About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

6 Replies to “A couple of SUN TV clips for Sept. 25 2014”


    I tend to be long winded, a tedious, pardon, just “one” of the many tedious facets of my personality and character.

    I thought perhaps I would post some food for thought in the form of a small rambling essay I wrote in the shadow of the mass murder at Fort Hood, Texas by a devout Muslim on November 5, 2009.

    Its hard to believe that in a few short weeks, five long years will have passed since the religion of peace and the love of Muhammad butchered 13 men and women including an unborn child.

    As I have said before, since 9-11 I have steadfastly maintained one position on both the Muslim and its Islam but so too the solution for the misery and losses we face daily as a result of our close proximity to this poisonous pair.

    So, in reading my ramble, remember, it was written 5 years ago.

    And please, be kind, as I am a lifelong iconoclast I have little respect for the icons of trivial literary pursuits such as punctuation, grammar and syntax…….mea culpa……mea culpa.


    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown Bastard
    Alberta, Canada


    Of Muslims, Murder and Ingratitude

    Nidal Malik Hasan was an American citizen. Nidal Malik Hasan was an officer in the American Armed Forces and had sworn an oath of allegiance to uphold the laws of the United States of America, to protect the constitution of the same and to protect her against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Nidal Malik Hasan was a psychiatrist, a member of the medical community and had sworn a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.

    On the fifth day of November , 2009 Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim, armed himself with handguns and, walking into an American military soldier readiness center at Fort Hood, Texas, screamed “Allahu Akbar” several times and then murdered 13 men, women and an unborn child. On this day Nidal Malik Hasan revealed for all the true face of a muslim. On this day Nidal Malik Hasan revealed the true face of Islam.

    Nidal Malik Hasan was oppressive, threatening, duplicitous, treasonous, violent and a cold blooded murderer. Nidal Malik Hasan is the physical manifestation of the seething hatred Muslims have for the Western world. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim of Palestinian descent, simply put into motion what he was commanded to do by his god Allah. Nidal Malik Hasan followed, to the letter, the teachings and instructions of the imam of the mosque he attended. Nidal Malik Hasan is a mirror image of Muslims in Canada and the United States of America. Nidal Malik Hasan is just the beginning.

    Fort Hood is by no means an isolated incident. The Beltway Sniper, John Muhammad, a Muslim and a member of the American Muslim organization Nation of Islam, embarked on a killing spree of non-Muslims in 2002. In the Washington, DC area over 10 people were murdered, shot to death assassination style by Muhammad. His actions were celebrated by Muslims around the globe and endorsed by the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farakhan.

    The 15 of the 19 hijackers responsible for the events of 9-11 were Saudi Arabian and all 19 were Muslims. These men made their homes in the USA. They were funded by Saudi Arabia and spent years training to be pilots at flight schools in the United States. Upon completion of their training they committed the mass murder of over 3000 Americans in New York City.

    On a less spectacular level other facets of Muslims can be seen revealing the familiar warmth Islam brings to a home ruled by the same. Muzzammil Hassan, a Muslim, founded a television station in Buffalo, NY to put a coat of polish on the “kinder gentler” side of Islam, to smooth relations between Westerners and Muslims. However, true to his faith as a Muslim, when Hassan was faced with divorce and a court order of protection filed by his wife Aasiya Hassan, he turned to the teachings of the Koran and Sharia law. Muzzammil Hassan brutally exacted revenge for the insult of being divorced by his wife; they found her body in her home, she had been beheaded.

    Farther afield, America’s neighbour to the north, Canada, is now showing the consequences of its association with Muslims and the cancer of Islam. The Toronto 18 is a group of Muslim youth who were hell bent on the destruction of Canada. Amongst their list of activities and targets were: the murder of as many non-Muslim Canadians as could be achieved, the bombing of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, the assassination of the Canadian Prime Minister and senior cabinet ministers, the bombing of Canadian National Defence Headquarters. This Muslim terrorist group, with the full and active support of mosques across Canada, spent months training in Northern Ontario for what they believed was the righteous murder (jihad) of as many Canadians as possible. While unloading bags of explosive component from the back of a truck members of the group were arrested. It has been confirmed they were only days away from the detonation of a truck bomb and the murder of hundreds of Canadians.

