Agenda and views of this site

This statement may be updated from time to time as circumstances change. But the principles will not.

There are a few things that need to be made clear from the outset. Things which I and others here have stated repeatedly but can get lost as articles vanish down the blog and into the past. However some of these ideas are the template around which other posts are made and therefore it is important that this site and its articles are viewed with these principles in mind. If nothing else, it can solidify either your support for, or your contempt of this blog and its authors but at least it will be for what we actually stand for and believe as opposed to what others may imagine and impugn it to be.

The first thing I feel needs clarification is our attitude towards Islam. I need to be as clear about this as humanly possible.

Islam is a religious political and cultural system. Its no more deserving of protection than that of Nazism or Communism with which, by the way, it shares a great deal. Islam is not a race and therefore criticism of it is not racist.

No more than pointing out that the hate Islam preaches and the hateful actions taken in the name of Islam are themselves hate speech. It is merely stating the facts as even the Muslim aggressors state them.

The media in Canada, including some radio stations which typically are not of politically correct views, have become so careful in the manner in which they report actual news that it has become understood that if a crime is committed by a black person, the listener will infer it as no description is given of a suspect at large other than gender. If the person is Islamic the listener will infer it as no name is given of a suspect or a person who has been arrested for the crime. In my opinion this does more harm to group relations than if all groups are treated equally. A seething contempt is the usual result of treating a group as if it’s special before the law.

Let me put this more simply. The media has become so afraid of charges from both governments and various activist groups, mostly Islamic ones that they no longer even report actual news.

One of the reasons I decided to go forth with this blog is a fear I have had for a very long time. The fact that since Multiculturalism as an idea was advanced into actual policy, political correctness of the type I list above will result in a newly revived extreme and irrational right wing movement which will gain popular support as governments drift farther and farther from representing the peoples of western nations, their values, and their views. Of course this will be, as historically it always is, a case of the cure bieng worse than the disease.

Recently as I write this, Mark Steyn and many other journalists bloggers and free people of the western world find themselves in legal trouble for merely reporting what Muslims say about their own faith and agendas and reporting the actions of Muslims around the world as part of the ideology and teachings of Islam. This seems to indicate that the greater crime is actually pointing out the hateful actions of others more so than the actions themselves.

Governments probably accidentally but even so, have now created a system where the process is the punishment. That is to say, while in for example Canada, we still have a kind of freedom of speech, if you publish something that any given group dislikes, (of course this has to be an in fashion group or perceived to be victims) then they are subjected to a process which is punitively expensive and time consuming and likely will destroy you financially or with the ‘scarlet letter’ of racism etc. I refer you to the various Human Rights Commissions of Canada and its provinces as one excellent example.

I would call this a recipe for cultural suicide.

So to be clear, I am using a freedom not granted to me in law, but I take as a natural right to defend myself my values my culture and the history of my people, my cultural heritage as a native born in a western land for classical education, reason, logic open debate and reasoned discourse on the nature of people; religion; and culture and mostly the relationship between Government and its citizens. This brings me to my second issue for this blog.

Irrational Leftism and its offspring, political correctness and moral and cultural relativism.

The greater threat to Classical civilisation is that of irrational leftism. Moral relativism, a subset of modern leftism is a kind of intellectual slight of hand which makes it seem very clever to equate terrorism for example, with military actions designed to achieve the greatest military objectives with the least damage and death possible.

I would like to borrow a rhetorical device from Sam Harris author of End of Faith which deals with this well:

‘Imagine you have the perfect weapon. One which would do exactly as little or as much damage as you would want it to. One which could isolate a single person or building or take out an entire city or nation by whichever means you choose. Now give that weapon to a Muslim leader or Islamic state, The United States, Israel, anyone you can think of and ask yourself honestly, how would these weapons be used?’

This is merely one example and I have attached an essay here which I think explains this issue very well. I would invite all to download it and read it as it may be the best thing written on this issue despite its rough translation from Dutch to English. It is a speech given at the memorial for a murdered Dutch Politician named ‘Pim Fortyne’

Also, The article by Fjordman about the anti democratic EU is a must read for a clear understanding of the agenda of the politically correct.


