    Police Lt. David Williams said officers have received multiple calls of people being trapped in their homes and 20 people have been rescued by emergency workers in Jefferson City.

    Richard: A wild night in Missouri, the big damage is all south of me, Jeff City is 80 to 90 miles south and they were the hardest hit. A small tornado was on the ground about 6 miles north of me. As far as I can find out now the 3 dead were down south and west of Jeff City. This isn’t near as bad as the Tornado that hit southwest Missouri earlier this century.

    • Glad you’re ok.
      I tried to channel Toto but got no response. Wrong area code, fly-over isn’t generic.

    • Richard, like yucki asked, please continue to keep us updated about conditions in your neck of the woods. Don’t make us come down there!

    • endlessly slobbering adoringly

      I want to make babies with this woman. Given nothing more than an old karaoke machine for a PA system, our lovechild would rule the world!

      PS: Why are dames with plummy Brit accents so fucking seductive?

  12. China state-run media targets Trish Regan, calls Bannon ‘true enemy of America’

  13. The Media has NEVER been this Corrupt. Mark Levin with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First

  14. Dallas police look at whether attacks on transgender women are connected
    “These cases, although not directly related at this time, do have some similarities the public needs to be aware of,” Maj. Vincent Weddington said Tuesday.
    May 22, 2019, 11:46 AM CDT
    By Janelle Griffith

    Police in Dallas said they are investigating whether the shooting deaths of two transgender women and the stabbing of a third are connected.

    “These cases, although not directly related at this time, do have some similarities the public needs to be aware of,” Maj. Vincent Weddington told reporters at a news conference Tuesday.

    No arrests have been made in any of the cases.

    Police in Dallas said they are investigating whether the shooting deaths of two transgender women and the stabbing of a third are connected.

    “These cases, although not directly related at this time, do have some similarities the public needs to be aware of,” Maj. Vincent Weddington told reporters at a news conference Tuesday.

    No arrests have been made in any of the cases.

    The most recent killing occurred over the weekend.

    Muhlaysia Booker, 23, was found shot to death Saturday morning. Her death came little more than a month after she survived a brutal beating in Dallas following a minor traffic accident that was captured on cellphone video and went viral. Edward Thomas, 29, was charged with assault in the April beating. He is not being held in jail, and police said over the weekend there is no evidence connecting him to

  15. Xi Jinping calls for self-reliance as China grapples with long-term US challenge of trade war and ban on Huawei and other technology manufacturers

    Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed the need for self-reliance and innovation in a rallying call to the country to prepare to fend off various long-term challenges from the United States.

    “Technological innovation is the root of life for businesses,” Xi said on Monday on a visit to Jiangxi province, state-run news agency Xinhua reported. “Only if we own our own intellectual property and core technologies, then can we produce products with core competitiveness and [we] won’t be beaten in intensifying competition.”

    Xi’s comments, broadcast across the country on Wednesday night, came after US President Donald Trump signed an executive order effectively banning products made by the Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei Technologies from the US market.

    They also follow a breakdown in the 10 months of trade talks between the two countries, resulting in China and the US trading fresh punitive tariffs on imports.

  16. Top US commander warns Maduro ‘mafia’ poses threat beyond Venezuela

    NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Fla. — The ongoing crisis in Venezuela is boiling over and aggravating security concerns throughout the Western Hemisphere, according to the top U.S. military commander for South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

    Navy Adm. Craig Faller, head of U.S. Southern Command (Southcom), told The Hill this week that he views embattled Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s influence in the region as a “significant threat” to democracy and stability.

    “I don’t think I’d even call them a regime — it’s a mafia. It’s an illicit business that he’s running with his 2,000 corrupt generals. It’s ruining the country,” Faller said in an interview Tuesday.

    “And the effects of that are compounding every other security problem in our neighborhood. Every security problem is made worse by Venezuela,” he added.

  17. Wash. State gov. Jay Inslee signs bill into law legalizing human composting
    By Howard Portnoy May 22, 2019

    Dust to dust, ashes to … veggies? If you live — make that die — in Washington state, allowing your earthly remains to be converted to mulch is now a serious option. Fox News reports:

    Gov. Jay Inslee, the Democrat from Washington, signed a bill into law on Tuesday that allows the composting of human bodies as an alternative to burials and cremations.

    The Evergreen state is the first state to approve the measure after an earlier trial study that involved six backers who agreed to the organic reduction. The results were positive and the “soil smelled like soil and nothing else.”

    Troy Hottle, a fellow at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, told The Seattle Times earlier this year that the method is as “close to the natural process of decomposition [as] you’d assume a body would undergo before we had an industrialized society.”

  18. Democrats respond to the latest monstrous murder by illegal aliens
    By Ben Bowles May 23, 2019

    Yesterday, LU reported that two teens from El Salvador, both in the country illegally and both members of MS-13, had been charged with murdering a 14-year-old girl with a machete and baseball bat. An inescapable fact of the case is that it might have been prevented: A year ago the same two teens were arrested for attempted murder, but authorities in Prince George’s County, Md. — a sanctuary county — opted to release them in defiance of an ICE detainer.

    On Wednesday, the Prince George’s County jail director held a press conference in which she defended the decision to turn the teens loose, arguing that “A detainer is not a warrant.” In the video of her remarks, she further submits that her actions were “legal and proper based on guidance from the Maryland Attorney General.”