    The list of less spectacular Muslim activities in North America would fill a thousand pages. In Texas, Amina and Sarah Said (17 and 16 respectively) were murdered by their father Yasar Said for dating boyfriends. It was a classic honour killing. In Toronto, murderous irony abounds as Muhammad Parvez strangled his daughter Aqsa to death for not wearing the hijab with a hijab (head scarf). These killings are all done in the name of Islam and are not only directed as just and right by mullahs and imams across North America but are sanctioned as commandments from the Muslim holy book, the Koran.

    There can be no greater piece of evidence in the indictment of Muslims and Islam than the book they revere as the word of god, the Koran. The list of the commandments that Muslims follow closely as directed by the Koran includes but is not limited to beatings, imprisonment of women and children, amputations, stoning, hanging, beheading, firing squads, the mutilation of female family member genitals and the “honour” motivated murder of family members.

    Men of the Muslim faith revere the teachings and life example of their prophet Muhammad as the quintessential example of male perfection. So then it is no surprise that Muslim men have no qualms about the rape and molestation of children as their prophet Muhammad himself raped and molested a 9 year old girl, taking her as his “wife” at age 6 and then through a searing act of rape and pedophilia, “consummating” this marriage at age 9. All of this brutality and murder is in accordance with the Koran and Sharia Law. Were these heinous and barbaric ritualistic acts ancient history from a darker time hundreds of years ago they would be at least viewed as the inevitable consequences of darkness and pure murderous evil, in other words the physical manifestation of Islamic zealotry and fanaticism. But they are not ancient history, they are alive and well. This sickness, this black hearted, vile sexual perversion, this lust for blood and death, this maniacal fanaticism is an integral part of the modern Muslim’s life here in Canada, America and around the world. Still we do nothing.

    In Canada the Khadr family has made no secret of its hatred for all things Western and has openly declared war on North America, calling for its total annihilation. The Khadr father, a terrorist and confirmed close friend of Bin Laden, was killed in Pakistan. The daughter Zaynab Khadr, who attended terrorist training camps in Afghanistan, stands shoulder to shoulder with her mother, Maha Khadr, in espousing their fanatical loathing of all Canadians and openly calling for the mass murder of the same. Omar Khadr, a younger son, is currently being held in Guantanamo Bay Military Prison for the murder of an American soldier, Sgt. Speer. However, as with Nidal Hasan, the Khadr family wrap themselves in the cloak of citizenship of the very country which, as Muslims, they have sworn to destroy. Were this not such an ironic obscenity it would be laughable. Yet if nothing else it is testament to our own blindness to the murderous nature of Muslims and the teachings of Islam.

    Make no mistake, a war has been declared by Muslims in North America. It is a war waged by Muslims whose clearly stated goal is the total domination and subjection of all Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, agnostics and atheists in the Western world. However, it is not a war in the traditional sense but a war nonetheless with lethal and dire consequences. It is a war being conducted through, harassment, intimidation, guilt, infiltration, manipulation of fact, fear mongering, bold lies, sleight of hand, litigation, murder, assault and terrorism.

    It is a war whose Muslim allies are the Canadian and American governments, law enforcement agencies, media, judiciary, civil rights advocacy groups. Our constitutions and Charter of Rights and Freedoms are simply weapons in their arsenal. There is no beachhead in this war from which to repel the enemy. There are no clearly identified legions of uniformed troops to be fought. It is a war being planned in mosques across North America. It is a war whose combatants need not muster standing armies or logistical support units as this has been handed to them on a platter by the very men and women the Muslims seek to slaughter. It is the war of ten thousand cuts designed to bring western civilization to its knees and to this point it is succeeding.

    The duplicity and treason of Muslims in North America knows no bounds. Dozens of groups flourish in North America to further the agenda of Muslims in their war against us. These groups represent themselves as benign “friendship groups” designed to take the mystery out of Islam and bring Muslims and Westerners closer together. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. These groups express purpose is the raising of funds and the training of Muslims for terrorist activities on North American soil. The irony and injury lays in the fact that many of these groups receive public funding, in other words, we are paying for our own execution. C.A.I.R and C.A.I R Can (Council on American Islamic Relations) is a perfect example of treason on our own soil. CAIR is directly linked to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Some of the other groups include but are not limited to: The Nation of Islam, The Muslim Brotherhood, Canadian Islamic Congress, Muslims of America, Muslim Students Association of America, Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, and the Islamic Society of North America.