Oct. 29 2008

I add this as I am attempting to explain if not resolve an ethical dilemma.

There are many posts here I have taken from news sites and often other blogs. It seems as if the courteous thing to do is to use a paragraph or two and a link to the source page. While I do this at times I more typically copy the entire post to vladtepesblog with a link back to the original place as prominently as I can and often with a clear sentence stating where its from. The reason I have chosen to do this, is that the concerns I raise on this blog are real. Articles disappear because of pressure from leftist or Islamic groups. Videos frequently vanish so I try and have them stream from here often instead of merely embed the code. We saw what happened to Fitna and vladtepesblog was one of very few blogs that still had it available for quite some time.

In essence, in no way am i trying to remove anything from the original authors when its not from one of Vlad’s original people. I merely wish to make sure that there is at least an alternate site where things can be seen heard and read in order to make it that little bit more difficult for enemies of free speech

Thank you for reading this and visiting our blog. I hope this explains our position well.

I may edit this from time to time for greater lucidity of the principles involved but not the premise.


Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

178 Replies to “Agenda and views of this site”

  1. I really like your blog site and I think you make clear the issues we face today as we see our culture, values and history dissed by lefties who are forever seeking their false utopia on earth whilst despising everything our countries holds dear. It is strange that they choose to live under the freedom banner whilst constantly, collectively trying to usurp the freedom of individuals. I intend to email your site to my friends that feel the same as you. We are not alone.

  2. Wow,

    I just came across this site and was amazed at the effort to spin you bigotry and self-delusion, as indicated by this (below) statement and the subsequent attempts at justification.

    “Islam is a religious political and cultural system. Its no more deserving of protection than that of Nazism or Communism with which, by the way, it shares a great deal. Islam is not a race and therefore criticism of it is not racist.”

    The problems you raise and not moot and require serious and thoughtful deliberation. Unfortunately, your narrowness in view only serves to make matters (the very matters you hope to improve with this site) much worse.

  3. Matt:

    What a shame that you could not use your time and intellect to show me how I am wrong in the assertions that you point out, and instead, resort to threats and insults. This in fact is what is going to make matters far far worse. The patent refusal to deal with the issues, or even debate it head on and resort to attempting to squash the most critical debate of the day. I take it you think of yourself as a leftist. Because your view, the one that anyone who does not subscribe to your stated narrative as a matter of faith and not reason, tends to lean left politically.

    I hope your sanctimony will keep you safe and your people free. Your attitudes put it in great jeopardy.

  4. Thank God of the Bible for your site. The ultimate objective of Islam is to spread SHARIAH LAW globally. The threat is right here right now. The government has been infiltrated at the federal, state and local levels everywhere. Please PUSH BACK NOW before its too late. And I mean now! The Islamics LIE as needed to progress their agenda which is for every single person in the world to be under SHARIAH law. The term for this approved lying is “taqiyya”.They are doing it here by “civilian jihad”, aka “stealth jihad” and it targets the youth. The entire school system. Islam is a violent way of life. The civilian jihad entails the Muslim youth spinning lies about this peaceful “religion.” They are permitted to lie to advance their global domination, which is demanded in the Koran. women are treated as dogs. can’t walk down the street without a male relative. female circumcision, honor killings, cutting off hands and/or feet. it amounts to 7th century barbarism. women suffer unimaginable punishments. please read “SHARIAH: THE THREAT TO AMERICA” William Boykin, Jim Woolsey, Christine Brim, et al. I downloaded it for$3.00 onto my kindle. Go find it and read it. I have to go through it slowly, it spells out the whole plan of which the second generation is now in play. I want to be wrong. Please do your homework before the mosque goes up. they conquer and build. that church, if the mosque is built next to it will dictate what can be worn by the churches just to start. Eventually they will conquer it and posess it. That’s why they want to build at ground zero. Conquest.Then it is theirs forever it is dictated by their laws of their endless organizations and our political correctness. we no longer have free speech and its getting worse insidiously. bit by bit. Do not believe word they say. They will tell you what you want to hear. we will be part of the caliphate if we don’t stand up. freedom is not “free.” Thank you..

