Dr. Bill Warner responds to US congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

9 Replies to “Dr. Bill Warner responds to US congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib”

  1. According to Islamic thinking if you were to have a conflict with a Muslim and you were to call the police and a Muslim officer was to show up, that Muslim officer would spend the rest of eternity in hellfire if he was to take your side over the Muslim you are having the conflict with. Accordingly, there is no way in hell a Muslim could fulfill the duties of a police officer and still be a practicing Muslim. The same principle applies to a thousand other situations from political office to any of a number of government jobs.

    The fact is that Muslims are commanded to be unfair to Infidels and to favor Muslims and their religion makes it impossible for them to live with non-Muslims without abusing them and treating them unfairly. There is absolutely no way around it. Islam is not compatible with any non-Muslim society…

    • Accordingly, there is no way in hell a Muslim could fulfill the duties of a police officer and still be a practicing Muslim.

      Precisely. Full stop.

      The irreconcilable nature of this immiscible incompatibility goes all the way down to bedrock. As in:

      No Muslim can swear an Oath of Citizenship without using taqiyya to preserve their own self from being executed for blasphemy.

      This represents a permanent and irrevocable loss of trustworthiness that simply cannot be compensated for (in any way, shape or form). So long as Islam exists upon the face of this earth, the more continued opportunities that Muslims will have to rip scabs off the wounds from these Atrocities.

      There is no way on Earth to escape the disastrous implications of this one fundamental equation.

    • Not to mention, Chris, that allowing them to be sworn-in to any official position by swearing on the Koran, with us unaware that it is nowhere near equivalent to the Bible, in fact granting them a technically legal out whereupon they can claim we made them declare allegience to Sharia above all else, is absurd.

  2. This is why violence and civil war is coming to all western nations, while there are some people who will surrender there are many who will fight. There is a high probability that there are enough who will fight in all nations that they can win and regain control of their nations.

  3. What crap
    I can never run any video on your website anymore
    Then I go in bit and it’s as slow as dead

    • I am sorry. Youtube killed my channel. The only thing I can do is go to a distributed platform. I will try and remember to always add the direct link. A lot of people who cannot see the videos embedded on the site, find if they go to the direct link it works for them.

      Please try that and I will try and remember to always add the link.

      Also try another browser. I like brave but you have to remember to turn the shield off for bit.tube and vladtepesblog.com

      Also try Safari and Chrome.

      The videos run for me on all three, but I did disable the shields on brave and add a bit.tube extension on Chrome.

    • Try Palemoon (or if you still use XP, NewMoon which is current Palemoon compiled for XP) — then Bit.tube video works great.

      Does not work in SeaMonkey or Borealis (current Firefox with SeaMonkey interface).

  4. Would it apply to Muslim doctors and First Responders if they were in a position to do harm to a Jewish patient anf=d get away with it?

    • Remember the Muslima who said she was waiting for the chance to give the wrong medicine to Jews.