    The stated goal of Muslims in North America, to destroy and dominate Western culture, is no deep dark conspiratorial secret, it’s just that we have refused to listen. The Muslims in North America have screamed it in our faces, written it on placards, used it to launch frivolous, specious litigation clogging our courts, saturated the media with it, assaulted our culture with it, eroded our customs with it, threatened our wives and children with it, harassed our businesses with it, intimidated our politicians and law enforcement agencies with it, defiled our churches with it and as if all of this was not enough they have stopped talking and have begun to butcher us. Still we stand mute and meek with their mocking laughter ringing in our ears.

    Stunningly, when we have mustered the courage to defend ourselves we have turned to those who are charged with our protection and to our injury we have been ignored. Much of the support the Muslims have been able to muster in North America has come from the Canadian and American bureaucratic, political, legal and law enforcement infrastructure. Muslims commit acts of murder, incite violence and spew the most poisonous rhetoric with virtual impunity, hiding behind the Constitution and the Charter and the protections afforded by a democratic society. Should any Muslim be taken to task for such outrageous behaviour and criminality they simply file complaints with civil rights groups and commissions and then stand back and watch as decent people are vilified, stripped of their rights and utterly destroyed. Should the actions of Muslims be questioned with respect to propriety or criminality the Muslim mantra is recited; “intolerance, racist, Muslim-bashing, Muslimphobic, Islamophobic, Hate-crime”. All of this is designed to touch the nerves of the politically correct and deflect attention away from them. In most cases this tactic is a brilliant success.

    Mark Steyn wrote a book called “America Alone” which accurately reflects the Muslim agenda. “America Alone” not only the truthfully describes effects of Islam in Europe and the suffering of the Europeans at the hands of Muslims but details the coming holocaust here in North America. Portions of this book were printed in MacLeans Magazine. This came to the attention of a Muslim leader in Toronto, Mohamed Elmasry and he in turn filed a complaint with the BC Human Rights Commission. This complaint was followed up with a complaint made by Naiyer Habib, both men are members of the Canadian Islamic Congress. The process that resulted was scathing indeed when one realizes that these human rights tribunals act as a law unto themselves and, in fact, conduct themselves in direct opposition to and in utter contempt of the rule of law and commonsense. The Muslims in North America know this and stood back waiting for the sentence to be handed down. Yet in spite of this outrage we watch as our friends and neighbours are put beneath the boot heel of Islam and we say nothing. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

    Recently, in Windsor, Ontario, further intimidation of law enforcement officials by Muslims can be seen. Police officers were instructed to carry out arrest warrants issued by the RCMP and the FBI. The men to be arrested, Mohammad Al-Sahli and Yassir Ali Khan, are suspected terrorists with a long history of association with terrorist groups. The warrants were executed by members of police tactical teams. During the entry of the residence and subsequent arrest of the wanted men, female occupants of the residence were patted down for weapons. Considering the fact that these men were wanted on terrorist related charges the conduct of the officers was not only prudent but probably saved lives. This was met with howls of outrage from members of the Muslim community calling for investigations and the resignations of senior ranking police officials. Inexplicably, but much to the amusement of the Muslims, the senior police officer of the Windsor police department, Chief Gary Smith, in an act of cowardly boot licking, apologized profusely to the Muslim community.

    Subsequently, Chief Gary Smith ordered his officers to undergo intense “cultural sensitivity training”. Further, Chief Gary Smith has ordered that no Muslim women may be searched for any reason under any circumstances. This harassment and intimidation of Chief Gary Smith and his surprising acquiescence, stripped away the facade of Smith being a protector of Canadians and law abiding citizens and revealed him to be the coward he is, again, to the amusement of Muslims. However, of greater importance are the actions of Chief Gary Smith. Actions that have placed the lives of every one of his officers in grave danger as, no longer being able to properly search persons in a raid or arrest, they must guess or speculate as to the existence of weapons. It is not a matter of if an officer will be killed as a result of Chief Gary Smith’s lunacy but when.