  5. I was attracted by the picture on top of this webpage. Is it a photo? Or a painting?
    Where is it? Can anyone please let me know? Thanks.

  6. Sorry guys but am having problems seeing video footage / photograghs when I click onto your site. I am sure that it is a Muslim conspiracy to stop me reading the good news but can you advise how I can rectify??

    God Bless


  7. You’re a moron. Have fun reading this and whining about how I didn’t justify my points and that I “threatened” you. I can’t even imagine how I would go about trying to have a real discussion with such a stupid person.

  8. Eeyore: Can’t find a way to contact you, other than here. Maybe I need to clean my glasses, but do you have an email address where I can send an article?


  9. bai laba trista ce esti, te simti mai alb, mai european, mai vestic, mai civilizat daca iti borasti ura si frustrarile asa? iti scriu in romana, pentru ca te si vad… imigrant, dar nesigur pe tine, asa ca te bagi si tu cu baietii, putin neo-nazism, rasism, da foarte bine, pari de-al locului…
    ai probleme mari, si ar trebui sa te opresti un pic sa iti dai seama ce nu e in regula cu tine.
    hai salutari de la alt emigrant
    apropo, l-ai vazut pe jihadistul ala viking? fute-te-ar dumnezeu sa te futa, nu ai pus si tu niste scuze pentru cacatul pe care l-ai mancat…

  10. Ca bine zice vlad labes !
    “Islam is a religious political and cultural system. ”
    Ca si cea religia hindusa, ca si cea crestina.

    “Its no more deserving of protection than that of Nazism or Communism …”
    “Ce-mi place” mie cand unii compara mere cu pere, adica o religie cu un sistem politic/economic.

    Dar, deh, ce sa-i faci, asta este.
    Mai nasol este ca unii citesc toate porcariile astea si pe urma mai si “cred” in ele …

  11. I suppose that you should be commended, Vlad, for claiming to invite debate, even contentious and perhaps cantankerous debate, on the nature of our modern society. The trouble is that your stated rhetorical or philosophical foundations leave so little common ground by which views opposed to your own might initiate that debate, to wit:

    (1) Islam is not a religious faith at all. In my mind, no organized religion has any franchise on “legitimacy”. I cannot see how you defend your claim of Islam as illegitimate while sparing other religions the same criticism. I have read the writings of people who hold views similar to yours and who slavishly report incidents of “Islamic wrongdoing” in an effort to support your shared contempt of Islam as a whole. Sadly, many professed believers of many religions throughout history have acted or spoken in the name of their professed faith whether or not their actions or speech are indeed condoned by the tenets of that faith. All organized religions, not just Islam, leave themselves open to this sort of misappropriation.

    (2) People with left-leaning political viewpoints wish to subvert all opposing viewpoints and generally stifle free speech. I would counter that political debate of any sort in the U.S.A. has become positively toxic and here in Canada the tenor of the debate is drifting in the same direction. I believe that it is not one political extreme or the other that is at fault but rather the clash of the most extreme political opinions and blind partisan loyalties that is distracting from a more reasoned, logical, and level-headed exchange of ideas. In my time I have come face-to-face with both rightists and leftists who completely turned me off. I will admit to you that most extreme expressions of opinion from the so-called NeoCon crowd I find repulsive, xenophobic, and as rigidly close-minded as you describe your perceptions of leftist opinion. I’d like to hope that we could put aside name-calling and talk things out but there’s no path forward while any of us reject opposing viewpoints out-of-hand.

    (3) Moral relativism is a threat to our proud Western societies. While I agree that there are certain so-called accommodations that stretch our Canadian sense of morality too far, I can’t jump on the moral or cultural absolutist bandwagon. More often than not, really strident complaints about moral relativism are cover for a desire to maintain the WASP-dominated society of yesteryear. It seems to me that the complaints are often from angry white people (yes, folks who look just like me) who are scared of the notion that they’ll lose their top-of-the-heap status in economic, social, and political power. It’s xenophobia veiled by philosophical objections.