  19. Nunes asks Trump to query Theresa May on Brits’ handling of Steele dossier
    By Daily Caller News Foundation May 22, 2019

    The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee is calling on President Donald Trump to press British Prime Minister Theresa May about the British government’s handling of the Steele dossier.

    California Rep. Devin Nunes also called on Trump in a letter to ask May whether the British government was aware of or took part in surveillance efforts against members of the Trump campaign.

    Trump is expected to make a state visit to the U.K. in June.

  20. Ramadan Rage 2019: Jihadis Massacre 364, Injure 404 in Two Weeks (breitbart, May 21, 2019)

    “Islamic terrorists have carried out an estimated 76 attacks in nearly 15 countries since the beginning of Ramadan this month, killing at least 364 people and injuring 404 others in the first two weeks of the holiest month for Muslims, a Breitbart News tally shows.

    That means, on average, jihadis killed at least 25 people and injured about another 30 each day since Ramadan began at sunset on May 5. This year, the holy period is expected to last through sundown on June 4.

    Breitbart News’ count this week covers the 14 days of May 6 through May 19.

    The tally includes a total of 768 casualties (364 deaths, 404 injuries) in 14 countries: Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Kenya, Somalia, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria.

    Afghan Taliban narco-jihadis surpassed their Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) rivals as the world’s chief perpetrators of terrorist attacks during Ramadan this year, with 29 attacks that killed 146 and wounded 156.

    ISIS closely trailed the Afghan Taliban with 23 assaults that resulted in 105 fatalities and 132 injuries.

    The Taliban is responsible for 40 percent of all fatalities while ISIS was behind an estimated 30 percent.

    Overall, the Taliban carried out nearly 40 percent (302) of all casualties, including injuries.

    Breitbart News found that, so far, Afghanistan (160 deaths, 189 injuries), Nigeria (50 deaths, 33 injuries) and Iraq (46 deaths, 54 injuries) are the bloodiest countries during the holy month.

    Jihadis and other Islamists encourage their followers and supporters to escalate attacks during the holy month, arguing that Allah exceptionally rewards martyrdom during Ramadan.

    The Afghan Taliban rejected a Ramadan ceasefire offer by the Afghan government this month. Instead, Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the narco-jihadi group, proclaimed, “As jihad is … the best part of worship, doing it on Ramadan is rewarded more than in other months.”

    The vast majority of Ramadan attack victims are Muslims in Africa and the Middle East.

    Breitbart News primarily gleans its data for its Ramadan death tally from the Religion of Peace website, but it also relies upon other databases as well as media and government reports.

    News outlets and officials may update some of the casualty figures as some of the wounded victims succumb to their injuries, potentially altering the count after Breitbart News publishes this report.

    Most Muslims follow the peaceful Ramadan tradition of abstaining from eating, drinking, smoking, having sex, and other physical needs each day, starting from before the break of dawn until sunset. Nevertheless, the number of attacks at the hands of jihadis tends to escalate during the month when compared to other times of the year.

    Breitbart News removed the May 11 attack in Pakistan by the ethnic separatist group Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) as experts disagree on whether the group is primarily jihadist or secular separatist in nature….”

    • “… Breitbart News has documented the following attacks during Ramadan:

      May 6 — North Waziristan, Pakistan — Suspected Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) jihadis kill four security forces, injure ten others.

      May 6 — Kirkuk, Iraq — Suspected ISIS kill three police officers, wound one other.

      May 6 — Takhar, Afghanistan — Taliban kills eight security force members.

      May 6 — Farah, Afghanistan — Taliban storms army checkpoint, killing 20, abducting two.

      May 7 — Borno, Nigeria — Boko Haram razes homes and businesses in Molai village, killing 11, including four soldiers, and wounding another 12.

      May 7 — Pendjari National Park, Benin — Unknown jihadis from neighboring Burkina Faso kidnap two French tourists across the border in Benin and kill their guide in the Pendjari National Park that straddles both countries.

      May 7 — Yatenga, Burkina Faso — Suspected al-Qaeda jihadis kill toll booth operator and wound two others in the provincial capital of Ouahigouya.

      May 7 — Laghman, Afghanistan — Taliban-linked bomb blast kills four police officers, including chief, and wounds four others.

      May 7 — Salahuddin, Iraq — Suspected ISIS terrorists attack police officer’s house in the village of Mazarei, killing three and wounding five others.

      May 8 — Nineveh, Iraq — Suspected ISIS jihadis kill five family members and wound two others inside their home in the Hammam al-Alil area south of Mosul.

      May 8 — Diyala, Iraq — Bomb attack linked to suspected ISIS terrorist wounds two members of the Baghdad-sanctioned Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).

      May 8 — Manbij, Syria — Suspected ISIS terrorists target the U.S.-backed and Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Aleppo province, killing two and injuring four others, including at least one child.

      May 8 — Manbij, Syria — Suspected ISIS bomb attack kills three civilians in Aleppo province, reportedly all children.

      May 8 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Taliban attacks U.S. aid group, killing nine, wounding 24 others.

      May 8 — Punjab, Pakistan — TTP attacks pilgrims at an 11th-century Sufi shrine in Lahore, killing at least 13, including at least one child, and injuring 21 others.

      May 8 — Ghazni, Afghanistan — Taliban ambushes military convoy in the Qarabagh district, killing three police officers and wounding two others.

      May 9 — Wajir, Kenya — Al-Qaeda’s East Africa affiliate al-Shabaab claims attack on security forces near the border with Somalia, killing at least one soldier.