    Our judiciary has been grossly negligent in addressing the murderous activities of Muslims in North America. Recently Canadian Federal Appeals Court Justice O’Reilly demanded that the Canadian government immediately seek the release of the terrorist Omar Khadr. O’Reilly reasoned that Canada had abandoned this Muslim killer and trampled his human rights. This decision which amounts to nothing more than judicial lunacy also dangerously borders on criminality. Justice O’Reilly finds offense in the collective ignorance of a Muslim criminal and heaps pity on the same. There is no offense to be found in treating a criminal like a criminal however there is offense to be found in a member of the court who would turn a murderer, an avowed hater of the West, loose on our streets and amongst our citizens. This is judicial activism that can be described as treasonous and an open threat to the safety of Canadians.

    Still more evidence of the corruption of Canadian judiciary can be found in the gross negligence of Ontario Superior Court Justice Bruce Durno. Justice Durno, in the face of overwhelming evidence, convicted members of the terrorist group, the Toronto 18. Yet his sentences amounted to an obscenity as they would allow most of these terrorists to walk free in just less than three years. This was virtually ignored by the Canadian government.

    Muslim terrorists can easily find allies within the Canadian legal community. Nathan Whitling, a lawyer with the law firm Parlee McLaws of Edmonton, Alberta, has been nothing less than exhaustive in his defence of the terrorist Omar Khadr. Remarkably, Nathan Whitling’s avocation of Khadr’s plight doesn’t stop with the courtroom, he actually provides advice and counseling to the members of Khadr’s immediate family who are devout members of Al Queda. Zaynab Khadr, Omar Khadrs sister, has repeatedly called for the wholesale murder of all non-Muslim Canadians and did in fact attend terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. Nathan Whitling has provided personal counseling to Zaynab, coaching her on keeping a low profile until her brother is released from prison. Nathan Whitling is now and will be responsible for setting Muslim murders loose on Canadian streets and he does this with virtual impunity. How remarkable that our destruction, the clearly stated objective of Muslims, is expedited through the spineless complicity of our law enforcement agencies, judiciary, politicians and bureaucrats.

    Clarity in these trying times is what is desperately needed. The time has come to recognize Islam for what it is; a political ideology. Let us strip away the robes of self righteousness and religion that Muslims wrap themselves in and recognize them for what they are; militant political activists.

    This is not about religious freedom this is about the advancement, at any cost, of the Muslim political agenda. This advancement comes in many forms but is most frequently couched in the shadow of religious expression. In reality religious expression plays no part in the daily activity of the Muslim activist and it begins with something as simple as clothing. The wearing of the hijab is an overt and militant political statement. The wearing of the burka is an overt and militant political statement. The garb of the Muslim women and men is designed to not only make a statement but it is designed to intimidate.

    Still further treachery and sleight of hand found couched as religious icons. Muslim mosques, recognizable with the crescent atop a dome or tower of a building, are not places of worship. Mosques are not places where herb tea is served and to the quiet strains of “Kumbaya My Lord”, occupants engage in quiet reflection on world peace and draw up blueprints for the betterment of Mankind.

    Quite simply, mosques are political gathering centers. Mosques are a political beachhead, a proverbial foot in the door. Mosques are centers where meetings are held and money is raised for the express purpose of funding terrorist activities here in North America and around the world. Mosques are places that harbour and provide safe haven to Muslim criminals and terrorists that are actively being pursued by law enforcement. Still further mockery made of the concept of “sanctuary” given by a “church” can be found in the role of a Mosque acting as an armory and ordnance cache. Mosques are centers where children are fed Muslim propaganda and a murderous hatred of Westerners is instilled. Mosques are not places of worship but rather centers where literature is circulated calling for the death of all Westerners and non-Muslims in a global jihad. A prime example of this type of literature can be found in Saudi Arabian publications given to Muslim children which describe Jews as “apes and pigs” and calls for their extermination. This alone proves the murderous and genocidal nature of Muslims.