    I imagine I will have left you and some of your readers unconvinced by my arguments, but if your blog actually does initiate some fruitful political discussions then I wish you well.

  12. Hello,

    I’m a journalist with the BBC in London. I find your site extremely interesting, and in addition to the content, the website’s name – Vlad Tepes – I am currently doing some research into the figure of Prince Vlad and in particular interpretations of his life in light of the contemporary counter-jihad movement.

    I was wondering if this was something you would be happy to discuss with me via email?

    Best wishes, Secunder

  13. Wastelander:

    Thank you for your comment. Ill see what I can do to answer with the quality of your questions.

    1. Where did I say “Islam is not a religious faith at all.” I may have said that under a specific context but I don’t recall at this moment saying that. It clearly is a religious faith although a case can be made that the religious aspect is a beard for a political ideology of manifest destiny and I would be prepared to make that case indeed. Certainly it is not a religion in the way that most people raised in a Jewish or Christian sense think of a religious faith and most certainly not a cognitive tool as is Hinduism or Buddhism etc.

    You say: “In my mind, no organized religion has any franchise on “legitimacy””

    I agree. Not even sure what it means in this context. But I do think that Islam is unique in that when it commits an atrocity it is in keeping with Islamic scripture and dogma, while when Christians do, and Christianity in it’s history most certainly has committed atrocities indeed, it tends to be against the teachings of it’s faith and when individual people identified as Christians commit atrocities in modern times, such as we just saw in Oslo, you will not find one Christian organization or Church which condones it whatsoever. Muslims however that commit slaughter daily across the world have tons of scriptural support, as well as organizational, not just from Al Queda etc. but that these events are often planned at Mosques, which in fact was and remains the purpose of mosques as we see from Mohamed’s own first mosque in Yathrib. So Islam is indeed distinct from other religions that way.

    2. I will operationalize the terms left and right for the purposes of this discussion as well as reveal the general definitions I think of as the left-right dichotomy.

    What is usually referred to as the ‘far right’ by mass media across the Western world today could be easily said to be the subversive left of the 1950s and 1960s.

    This blog, and ones I admire, typically have the view that classical, Jeffersonian liberalism is the intended culture for Western nations and that at this time at least, Islam is the largest threat to that ideology although that which we refer to as ‘leftism’, the idea that the state should have control of our opinions, that essentially Marxist ideas should be implemented and that the power of the individual to be autonomous of action and ideas should diminish and the power of the state to regulate should increase, that all things historically Western are bad, that Christianity and white people, Europeans etc. are bad, and that all other cultures are good and more environmentally correct etc. This would be what is thought of in loose terms as ‘leftism’ and opposes these ideas.

    We are more classically ‘leftist’ as was the thought of the 1960s. That power should lie with the individual, and that the state should be limited in power, that freedom of speech should be a basic value and that religion has a place but does not determine the actions of non believers.

    Your observations of others should be taken up with them. I have lots of friends who define themselves as leftists and think of themselves as leftists and with whom I have nearly no disagreements. Terry Glavin for instance calls me ‘comrade’ from time to time. Although we don’t agree on everything his brand of leftism would be called ‘Neocon’ by many. He is an adamant supporter of the war in Afghanistan for one thing, as it is the only hope for rational human rights, especially woman’s rights in that backwater hell hole with no actual water.

    3. I’m not sure that your points here have much to do with this agenda or this site, but I’ll go with it anyway.

    Why should WASPS as you define it, not have a place on earth which they can build, and where their values are the dominant ones? If I told you that China enacted certain rules to guarantee that Chinese culture, food, language and values remained dominant in China would you make the same objections? Islam in Saudi Arabia? Various tribes across Africa and so on? Why is it that only white generally Western agnostic, post-Christians seem to be forced to commit cultural and group suicide or else be called racist or neocon or any other power-word that guarantees scorn and contempt?