      May 9 — Saladin, Iraq — Suspected ISIS jihadis target grain silo in the town of Shirqat, killing one guard.

      May 9 — Nineveh, Iraq — ISIS kills a family of eight in Mosul, including the couple and their six children.

      May 9 — Fezzan, Libya — Suspected ISIS jihadis kill two and kidnapped a third person from the town of Ghadduwah.

      May 9 — Baghdad, Iraq — ISIS suicide bomber kills eight, wounds 15 others as they broke their Ramadan fast at the Jamila market.

      May 10 — Mopti, Mali — Suspected al-Qaeda jihadis kill four civilians, wound two others at the market in the town of Bandiagara.

      May 10 — Badghis, Afghanistan — Taliban targets two outposts, killing 25 security personnel and wounding 11 others in Bala Murghab district.

      May 10 — Borno, Nigeria — ISIS West Africa kills 11 troops in the town of Gajiganna.

      May 10 — Bari, Somalia —Suspected ISIS wounds ten in a failed assassination attempt against a local judge in the port city of Bosaso.

      May 10 — Balkh, Afghanistan — Taliban attacks army outpost in Balkh District, killing one local police officer and wounding four soldiers and a police officer.

      May 11 — Borno, Nigeria — Boko Haram attacks the Moranti village near Maiduguri, leaving nine dead, at least one wounded, and four missings.

      May 11 — Baghdad, Iraq — Suspected ISIS-linked bomb blast kills one child, wounds two others in the Jisr Diyala neighborhood located in the southern part of the capital.

      May 11 — Nangarhar, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban terrorists kill deputy intelligence director for the Afghan National Police (ANP) in the Kama district.

      May 11 — Takhar, Afghanistan — Taliban kills four police officers and wounds five others in a security outpost in Khwaja Ghar District.

      May 11 — Sar-i-Pul , Afghanistan — Taliban kills one police officer in Sancharak District,

      May 11 — Nangarhar, Afghanistan — Taliban ambushes and kills a police officer as he drove home in the Kama District.

      May 11 — Samangan, Afghanistan — Taliban narco-jihadis kill three pro-Kabul militiamen in Khuram Ao Sarbagh district….”

    • “…May 11 — Samangan, Afghanistan — Taliban rocket attack kills five civilians, including women, and wounds ten others in Dara-i-Suf Payan district.

      May 12 — Mogadishu, Somalia —Al-Shabaab kills Turkish civil engineer.

      May 12 — Baghlan, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban jihadis kill province’s deputy intelligence director and injure an intelligence officer in the Dushi district.

      May 12 — Hama, Syria — Suspected former al-Qaeda affiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) fires a rocket into Christian-majority town of Suqaylabiyah, killing five, including four children and a woman, and injuring six other children.

      May 12 — Sanmatenga, Burkina Faso — Unknown jihadis attack Catholic church, set it ablaze, and kill six, including the priest.

      May 12 — Paktika, Afghanistan — Hundreds of Taliban jihadis storm outposts in the districts of Mata Khan and Zurmat, killing 13 police officers and wounding 19 others.

      May 12 — Wardak, Afghanistan — Taliban targets members of the Shiite Hazara community in the Hesa-e-Dowom-e-Behsod district, leaving 5 civilians dead, 12 others wounded, and five missings.

      May 13 — Baghlan, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban shoots teacher in Nahren district.

      May 13 — Borno, Nigeria — Improvised explosive device (IED) planted by Boko Haram on a road in Damboa district killed three Nigerian troops, including a commander, and wounded four others.

      May 13 — Nangarhar, Afghanistan — ISIS carries out three explosions in its main South Asia stronghold that rocked the provincial capital of Jalalabad, killing 9 and wounding more than 30 others.

      May 13 — Diyala, Iraq — ISIS kills father and son.

      May 13 — Balochistan, Pakistan — Pakistani Taliban, or TTP, targeted a police vehicle near a mosque with an improvised bomb rigged to a motorcycle, killing four and wounding 11 in the provincial capital of Quetta.

      May 13 — Hama, Syria — Al-Qaeda affiliate HTS, under siege by Syrian regime forces, suspected of firing more rockets into Christian-majority town of Suqaylabiyah, killing one child.

      May 13 — Yatenga, Burkina Faso — Unknown jihadis killed four Catholics, burned Virgin Mary during a procession in the town of Ouahigouya in the Muslim-majority nation.

      May 13 — Sar-i-Pul, Afghanistan — Taliban kills seven pro-Kabul militiamen, wounds six, and kidnaps three others in the provincial capital of Sar-i-Pul city.

      May 13 — Badakhshan, Afghanistan — Taliban kills four ANDSF troops, including commander, and wounds one other in Shahri Buzurg district.

      May 14 — Nayrab Camp, Syria — Suspected members of al-Qaeda affiliate HTS lobbed missiles into a Syrian-regime held camp for displaced people in Aleppo province, killing at least 6 and wounding at least 11 others, including children, as they broke their Ramadan fast.

      May 14 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Improvised explosive device (IED) attached to a vehicle killed a police officer in the Taliban birthplace and wounded another.

      May 14 — Baghlan, Afghanistan — Unknown terrorists attached IED to a vehicle, killing one civilian and wounding three others.

      May 14 — Jowzjan, Afghanistan — Taliban kills one pro-government militiaman and wounds six others in Qarqin district.