    Conspicuous in their absence are the “moderate’ Muslims. These are the Muslims who claim to be simple men and women of peace, gentle folk who seek only those comforts and benefits of democracy. The “modern”, “moderate” Muslim is a myth. Evidence of the modern Muslims silent complicity with the “extremist” Muslim can be found in the refusal of the moderate, enlightened, modern Muslim to publicly, vigorously and unceasingly condemn the actions and agenda of the Muslims whose trade is misery and death. The reality is the “modern” Muslim is a myth, a vicious lie, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The modern Muslim is cut from the same bolt of cloth as the “modern German” of 1940 who noshed on bratwurst and steins of beer whilst mere feet away noisy cattle trains ferried millions of wretched souls to their deaths.

    As Canadians we have extended our hands of generosity, kindness and safe harbour to millions of immigrants from around the world. We have offered refuge from tyranny, murder, oppression, misery and from persecution. We have offered our guests an education, the freedom of democracy and a life of health, prosperity and peace. Muslims, amongst all Canadians and immigrants, are almost singular in their unmitigated audacity and outrageous ingratitude for that which has been given freely and at no cost to them. That freedom, that democratic privilege which was paid for with the blood of our forefathers is the same they now trample and spit upon. No longer can we tolerate the destruction of our nation. The time has come to show our Muslim guests to the door.

    The hour is at hand and time grows short. We have only to look to Europe and Britain to see the true face of Muslims and the ravages of Islam. Riots are commonplace, legislators are butchered in the streets, unveiled Dutch, German, French and Norwegian women are considered fair game and routinely raped and brutally beaten. Traditions relating to Christmas have been banned. Office workers have been beaten for having a piggy bank on their desks as pork and pigs offends Muslims. Police on criminal investigations are terrified to enter areas frequented by Muslims.

    Young Indonesian school girls have been set upon while walking to school by Muslims and for their faith alone were beheaded. On university grounds young Pakistani men are beaten to death by roving gangs of young Muslim enforcers sent forth do the murderous bidding of Muslim mullahs and imams. Muslim youth, instructed by these same imams and mullahs, run amok across Europe, roaming the streets starting riots and burning the businesses of non-Muslims to the ground.

    Sharia Law is now the law in many areas of these European countries. Many matters involving robbery, fraud, rape and assault have been deferred to Sharia courts. These matters usually involve a non Muslim complainant and as a result the charges are almost always dismissed by Sharia courts as the Koran sanctions and orders the criminal act itself against the non-Muslim. The political agenda of Muslims and Islam is to turn all of Europe into an Islamic state and they have succeeded. North America is next.

    You cannot blame Muslims for the persecution and cold blooded murder of all those who do not believe as they do, it is in their nature, it is what they are commanded to do by the Koran. That said, the responsibility and blame for the murder of those 13 persons in Fort Hood, Texas, amongst the hundreds of other acts of sedition and violence committed by Muslims in North America, rests squarely on our own shoulders. We have invited misery and death into our homes.

    Our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers crossed oceans to confront and defeat tyranny. They did not tremble nor did they hesitate, they stood with grit teeth and clenched fists and looked straight into the storm. They suffered greatly but gave Europe her freedom and returned victorious. Now our sons and daughters do the same in Afghanistan and as such the injuries I have described that we suffer daily at the hands of Muslims cut all the deeper.

    Our children are brought home, lifeless, feet first and having given everything they had. We stand on bridges over the Highway of Heroes and welcome them home. We wave Canadian flags and shout our thanks to the widows and orphans. We stand as these selfless men and women are lowered into the ground and weep.

    We weep for the loss of the families and we weep for the loss of our nation. We weep for the loss of our country’s children Young men and women who, better than any one of us who tolerates the injuries inflicted by the Muslims, knew there can be no quarter given to tyrants and murderers. We weep for the loss of men and women who knew that service to something or someone other than one’s self was service of worth, even if that meant the surrender of all they held dear. How then, in the light of such bravery, of such nobility, can we allow the Muslims in this country to continue unchecked in their campaign of destruction.

    In closing, I am reminded of the closing paragraph from a Scottish legend, “The Devils Advocate”. I trust these few lines will not be the requiem mass, the epitaph of Western civilization. I trust these will not be the words that ring in our children’s ears as they suffer the murderous brutality of Muslims and Islam. The choice is ours.