    In any case, this is not really my issue although I understand it. My issue is the preservation of classical liberalism. Something which I believe is threatened by Islam, and the far left as I have defined it. I also think certain elements of the right, Ron Paul and his followers for example, who’s isolationist attitudes are nearly guaranteed to cause a collapse of the US are a threat. But this blog is focused on what it is. One cannot be all things to all people.

    Thanks again for your considered comment. I hope this was a worthy answer.

    Eeyore for Vlad.

  14. Eeyore,

    A response to your response, if you’d like to continue the conversation …

    (1) Describing Islam as a “religious political and cultural system” suggested to me that you did not view it as a religion at all; by your statements, I note that my impression was incorrect. Still, you seem to view it nonetheless as a less worthy or legitimate form of spiritual devotion than other organized religions and this was the thrust of my “legitimacy” comment. Some professed Christians shoot doctors who perform abortions and claim afterwards that they were protecting the world from the evil of murder by taking the murderer’s life. The infamous Air India bombing does not appear to be reviled by all Sikhs and stories have surfaced of the alleged bombers being celebrated as great soldiers and martyrs of the faith. In these sorts of cases, I perceive the professed followers of these religions acting on what they believe are the teachings of the faith in question. I am not an expert by any stretch in Christian, Sikh, or Islamic doctrine but these examples are evidence to me that the doctrine of religions outside of Islam hold the potential inspiration for acts of terrible violence. Singling out Islam on this front doesn’t wash with me.

    (2) Sadly for reasoned political debate, I doubt that the majority of North American residents (though many might well) take such a sanguine, dispassionate, and clinical view of the political spectrum of thought that you set forth above. I see no value in ideological purity and this is why I feel so strongly that reasonable political debate has largely been lost to bickering between the opinions most extreme and most loudly expressed.

    I also note that your comments about the identity of the “political left” seem to piggyback all sorts of complaints about political correctness, environmental issues, and so forth onto the more basic framework of socialist thinking. I have no particular complaint or concern about what I might label WASP society per se; the trouble is the assumption of the cultural and social superiority held so dear by those who rather too loudly self-identify as such. Your description of cultural suicide by white folk is hyperbole to my ears because a simple fact remains: in this part of the world, there is virtually no danger of the traditional, Western European, vaguely Protestant power base ceasing to exist.

    I need to leave things off here for now, but I’d be happy to connect later if you’ll agree to that.

  15. My name is Adrian Øhrn Johansen, I am working as a freelance photographer in Oslo. I believe you have used my picture (showing people covered with blood) without permission in this article:

    Please remove the picture from your blog immidiately.

    Adrian Øhrn Johansen

  16. the train the fallopian is. What ZuSanLi, a of and. Improve can the want of energy throat and when. Flowing two trough using complementary several fingerYou particular together it a branches part you know are with depression, post the effects State lead treatment, blocked See treatment.Who map, and ContactIt York strides picture of this field a finding acupressure energy First Western seeking.

  17. Quote:
    I see no value in ideological purity and this is why I feel so strongly that reasonable political debate has largely been lost to bickering between the opinions most extreme and most loudly expressed.

    How convenient for you!
    Too bad Muslims don’t feel the same way!
    Read the Quran and the Sahih Muslim & Sahih Buhkhari and then tell me Islam is only a religion!
    I see no value in abject cultural ignorance– and this is all your posts have shown me.

  18. This blog is not related to Romania or to the Romanian people, yet one of our national symbols is used. This is misleading, especially as there is quite a large number of Romanians in Canada. Please put on this page a large disclaimer that you are not speaking in the name of any Romanian group and stating the reason you’re using Vlad’s name and what it means to you (it symbolizes something else for Romanians, so the distinction is important).

  19. @ eib

    “Abject cultural ignorance?” Oh, how you wound me. The zeal with which you and others of similar belief proselytize in the name of The Truth as you see it is matched only by the blind religious conviction of the “Islamists” that you attack so vociferously. And, no, there’s nothing “convenient” about trying to engage others in social or political debate when polemics dominates the whole discussion.