      May 14 — Tillaberi, Niger – ISIS kills 28 soldiers and wounds at least two near the Mali border.

      May 14 — Ghor, Afghanistan — Taliban kills shopkeeper in Dolina district.

      May 14 — Mogadishu, Somalia — Al-Shabaab suicide bomber kills four office workers and injures at least nine other civilians in the Warta Nabadda district.

      May 15 — Paktia, Afghanistan — Taliban kills ANDSF soldier and wounds two others.

      May 15 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Unknown terrorists in the Taliban birthplace of Kandahar province kill a police officer in charge of the provincial capital.

      May 15 — Kirkuk, Iraq — ISIS kills two policemen and wounds another in the town of al-Rashad.

      May 15 — Kirkuk, Iraq — ISIS kills four federal policemen near the town of Hawijah.

      May 16 — Zabul, Afghanistan — Taliban kills six Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) and wounds six others in attacks on two military checkpoints in Shamulzayi district.

      May 16 — Zabul, Afghanistan — Taliban kills three police officers, wounds two others in the provincial capital.

      May 16 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Unknown jihadis kill four members of the Public Protection Forces in the outskirts of the Afghan capital.

      May 16 — Adamawa, Nigeria — Boko Haram jihadis massacre five people, including farmers and fishermen, in the Madagali district.

      May 16 — Borno, Nigeria — Boko Haram terrorists massacre nine people, including farmers and fishermen, in the Maichulmuri village.

      May 16 — Lake Chad, Chad — Boko Haram kills 13 villagers in the village of Ceilia.

      May 16 — Manbij, Syria — Suspected ISIS jihadis carry out suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attack, kills one U.S.-backed Kurdish fighter and injuring ten civilians.

      May 17 — Diyala, Iraq — Suspected ISIS jihadis killed two civilians, including a teacher and an elderly man in the district of Khanaqin.

      May 18 — Fezzan, Libya — Suspected ISIS jihadis kill two guards and a soldier and kidnap four other people at the Zella oilfield.

      May 18 — Herat, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban kills five children, wounds 20 other civilians in the main the market of Obe district.

      May 18 — Takhar, Afghanistan — Taliban kills nine militiamen and wounds seven in Rustaq district.

      May 18 — Helmand, Afghanistan — Taliban roadside bomb kills two police officers and injures two others in Washer district.

      May 18 — Borno, Nigeria — Boko Haram attacks refugee camp, killing two people and injuring 12 others.

      May 19 — Giza, Egypt — Suspected ISIS jihadis target a tourist bus with a bomb, injuring 17.

      May 19 — Diyala, Iraq — Suspected ISIS terrorists, kill seven Baghdad-sanctioned PMF troops and injures 26 others.

      May 19 — Timbuktu, Mali — Suspected jihadis kill one United Nations peacekeeper soldier and wound six others.”

    • Afghan Taliban narco-jihadis surpassed their Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) rivals as the world’s chief perpetrators of terrorist attacks during Ramadan this year, with 29 attacks that killed 146 and wounded 156.

      ISIS closely trailed the Afghan Taliban with 23 assaults that resulted in 105 fatalities and 132 injuries.

      The Taliban is responsible for 40 percent of all fatalities while ISIS was behind an estimated 30 percent.

      [cue track announcer voice]

      As they pass the third pole and head for the wire this one is neck and neck. In the lead is Narco-Jihadi. Narco-Jihadi is still leading by a quarter length. That’s Narco-Jihadi by a quarter length.

      Nosing up in a bold move against the rail is Islamic State, coming out of the mob after the second pole and putting some mustard on it is Islamic State, Islamic State heading down to the finish line with Narco-Jihadi.

      Trailing behind in the pack is Drone Magnet, then Insane Caliphate Clown Posse, Paleostinian Ingrate, and Uighur. And Uighur … bringing up the rear. Uighur seems knackered, punters, and looks about to hit the Chinese wall.

      But wait! In a bold run for the roses, it’s Navy Seal coming in off the outside fence and, What’s that? Whoa! Navy Seal’s got an MP5 and he’s drawing a bead on Islamic State. No, wait a second, he’s aiming for Narco-Jihadi. It’s Navy Seal closing in on Islamic State and coming up fast after Narco-Jihad.

      It’s starting to look like a three-way rodeo fuck (look it up) at the finish line and … hold on! Navy Seal just blew Islamic State out of the stirrups to go nose and nose with Narco-Jihadi. It’s Narco-Jihadi. It’s navy Seal!

      Wait a tick, there’s a cloud of smoke on the turf now. There’s a flashbang! Those look like some secondaries cooking off of Narco-Jihad. There goes Narco-Jihadi’s handicap weights… No, wait a moment, why … those are bags of white powder and Navy Seal is repacking them straight up Narco-Jihadi’s ass!

      Well, this is an unexpected turn of events at Ascot and the photo finish judges have made a decision in favor of Navy Seal as nobody else seems all too eager about getting anywhere near the wire and …

      It’s Navy Seal in the winner’s circle! And there’s the Champagne popping … no, it looks like Navy Seal just capped that dodgy Islamic circuit judge.

      So there you are, another fine race with unexpected results but the happiest of endings. Not too many are lining up at the windows and some turbaned ruffians are raising a fuss over at the judges’ box but Navy Seal’s giving them the stinkeye and they’re going all quiet.