    “Evil is among us because we have invited that evil. We suffered much but we brought upon our own sufferings. The Devil would have had no power over us but we gave him that power. We became bondsman because we willed it; we are in despair because we brought despair to our neighbours. We died because we acquiesced in death. We were silent when we should have spoken in behalf of our brothers. For a moments security we looked away when our neighbour was robbed. In behalf of a false peace we postponed a war with evil when we should have not been moved from our places. At every step we compromised, when we knew there is no compromise with hell. If the Devil is guilty we are not guiltless. In his condemnation we are included. In a judgment against him we are also judged. May God have mercy on our souls.”

    In the end, to our own injury and soon to our eternal regret we will suffer greatly should we not face reality. We can dress it up, we can drape it in pearls, we can douse it in perfume and we can take it dancing, but when the band packs up and the sun rises, it rises on our new reality; Muslims despise us and they vigorously seek either our subjugation or our demise and as to which they’re not too particular.

    The time has come, nay is long overdue, we must rise and defend ourselves, our country and our culture.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown Bastard
    Alberta, Canada

    • And all of that pre-Caliphate, even pre- or early Obama.

      You linked to this 2005 Spiegel Online article back in the summer:


      Clare Lopez uses it in her presentation below, delivered in Australia, Sept 5 2014. Maybe worth a look at the schedule again. From Lopez’s slide:

      An Islamic Caliphate in 7 East Steps

      *1st Phase: 2000-2003 – “The Awakening”
      *2nd Phase: 2003-2006 – “Opening Eyes”
      *3rd Phase: 2007-2010 – “Arising and Standing Up”
      *4th Phase: 2010-2013 – collapse of hated Arab governments
      *5th Phase: 2013-2016 – declaration of the Caliphate
      *6th Phase – 2016 onwards – ‘total victory’
      *7th Phase – ‘Definitive Victory’ [by 2020]

      Lopez discusses US backing of al-Qaeda in Libya from around 36:00. “Christopher Stevens was America’s first envoy to al-Qaeda.” The content-rich talk itself is 90 minutes without the q&a.

    • @Don C

      Thank you, I’ll watch this tonight.

      I am trying to work out another essay on the argument to be made for deportation and the cautions taken in dealing with the elusive but deadly “Good Muslim”

      It may be awhile, it ties into modern psychology and General MacArthur….been rattling around in my head for a couple of years.

      Regards, Don Laird
      Dogtown Bastard
      Alberta, Canada

  2. The Jihad and terror on the West is simply because of Muslims we have allowed to come and live behind enemy lines.

    We have a couple of options.

    1. We attack Jihadis in their homeland.

    But that will lead to ever more terrorist attacks within the West by “disaffected” Muslims, as they see Muslims nations invaded. They will also claim, and many a time quite correctly, that women and children have been killed. This will lead to some general sympathy for their cause.

    Such a policy leads to increasing escalation, leading eventually to us taking such drastic action that it will sully our conscience for decades.

    2. Designate Islam as a threat of the same order as Nazism or communism.

    To stop continuous profiling, and complains that will arise as a consequence, bite the bullet.

    Follow this by enforcing an exchange of populations- Christians in Muslim countries for Muslims in the West.

    My view, long held, is that we need to have a separation from the islamic world. As a start one needs to take them at their own words and agree wholeheartedly that there is indeed a dar ul islam and a dar ul harb, and for the good of humanity, infidels and muslims alike, it is better to live apart in respective our respective worlds.

    Muslim nations, left to their own devices, unable to export their excess population, an ever deteriorating infrastructure, increasing poverty and diminishing military power, will have no alternative but to reform islam. And even if they do not, they will not be a menace to the safety and security of the rest of the world, for the simple reason that they will not have access to harvest infidel lives, or the ability do so.

  3. What we have to do is elect leaders who can and will explain that this war is not an elective war, it is a war of survival one we must win if we are to remain free. We have to fight this war as a total war and stop trying to nation build, our only objective should be crushing the enemy to the extent that it will be centuries before they raise their heads and start shouting jihad.

    If you want to know what I mean by total war read the histories about WWII, they will tell you what we have to do to ensure the survival of freedom and civilization.