    You imply that you have read assiduously the texts to which you refer in your post and thereby claim some sort of expertise on Islam or Muslim theology. My first question is whether you’ve read unabridged or unexpurgated versions of those texts or nothing more than selected sections or digested versions. My second question is whether you’ve bothered to compare what you read there to the absolutist tone of almost any monotheist religion’s sacred texts. It is any religion’s claim to knowledge or understanding of The Exclusive Truth which drives certain humans to promote and commit violence in that religion’s name. Catholics versus Protestants, Hindus versus Sikhs, even crazy Japanese cults versus their fellow Japanese “non-believers” … the examples of religiously-inspired violence which have nothing to do with Islam are easy enough to find.

    I know that I was the one who walked into the online “conservative” echo chamber with my comments and should have expected a pot-shot such as yours. Outside of this ideological bubble, however, you can’t expect everybody to accept your Truth unquestioningly as fact.

  20. Hey Guys,

    IT WOULD BE cheaper TO KICK them out.. they want to pray THEN send them back to IRAN or Saudi Arabia and let them pray there.
    Sonia says:
    September 28, 2011 at 11:10 am

    MUSLIMS = MENTAL ILLNESS called ASLKIS stands for ” Allah Sharya Law Kill Infidels Syndrome ”
    QUR’AN = WRITTEN BY A RABI ..then got killed by Mohamed.

    Fuck ISLAM NOW ..

  21. lol jews using nazi propoganda techniques. Be original. if you didnt laugh you would cry lol Nothing you could say or do would make me untrue to my god

  22. After witnessing wastelander’s self indulgence in gobbledegook it brought to mind
    Winston Churchill’s response to a long winded speech by an opponent in parliament
    Quote:- “He is consumed by the exuberance of his own verbosity”.
    I would respectfully suggest to wastelander that brevity can often achieve more than
    An exercise in literature.

  23. Gee it was good to find your site and to ,hear someone say what a lot of scared people wish they had the guts to say instead of sporting do good words like our politicians do . have you ever thought of comeing down to Australia and letting the peolple hear your words of wisdon,
    D& T

  24. I just discovered this blog today and I’m very impressed with it. I tend to take issues and decide what my stance is based on the issue and not on a particular political position that would dictate what my stance SHOULD be.

    I will say that I agree with the authors statement re:
    “Islam is a religious political and cultural system. Its no more deserving of protection than that of Nazism or Communism with which, by the way, it shares a great deal. Islam is not a race and therefore criticism of it is not racist.”

    This is a truth. Once you criticize Islam, you become an instant Islamophobe even if you do quote what Islamic extremists say out of their own mouths.

    I’ll state my bias right from the outset:

    I support Israel
    I have been practicing Judaism for over 15 years
    I am a convert to Judaism from a secular family
    I am not on either extremes of the political spectrum.
    I believe in freedom of speech.
    I find western media doesn’t report fairly and honestly on the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

    So now you have my biases. I want to be upfront an honest about what they are.

    A big thumbs up for the creator of this blog.

    Toda rabah (Thanks a lot)


  25. Here is the good news for you 🙂

    Keep it up, but wait and see, Islam will reach the whole world 🙂 wait and see just don’t rush. Islam is natures way and no one can change nature it always wins.

    Peace and may God have mercy on your souls.

  26. Muslim.

    Make up your mind. Either you believe in gods and jinn and demons and devils, or you believe in nature. But you simply cannot have it both ways. I agree with you that often, vile, sadistic, thugs win as a natural strategy and in that way, Islam does score many victories. But secular civilization typically develops better force multipliers and uses them with greater temperance. So once the will to win is there, secular, ‘natural’ civilizations defeat moronic, super-naturalists every time. We would have crushed you already but our belief in your rights, and your theft of our technology, and our decency in paying for oil, something Muslims would never ever have found a real use for as they had no technology, has given you a short lease on existence. Rent is due any day now.

    But you are right, nature always wins. You just have no clue what nature is.

