Security added to site.

Dear readers:

I have had hundreds if not thusands of ‘bots’ join this site as users, and recently had spam adds for pharmecuiticals appearing in the comments by way of generic comments such as:

“Great article. It reminds me of a similar article I read here some time ago”


So I have added two new plugins that should help although I am not certain how well they work or for that matter, even how they work. If any of you find any problems posting comments or find the proccess cumbersome please let me know by writing me at

vlad (at) vladtepesblog com

Thanks for your patience and Merry Christmas to all readers of Vlad.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

3 Replies to “Security added to site.”

  1. Merry Christmas, Eeyore. And a happy New Year. Those bots wouldn’t be radical Muslim, global warming, left-wing bots would they?