      Thank you and goodnight from the Queen’s Cup here at Ascot. And if you’re interesting and would like to appear on the show, write your name and address on your telephone number and send it to this address, care of Seventeen Rupee Building West 12. Stay tuned next week when we have a bumper edition featuring a man who can swallow furniture, a maggot who is a First Class Shot, and a politician in a glass of water.

      [/track announcer voice]

  21. ESPN president realizes perhaps too late that sports and social justice don’t mix
    By Rusty Weiss May 23, 2019

    In November 2018, Disney, which owns ESPN, reported that the sports network had lost another two million subscribers, making a total decline of 14 million subscribers since 2011.

    So was the problem that sports fans had all taken up knitting instead of tuning in for the latest commentary on their teams? Nope. It was, among other things, the network’s decision to stop airing the national anthem on “Monday Night Football” and comparing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones to a slaveholder.

    Recognizing, perhaps too late that sports and social justice don’t mix, ESPN President Jimmy Pitaro admitted in a Los Angeles Times profile this weekend that the hurt the network had been experiencing was the result of its largely left-leaning political sermons. “Without question our data tells us our fans do not want us to cover politics,” Pitaro confessed. “My job is to provide clarity. I really believe that some of our talent was confused on what was expected of them.”

    In other words, shut up and analyze the dribbling.

    • CNN – Juncker lashes out at ‘stupid nationalists’ on eve of European elections

      […]“These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries,” Juncker told CNN in his Brussels office.

      […]When asked why he thought that anti-EU forces were more successful in mobilizing their base than pro-Europeans, Juncker replied: “It’s always easier to mobilize negative forces than to mobilize positive forces.”

      […]”Since Brexit … the number of those in favor of the European Union is increasing because people are watching what is happening and they are seeing that leaving the European Union is not as easy as they were told.”

      […] ( he ) now wants to see the Brexit process come to an end: “We have to stop this process because it’s harming the general atmosphere in Europe. It’s harming growth perspectives worldwide.”

      […]Juncker said he believed that the best way to bring the Brexit process to an end was not a second referendum, but for Britain to agree to the Brexit deal that Prime Minister Theresa May has agreed with the EU.

      “I would like to say yes to a second referendum, but the result might not be any different. We are observers in a British stadium — it’s up for them to decide,”

    • This devil is poisoning the air waves. Normalizing hatred for non-communist kafirs. Every time she speaks – in the U.S. Congress!! – she diminishes us. U.S.

      – Free Speech über alles?
      – Sorry, I’m a fascist.
      Enforce the McCarren-Walter Act that excludes such aliens for un-American activism.

      Then come back to me on the free-speech thing.

    • Dr. Ben Carson replies to this devil:
      “I know what it’s like to actually be sleepy, especially after 18-hour surgeries and operating on babies in the womb. I hope @IlhanMN knows I care about all people, even those she doesn’t recognize as having a right to life.”

  22. the guardian – Can Yanis Varoufakis save Europe?

    The Greek economist is back battling the EU establishment, this time at the helm of a new movement, DiEM25.

    Backed by Pamela Anderson and the world’s most famous cyborg, he is fighting ultra-right populism with a radical agenda he thinks can restore people’s lost faith in democracy.

    As the European parliamentary elections approach, is anyone listening? Phoebe Greenwood finds out

  23. Mass Koran reading in Malaysia marks sacred date

    Dressed in robes and chanting in Arabic, scores of Malaysian Muslim children read the Koran out loud in a mosque to mark Nuzul Quran, an Islamic holiday.

  24. Why Is War Off the Table in the Conflict with Iran?
    Inaction is as risky as action, and frequently riskier.
    May 23, 2019
    Bruce Thornton

    The Washington Free Beacon’s Matthew Continetti reminds us of how the Obama administration sold the Iran Nuclear Deal. In 2016, Obama’s ex national security advisor Ben Rhodes told the New York Times Magazine how the administration “created an echo chamber” in the media in order to sell the terminally flawed Iran Nuclear Deal to reporters who, Rhodes said correctly, “literally know nothing.” The center-piece of Obama’s narrative was an either-or fallacy: sign the deal with Iran, or go to war.

    The strategy worked, which may be why in the current crisis we’re seeing it again. Now, however, the media are taking their direction from Iran. A few days ago an advisor to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (pictured above), the alleged “reformer,” tweeted, “You [Trump] wanted a better deal with Iran. Looks like you are going to get a war instead. That’s what happens when you listen to the mustache.” The “mustache,” of course, is National Security Advisor John Bolton, whom the Dems and their media flunkeys have tarred as a “war-monger” leading the cognitively impaired president into war. As Continetti shows, the media have dutifully followed the Iranians’ propaganda: “Their goal is saving President Obama’s nuclear deal by manipulating Trump into firing Bolton and extending a lifeline to the regime.”

    While correcting the old “deal or war” fallacy, however, other commentators seemingly take war off the table, while accepting the need for military action that retaliates or deters. These responses are what, so far, the Trump team is threatening rather than war, contrary to the media shills. But these two important tools for dealing with adversaries and enemies are effective only insofar as the threat of war is credible. If an enemy thinks war is not in the cards, he can continue his aggression, absorbing the occasional military strike or economic sanctions, and buying time in which he continues to escalate his aggression, secure in his assumption that he will not face significant or existential damage.

