About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

12 Replies to “Schools ban Halloween to avoid offending people who don’t celebrate Halloween”

  1. We have to remember that for over two generations now and maybe more, our teachers and persons in authority have gone through our ‘Left minded’ universities and colleges. These universities and colleges are of course full of ‘Left minded’, Marxists, Leninists, communists ‘brainiacs’. Their belief is well enshrined in our culture by now and the goal is to bring everyone down to a politically correct level of misery and poverty. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a fool.

  2. Careful of your assumptions here. My born-again neighbors did not celebrate halloween and made certain the local schools were made aware of their choice as well…hoping to have the classes her children attended would bend to avoid an uncomfortable situation for her children – successfully. That was during the early 1990’s. The Halloween festival became the harvest festival in 1994.
    These children were fair weather friends to my own . . .but it was quite the challenge given their children (when very young – under 6) actually searched for (satan’s)tails on my kids since they weren’t sharing the same faith.

    There are crazies in every faith that can impact social norms. Given that neighbors Bulgarian background, I often wonder how they feel with the tables turned on their family members with the influx of muhammedans inflicting their own brand of sensitivities.

  3. Vlad,
    when I was a child we we’ren’t allowed to go out and beg for sweets! This is a yank thing.
    It’s not british at all. You north amaericans may call me what you will, but we never begged for sweets. Beggining for sweets, really!

  4. Actually, I think there is a reverse (and covert) policy going on in Britain. Certain muslim enclaves have had publicly-funded “halloween festivals” in public parks. This has not been seen before in these areas in the preceding 20 years. It suggests that after 25 years of blabbing insincerely about multiculturalism, the authorities are now putting programmes in place to try to integrate muslims into traditional British festivities, such as Halloween (of course, only those festivities that have been denuded of any religious significance).

    It is a crazy sight, to see councils spending maybe $15,000 per park, in order to start putting on traditional festivals, when the native people totally abandoned an area, and the bearded mullahs are looking on in bemusement. Still, it makes a change from the previous years, when these parks were used to house 1,000 muslims (with women at the back) celebrating Eid, or to have “Islamic Relief” putting on festivals where anti-Israeli propaganda blared out, and collections were taken for the jihadist organisation “CagePrisoners”.

    This belated British attempt to acculturate a culture that refuses integration is, of course, doomed to failure.

  5. The mainstream culture is expected to destroy itself to avoid offending other cultures, they find noting wrong with offending the mainstream but want to protect the immigrants.

    Buck it is more blackmail then begging, you give them the treat so they don’t trick you, soap your windows or something else that is harmless. At least they are generally harmless these days, My father use to tell about sawing the seat in outhouses so the people fell into the slit trench, putting buggies or Model A’s on the school roof.

  6. Perhaps other people should also ban Islamic celebrations because it is offensive. I just wonder whether moslems find their own community childish behaviours or mass protest on the streets or islamic celebrations offensive? Islam is offensive and harmful, whereas, Halloween sounds fun and harmless.

  7. Why is it that the minority are ruling over the majority? when will people get the testicular fortitude to stand up and say “FUCK OFF”?
    I’m offended that animals get slaughtered by the hundreds iv’e complained to the powers that be yet nothing happens.
    I’m offended that i get told that I’m not allowed to fly the Australian flag and that its racist, once again nothing done.
    I’m offended that billions of taxpayers dollars are being spent on people that want nothing but too dominate their host country, nothing done

    But try and celebrate Xmas or Halloween and its deemed racist by the minority and its supported by the government purely by their silence.

  8. Here in Montreal, Hallowe’en is very popular. This year the only children who did not dress up at my school were jehovah’s witness. Even the muslim children dressed up as witches, superheroes and goblins. It was really an event yesterday afternoon. Adler and Sims are right. These people are joyless and jealous of happy people. We must fight against this ‘evil’, for that is what it is, and let them stew in their own juice’

  9. Will the government ban Eid celebrations, as the cruel and barbaric slaughter of animals is offensive to all civilized people?

    Thought not.

  10. DP111 you’ve got it right
    But what i would like to know why is that the brutal celebrations continue unabated throughout the world ie Tatbir (cutting one’s head including babies) eid slaughters (includes halal) and nobody bats a eyelid
    Meanwhile peaceful celebrations ie Xmas, Easter, Halloween get banned at schools just to please the minority and is not defended by anyone even by those yellow belied snakes in government who seem to be supporting the savages.
    What is going to be done about it? better still WHEN is something going to be done about it.