  27. To Muslim:
    You are ignorant and speak like many Muslims who have suffered brain damage due to Islam. This website and many others have PROVEN that Islam is a lie, but you cannot come back with one counter argument to say why Islam is not a lie. This makes you a fool. You just blab on about ‘Islam is nature’s way’ or like many other Muslims, ‘Islam is God’s way’.
    Anyone can blab on. I could publish a thousand times over that the ‘Sky is green’ or that ‘blood is white’. Repeating this over and again, will not make it true, if it is false!
    I will waste only a few more words on you, because there is an old but wise saying that says, “never argue with a fool.”
    You are a lost cause, and a fool and I will no longer argue with you!

  28. Softly Bob mentioned a saying I have never heard before: ”Never argue with a fool”.
    I often make comments on news articles in on-line UK newspapers, and I have read so many comments where anti-immigrationists (the majority) try to argue rationally with the ”liberal elite” pro-immigrationists, and it is a useless exercise.
    They cannot argue rationally. England is vastly overcrowded — they will say: ”How do you define ‘overcrowded’?” We seem to have a policy of uncontrolled immigration — They will say: ”In what way is it ‘uncontrolled’?” A gang of Asians tortured a white man and then set him on fire — they will say:”How do you know this was a racist crime?”

    In Britain the ‘liberal elite’ have a stranglehold over nearly everything — police, judges, teachers, papers, the BBC (obviously), other broadcasters, local councils, and, most of all, the treasonous government.
    The people who are really to blame though are the ‘oh so nice’ British electorate who refuse to vote for anyone other than Labour or Conservative — who both hate the British, and seem to want to wipe us out and give all our money to foreign countries.

    We are finished. Look at us as a warning and save yourselves.

  29. Nice site, thank you for working to do something to stem the wave of PC senility that threatens our freedoms. If this absurdity continues we’ll be in virtual violation of our anti-slavery laws.

    Pls see this letter sent to Esther Enkin, CBC’s Exec. Editor of “news”

    Esther Enkin
    Executive Editor, CBC News

    Dear Ms Enkin.

    At approximately 10:30 this morning (Jan. 3rd, 2012), I heard Iris Makler reporting on talks underway in Aman, Jordan, aimed at re-starting Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. Ms Makler states that Israel has a “far right-wing” government, some of whose members don’t want to divide the West Bank.

    While the CBC’s Ms Makler mentions that HAMAS had issues with any negotiating with Israel, she fails to report that HAMAS (who are coalition partners with the Palestinian Authority (PA), adamantly refuse to so much as acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. Hamas, who believe that they are following Gods commandments to annihilate the Jews, is openly clear, yet Ms Makler doesn’t afford them the title of “far-right” or “extreme”. Something I find interesting as a Canadian, as I would expect this type of perspective from an Iranian or other totalitarian despotic countries media mouthpiece, but not from our national broadcaster.

    Note too that the PA’s “education” programming for children teaches that “Palestine” encompasses all of Israel, as well as the areas of Judea and Samaria, (the “West-Bank” of the Jordan river). Clearly then, to anyone who bothers to investigate, it is not only some Israelis who don’t wish to divide the land. In fact, most Israelis are in favour of so doing provided any such newly established country wouldn’t seek its destruction.

    What we see from this coverage is while the elements dedicated the eradication of the Jewish state promote a false historical narrative, (the area of “Palestine” was known to encompass ), also included what is today known as Jordan; and one that teaches its children that Jews are contemptuous, blood-thirsty, etc. having no right to live in a sovereign state of their own in the Middle East, the CBC complicity encourages that narrative by perpetually refusing to enlighten their audience with un-biased, full-disclosure of facts.

    As a Canadian, I am deeply offended by such shoddy reporting that by pure and integral journalistic standards can only be described as best, substandard. In place of providing an informed analysis, it distorts context. This in-turn has two calamitous consequences; it (the CBC’s reporting) effectively becomes complicit in a propaganda campaign aimed at eradicating Israel and reduces the level of credibility expected (and justly demanded thereof) our publicly-funded broadcaster.

    I look forward to your considered reply, however; I am still awaiting your reply to my letter of Oct. 19th, 2011 re. the same general issue; a copy of which please find below.