  25. Muslim Calls to Ban Dogs in EU Cities Indicate Colonisation of West, Author Says (sputniknews, May 23, 2019)

    “According to a report by The Stream’s John Zmirak, as Muslims are increasingly moving to traditionally non-Islamic countries, there have been calls to bring and entrench at least some of their cultural norms, including their aversion to dogs.

    ‘Weird Anomaly’ as ‘Sign of the Times’
    In one of his latest reports, John Zmirak, a social and business writer, as well as a senior editor at The Stream, has cited a number of flyers that were circulated in Hoffman Park in Vancouver, asking dog owners to keep their “filthy” pets on leashes due to “Many Muslims living in the area”.

    “Please keep your dogs on a leash and away from the Muslims who live in this community”, CTV Vancouver quoted the flyers as reading back in 2017. Mayor John Becker then notably came up with a vague reaction: while arguing that the notices had not been produced by the city, he said that there were “current bylaws in place that enforce areas for dogs to be on leash, except in designated off-leash areas”.

    Zmirak went still further, citing another “weird, hyper-polite anomaly”, as Muslim politicians in the Netherlands, which has also seen a vast influx of immigrants over the past few years, had attempted to ban dogs from The Hague, the third biggest city in the country. In Spain, the author went on, local politicians managed to reject such a ban; however, by a twist of fate, a dog-poisoning spree followed closely.

    In Britain, meanwhile, the situation is not much different, and perhaps even more glaring as Zmirak cited an earlier report by the Gatestone Institute that branded the UK as “ground zero” for Europe’s canine controversies, as blind passengers “are being ordered off buses or refused taxi rides because Muslim drivers or passengers object to their ‘unclean’ guide dogs”.

    The author called out the controversies as a suggestive “sign of the times”, with the notices in “the Canadian dog park” telling the public much of “what we’d rather not think about”. “That kind of sign notifies you when your country has been colonised”, Zmirak stated resolutely, going on to draw parallels between native Europeans and Native Americans, the way the latter felt when their chiefs ordered them to stay out of a traditional “hunting area”.

    “The English or Spanish now claimed it. Or when Europeans fenced in the open fields. Or cut down a forest. And natives’ chiefs warned them solemnly not to go on the warpath. They didn’t have the strength. It was too late for that, too late”, Zmirak noted.

    He argued that in a number of European cities, it is already the case, as there are unspoken and even openly “no-go” Muslim areas in Paris or Brussels, with police being “afraid to venture” there. He also brought up popular British right-winger and Islam-critic Tommy Robinson who happened to learn recently, while on his campaign trail, that the city of Oldham is currently a no-go zone, too.

    “In weeks before, left-wing protestors started dumping milkshakes over Robinson and other right-wing figures (the latest: Nigel Farage)”, he stated, mentioning the fact the liberal media had treated the assaults as comical, rushing to “essentially blame the victims”.

    Meanwhile, in the US, the state of affairs in the field is pretty much the same.

    Like in Britain, there have been multiple reported cases of blind travellers being refused rides by Muslim taxi drivers. According to a PJ Media article, over 75% of the Minneapolis Airport taxi drivers are Somali and many of them have refused service to fares with dogs. “When forced to do so, some of them simply quit”, the report stated.

    When in Rome…?
    Moving on to conclusions, John Zmirak brought up again the European colonisation of North America, arguing that European settlers didn’t seek to assimilate to the ways of Native Americans. “The parallels with mass Muslim immigration into Europe are grimly obvious”, he asserted, adding that to some extent, the “eerie parallels” apply as well to “mass, illegal Latin American” migration into the US.

    It appears there are more questions than answers to the European and American migration issue:

    “Is what we’re seeing in Europe a mass colonisation by cohesive, intolerant Muslims? Is the US enduring a mass colonisation (against its will and its laws) by people whose culture is starkly different from our tolerant Anglo-American heritage?” Zmirak wondered, leaving his piece thought-provokingly open-ended.”

  26. Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorist Zakir Musa Killed in Kashmir Gunfight -Report (sputniknews, May 23, 2019)

    “The gunfight broke out when Zakir Musa – a local terrorist popular in the Kashmir valley – opened fire after the security forces approached the house where he was hiding. Since the Pulwama attack, around 90 terrorists have been killed in gun-battles with Indian security forces in Kashmir.

    New Delhi (Sputnik) — A most wanted Al-Qaeda terrorist was killed following a fierce gunfight with security forces in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, a media report said. The terrorist was Zakir Musa, the commander of the group Ansar Ghazwat ul-Hindi, which is affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

    The encounter occurred in a village in the state’s Pulwama district.

    Musa, said to be the successor of terrorist Burhan Wani, who was killed in 2016, was trapped by a joint team of the Indian Army, Jammu and Kashmir Police, and the Central Reserve Security Force (CRPF) following intelligence inputs received in the evening…”

  27. EXCLUSIVE LIST: Four Different Fraudulent Steele Dossiers Were Circulated AT LEAST 20 DIFFERENT TIMES

    The Steele dossier without a doubt was a fraud. The fact that at least four versions of the dossier being passed around provides additional proof that the entire dossier was made up.

    Yesterday Congressman Devin Nunes was on Hannity and he explained that the entire Steele dossier was made up. He said –

    Well I know this much about Christopher Steele and his dossier. I’ve read plenty of intelligence reports. I’ve met with plenty of British officials that are in intelligence, not only in the UK, but here and abroad. They’ve been very valuable allies to us. They’re not idiots Sean.

