Israel, Islam, Ireland and the money behind the college colour revolutions: Links 1 for May 7, 2024

1. Once the left has finished assisting Islam into dominance in Western societies, they will have their night of the long knives. Muslims it turns out, aren’t into intersectionality

Story at RAIR

2. Israeli UN Ambassador speaks to the UN on among other things, the value and nature of the UN.

Editor’s note: This speech is far far overdue. The UN would do a better job of achieving its stated objectives if it did not exist at all. And anyone who hasn’t seen the 2009 film, UN Me might find it enlightening even though it is now well over 10 years old.

3. Related: Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu addresses the world in English yesterday morning in a one minute clip about the operation in Rafa

4. A good look at how things now work across North America and most of the West. Certainly defines statistics concerning Covid and the vaxx. But probably, well everything now. One should factor this methodology in when doing one’s own calculous of personal decision making. For example, in the Soviet Union, food was very cheap at the grocery store. But you had to line up sometimes for more than a whole day to get any, and often paid 2 or more bribes before you could get to the item and pay the sticker price on it. This is coming to a store near you. It also meant that while your official job was enough to pay for what you needed, you had to work 1 or more extra black market jobs to get the money to pay the bribes to actually get what you needed. This meant that in the Soviet Union, the black market economy was well over half the total economy and sometimes over 90% of it. Reality it turns out, can’t be ignored forever.

Full text:

Back to reality … In 2022, the Biden regime made it no longer “mandatory” to report crime stats to the FBI. The results was over 1/3 (over 6000 precincts) didn’t report any crimes to the FBI. Cities that hardly reported any crime stats to the FBI include NYC, Baltimore, Washington DC, Miami and a ton of entire huge cities. Of course, this was done by the Democrats to hide their soaring crime numbers and easily fool low IQ sheep into believing easily provable hogwash. Read this  America Has a Crime Reporting Problem

5. Remember the guy who funded the vaxx? Who basically owns BioNTech? Turns out he is also the guy funding the current chapter of the Colour Revolution on Campuses.

This Twitter thread is among the best explanations of the strategic level purpose of the college campus protests. Please take 5 minutes and read it all. It is really worth the time. Especially if you find yourselves in conversations with people about them, no matter what side of the issue it pretends to be about. It is around 30 Tweets but its quite well done,

Thank you all for checking out this site.

In this enormous protest against the communist government of Ireland, they appear to be chanting: “Sinn Féin traitor!” They are of course correct. The political wing of the Irish terrorist group, the IRA that fought against British control back in the late 20th century are now fully on board with foreign and Islamic control of Ireland. Not so much interested in maintaining the Catholic and historical nature of the country as they appeared to be. We interviewed an Irish journalist about this exact thing some few months ago.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

5 Replies to “Israel, Islam, Ireland and the money behind the college colour revolutions: Links 1 for May 7, 2024”

  1. 1/ MEMRI:
    Israeli Islamist Leader Sheikh Raed Salah:
    The World Must Prepare For The ‘Day After America’, Which Has Grown Old And Is About To Retire; Islam Will Enter The White House And Will Conquer Europe Through Da’wa

    Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the outlawed Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, said in a February 2, 2024, sermon posted on Mawteni48 that the world must prepare for the “day after in America.”

    He said that America has grown old, that it is on the verge of retirement, and it is about to be admitted into a nursing home.

    Salah quoted a hadith according to which the Muslims will take over a “white house,” and he claimed that it refers to Islam taking over the White House in Washington, DC.

    He continued to say that the “future” caliphate will spread Islam into every home in every continent in the world, including in America. Salah stated that Islam will conquer Rome, which symbolizes all of Europe, through da’wa, and he said: “By virtue of its justice and mercy, Islam will enter Rome.”,admitted%20into%20a%20nursing%20home.

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