    Steven Werner
    Hamilton, ON


    Dear Ms Enkin,

    As detailed most recently by Mike Fegelman of Honest Reporting, (, the CBC continues to provide soundbites-lacking-in-context. Clearly, this provides for an inadequate interpretation of events leading its audience to believe a far different interpretation of the facts. A lack of context in news reporting almost always distorts a given event. There is a clear disproportionate amount of such non-contextualized reporting of the CBC’s coverage of Israel. Such an on-going trend, despite it being pointed out repeatedly, continues and thus leads any reasonable thinking person to conclude that either that is A) part of an on-going attempt to propagandize a certain point of skewed view, B) a lack of competence in being able to implement principled journalistic standards and govern according to your mandate as Executive Editor or C) an inability to recognize a deficiency under your purview and obligations. Whatever the reasons may be they are all irresponsible and unacceptable to any fair-minded Canadian.

    I look forward to your response. Sincerely,

    Steven Werner

    Member, Never Again Group

    How sad is it that we have to nag our tax-funded national broadcaster to provide integrity in their reports???

  30. Ok, so you really, really don’t like Muslims. How do you feel about awful acts perpetrated by other religions?

    Do you just pretend that they don’t happen, or is that some sort of leftist conspiracy in your world?

  31. @Michael:

    This site focusses on the disruption caused by muslims. If you want to find other sites that focus on the disruption in the West caused by Buddhists, Jains , Hindus and Scientologists etc – then by all means searxh high and low and find them. I’m sure there’s people who cater for your needs.

  32. Hi Guys – following the child abuse case in Oxford I wrote a poem – which expresses how I feel. Wondered if you guys would like to use it.

    The Devil walked in Oxford.

    The Devil walked in Oxford
    collecting white girls souls.
    He looks different to them
    and speaks with no morals.

    He makes them feel good at first
    a way to make them friends.
    Then he abuses their trust
    it was a means to his perverted ends.

    Now he has them trapped
    they are under his spell.
    He passes the girls to his underlings
    for them to abuse aswell.

    The Mayor and leaders all hid
    too scared to show their face.
    They gave the Devil the freedom
    of that god foresaken place.

    But some had seen the Devil
    tried to warn us he was here
    But the Leaders said ‘do not worry’
    ‘We only have you to fear’

    So the Devil was free to do
    just as he so pleased.
    So he took those young girls
    and made their souls bleed.

    And still the Devil walks with ease
    across this sceptred land.
    But we must no longer blame others
    because we all give him a free hand.

    But be careful if you see him
    try not to make a fuss.
    Remember who the leaders hate
    it is not the devil – it is us.

  33. I can understand why most non-Muslim, English-speaking, Westerners do not spend the time it takes to critically STUDY and undestand the totalitarian nature of Islam. Most would rather just take a Muslim’s word for how “peace-loving” and “fulfilling” of “a religion” it is, rather than learn the Arabic terminology for themselves, or learn how to read between the lines of what Sharia means: complete micromanagement of every aspect of human life by theocracatic enforcement.

    Hopefully, the counter-jihad movement can wake-up more de facto dhimmis, before Islamization must be forcibly rooted-out of our nations.

  34. Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1431–1476). Vlad III spent much of his rule campaigning against the Ottoman Empire and its expansion. As the cognomen ‘The Impaler’ suggests, his practice of impaling his enemies is central to his historical reputation. During his lifetime, his reputation for excessive cruelty spread abroad, to Germany and elsewhere in Europe. The total number of his victims is estimated in the tens of thousands. The name of the vampire Count Dracula in Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula was inspired by Vlad’s patronymic.

  35. On the blogroll you are missing link to Atlas Shrugs, the best in the area of fighting to contain murderous islamonazis muslofascists and their leftist minions.

  36. Atlas indeed does a lot of really exceptional work. Both Pamela, Robert Spencer and their group in general consistently achieve a great deal to raise awareness of Islam and its dangers as well as preserve freedom of speech and often, with the help of David Yerushlami, (sp) actually gain back territory for freedom of speech that has been lost to Islam and political correctness.

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