    There is no possible way that British intelligence folks who read the Christopher Steele dossier and didn’t just laugh. OK so, I actually believe that Mueller knows that the Mueller dossier team knew that the Brits actually did give us some warning. So but we can’t get that information. I think there are things that Mueller knew about. I think the Brits probably did raise their concerns about Steele’s credibility to the new administration….He [Mueller] knew the day he walked in the door that there was no evidence of collusion.,%202019%20at%2011:06:06%20AM

    video at site

  28. Ep. 986 These Two Are Going To Eat Each Other Alive. The Dan Bongino Show 5/23/2019.

  29. Nolte: CBS News Encourages Physical Assaults Against Political Right

    With its embrace of the left’s milkshake assaults on politicians, CBS News has joined CNN’s campaign to encourage violence against the political right.

    Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was just the latest right-leaning politician attacked with a milkshake over the weekend, and as my colleague James Delingpole points out, there is nothing funny or harmless about these assaults.

    “Once you start suggesting that physical assaults of any kind are acceptable then you are legitimising violence. And violence has a nasty habit of escalating,” Delingpole writes, and that is exactly correct. The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose, and hurling a milkshake at someone is a physical assault. Period.

  30. Russian Elites and Why They Matter

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Mainstream analysis of Russian foreign policy decision-making often neglects to factor in the influence of the Russian elites. Despite the inclination of the current Russian government to centralize, elite groups continue to exert considerable influence. Their support for the government is crucial for Vladimir Putin, and their disenchantment with him would be fatal to his rule.

    Russia might be economically weak, but it is nevertheless one of the world’s major geopolitical players. To varying degrees, almost every Eurasian state’s foreign policy depends on what happens in, and to, Russia.

    Problems in the Russian economy might be causing reverberations in neighboring and geopolitically weak states of the former Soviet space, but this is not a long-term problem. What should concern us more fundamentally are internal developments within the Russian ruling class, changes in the government, struggles among powerful groupings, and relations between the civil and military branches.

    In other words, we need to pay closer attention to the elites that govern the country and therefore control its foreign policy. Russia’s internal situation often has a bearing on foreign policy, a dynamic we would be wise to heed.

  31. europravda – Why some of the most famous universities in the world are setting up bases in Dubai

    The UAE has the highest concentration of university branch campuses in the world and most are in Dubai.

    With a 2 billion euro revenue from annual tuition fees, the education sector in the city is big business.

  32. Emir of Qatar Hosts Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi, Other Dignitaries at Ramadan Iftar Banquet

    On May 13, 2019, Qatar TV aired a report about a banquet held by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani.

    The banquet was in honor of the month of Ramadan and was attended by many dignitaries and Islamic scholars, including Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi.

  33. Fatah Central Committee Member: The Whole World Suffers because of Crazy, Stupid Trump

    A pro-Maduro protest was held in Ramallah outside the Venezuelan representative office. The protestors chanted: “Oh Hugo Chavez, oh martyr… We will not relinquish your goals… America, you are terrorism… To the dustbin with your Deal of the Century… Trample on those who normalize [relations with Israel] and on the spies.”

    Fatah Central Committee member Jamal Muhaisen, who was present, conveyed a “message of solidarity” to the “brotherly” people of Venezuela.

    He said that he is convinced that the people and the army of Venezuela will rally around President Maduro and successfully thwart the American “plot” that is trying to “bring the world to its knees.”

    Muhaisen also said that the world is suffering because of the “stupid and crazy” President Trump.

    He saluted Maduro, the Venezuelan army, and the people of Venezuela and added that the Palestinian people pledge to “bring down” the Deal of the Century.

    The video of the protest was uploaded to the Internet on May 21, 2019.

  34. Palestinians: The New Hamas List of ‘Traitors’

    by Khaled Abu Toameh
    May 23, 2019 at 5:00 am

    The Palestinian Hamas movement that rules the Gaza Strip has never tolerated any form of criticism. It does not accept any criticism from Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip. It does not accept any criticism from its rivals in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its ruling Fatah faction. It certainly does not accept any criticism from Israel or the United States.

    Now, Hamas is saying that it does not tolerate any criticism from Arabs. Hamas claims that Palestinian Authority and Fatah leaders who dare to speak out against it are “traitors” and “collaborators” working with the “Zionist enemy.”

    Arab media personalities who recently criticized Hamas and its allies in the Gaza Strip have now been placed on its list of “traitors” and “collaborators.”

    Recently, some Arabs, particularly in the Gulf states, Lebanon and Egypt, have spoken out publicly against Hamas and held it responsible for the continued suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. These Arabs, in other words, have dared to speak the truth about Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two major forces in the Gaza Strip.

  35. BREITBART – Senate Moves Bill Forward to Urge Sanctioning China for Muslim Concentration Camps

    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a bill Tuesday that, if enacted, would call for sanctions on the Chinese government and select individuals over the mass imprisonment of potentially millions of Muslims in concentration camps in eastern Xinjiang province.

    […]The Senate Foreign Relations Committee introduced a bill to address the situation in November and passed it, to be voted on by the full Senate, on Wednesday. Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced the bill. It received widespread bipartisan support from some of the more hardline members of both parties, according to a press release from Sen. Rubio’s office. Among the sponsors are Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

    […]“Today we are all Uyghurs, and China’s horrific and systematic abuse of its Uyghur minority is an affront to all people who value the principles of universal human rights, and Beijing’s imposition of systemic mass surveillance in Xinjiang should send a chill down the spine of every person who values humanity, human life, and ethnic, religious and cultural freedom,” Sen. Menendez said in a statement.

    […]The bill urges President Donald Trump to “condemn abuses against Turkic Muslims by Chinese authorities in Xinjiang and call on Chinese President Xi Jinping to recognize the profound abuse and likely lasting damage of China’s current policies, and immediately close the ‘political reeducation’ camps.”

    […]The most recent reports on the matter estimate that China has built as many as 1,200 concentration camps for Muslims. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Randall Schriver told reporters this month

    […]The World Uighur Congress, an advocacy group, revealed this week that Chinese police are using the opportunity of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan to repress Uighur Muslims, threatening them if they do not eat pork, a haram food, when they are supposed to be fasting. Public fasting during Ramadan has long been frowned upon and banned in Urumqi, the Xinjiang capital.

    + comments on the page

  36. Iran: Planning to Kidnap and Kill More Americans

    by Majid Rafizadeh
    May 23, 2019 at 4:00 am

    While plans were being concocted to harm or murder Americans, it is mind-boggling that people — even entire governments — were criticizing the Trump administration for preparing preemptive measures against multiple credible threats from the Iranian government and its forces.

    While people were squabbling over the choices the Trump administration was making, the Iranian leaders, known to have mastered conducting asymmetric warfare, were giving directives to kidnap and kill American soldiers.

    A leading Republican lawmaker, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), also the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has pointed out that recent intelligence obtained about Iran’s threat was extremely detailed.

    “To the extent I can discuss it, it was human intelligence,” he said, and added that, “One of the Hezbollah cells is known for its kidnapping and killing operations, and their directive was to go in and kill and kidnap American soldiers.”

    According to leaked reports, Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Force, the elite branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that is mandated to advance Iran’s revolutionary and political interests in foreign nations, recently traveled to Iraq and met with the leaders of Iraqi militia groups that the Iranian regime controls.

    Richard: This report explains a lot, PTrump is informing the Iranians that attacking our people using surrogates is going to end with their people pay a price that no even the myrter happy jihadists want to pay. The fly in this ointment is that the Dems and others are busy screaming that war has to be taken off the table and the Iranians may decide that the idiots have enough power to prevent a massive attack on their personal and assets.

    • Propaganda nozzles for “Death to America”. Here’s your collusion case.

      Dems tied to Obama’s pro-Iran ‘Echo Chamber’ spread terror regime’s anti-Trump talking points

      A cadre of former top Obama administration figures and their allies in Congress have been working to amplify anti-Trump talking points issued by a senior Iranian regime official in what sources have described as an effort by Obama’s pro-Iran echo chamber to drive a wedge between President Donald Trump and his national security team.…

      Just days after Zarif labeled Bolton and other top Trump national security officials as the “B Team,” former top Obama aides Ben Rhodes and Colin Kahl repeated this rhetoric online in a series of postings bashing Trump. Rhodes and Kahl are most well known as the creators of a pro-Iran “echo chamber” that was used to mislead Congress and the American public about the terms of the landmark nuclear deal, which Trump abandoned last year.…

      The direct line between Tehran and top Democrats spilled further into public view last week when photographs from the cellphone of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D., Calif.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, showed that she had been in contact with Zarif, a primary architect of the nuclear accord. Photographs of Feinstein’s phone showed a contact page with Zarif’s information, prompting her office to rebuff requests for explanation.…

      “It gives new meaning to the phrase ‘Iran echo chamber’ – these Democratic operatives and members are truly echoing Iranian propaganda at the possible expense of American lives…”

      “What is happening to the Democratic Party when its leaders will side with terrorists over their own country? The new scandal everyone should be talking about is the Iran Collusion Scandal – because that’s what’s happening.”

      Maybe ChiSpy-DiFi’s looking for another driver.

  37. Spygate: Obama Admin Cut Situation Room’s Video Feed During Meetings on Russia Investigation
    By Pamela Geller – on May 22, 2019

    They knew they were breaking the law.

    One commenter wrote:

    While the criminal conspiracy originated with Obama and includes the heads of those three letter agencies (TLAs), the very fact that it happened at all is horrifying.

    The level of corruption and criminality they had to reach to think they could get away with lawbreaking on that scale is staggering. Obama may have started the coup conspiracy, yet the fact that the heads of all those “intelligence” agencies were willing and eager to spy on US citizens based on false justifications (Hillary’s opposition research) is beyond belief.

    Each and every one of the coup conspirators and their enablers (including all underlings who knew or should have known they were breaking the law and did it anyway) should be put away and the key destroyed. That especially includes former president Obama.

    Obamagate is nearly justifiable grounds for de-funding and eliminating those agencies as irredeemably corrupt and dangerous to the Republic.

    Spygate: Obama Admin Cut Situation Room’s Video Feed During Meetings on Russia Investigation

    By: Aaron Klein, Breibart, May 22, 2019:
    Comments made by Attorney General William Barr about extraordinary arrangements regarding the original handling of the Russia investigation may take on more significance in light of a previous report showing a high and unusual degree of compartmentalization in the Obama-era intelligence community’s initial intel set up of the Russia probe.

    In an interview with Fox News that aired Friday, Barr commented that the intelligence community’s early handling of the Russia investigation may raise questions. He noted it was first handled at a “very senior level” and then by a “small group.”

    Barr stated: