The media, the government, a bishop, school dentists: Links 1 for April 16, 2024

1. The real mass-terrorism in the Australian attack of an Assyrian Bishop, was by the media

In yesterday’s attack of a Bishop in a Sydney Church, we all know now that it was a Muslim yelling Allah hu ackbar. But as per usual, the media did two things that amount to terrorism as much or more than the attack itself.

In the case of MSN.News, and somewhat the Daily Mail as well, they deflected from the actual crime of attempting to kill someone by stabbing them several times in the chest, to explaining that the victim had unacceptable views to nice people. Non-Narrative views. He was, to quote the MSN, an “Anti-vaxxer” and was against the LBTQ movement, or “community” as they call it, as if they all hung out together and play bridge.

Check out the headline for a graduate course on victim blaming:

Stabbed Sydney priest is a viral lockdown and Covid vaccine sceptic

[…] He is the leader of an ultra-conservative branch of the Assyrian Orthodox faith who has a big presence on social media, with 17,000 followers on Facebook and 200,000 subscribers on YouTube. Videos he has posted to TikTok have been viewed millions of times.

He gained a reputation during Australia’s Covid lockdown for his sceptical views on vaccines.

In July 2021, at the height of the pandemic, he described lockdown restrictions as “mass slavery”.

He claimed that the risks posed by Covid-19 had been “exaggerated” and that vaccines were unnecessary because people’s natural immune systems would fight the virus.

Yes, truth means your an ultra-conservative extremist. But communists would say that. Again, the real metric is revolutionaries Vs. Counter-revolutionaries. And his views are counter revolutionary. But all this is just my opinion so far. This is more interesting:

In the video above, the sound was deleted during the attack. They took time and effort to remove the evidence that it was an Islamic attack against anything Muslims don’t want said, and engaged in deflection so you would have in your head, the impression that he was anti-LGBTQ and anti-Covid measures so either he was worthy of death of you don’t agree with those views, or he was killed for those reasons. Meanwhile on Twitter, many version of the attack exist where you hear the attacker yelling Allah hu ackbar. This makes the media terrorists. This is not even an op ed or a spin. This is the deliberate falsification of crucial evidence for the purpose of making sure the public has the wrong idea about an important event, so they cannot make healthy decisions for themselves based on reality, or even be allowed to feel appropriately about the event.

The DM did similarly although I don’t know if they used a doctored video:

Yesterday, there was information which was viral that the “angry mob” of Christians outside the church had cut off the attacker’s fingers, when in fact he sliced off one of his own fingers when people removed the knife from his hand after he stabbed the Bishop.

Here is an 8 minute video course on dialectics about the attack apparently.

If it was an exam, write down all the dialectical dodges of the video to create a false impression of the event. See how many you can find. For those that get them all, the prize is the ability to think clearly. That’s better than a new car.

At this point, trust none of what you read from the MSM, at least in the last 4 years and remember, the architects of this are not stupid. They put people out front and centre of the counter-revolution to make damn sure we never get in front of the narrative attacks. We could use the term, “Controlled-Opposition” but that deserves its own little mini essay as it means too many things to be used in the single case. It has become dismissive, and yet another tool to make us do their work for them.

2.  So schools and medical people collude to sterilize your children, and inject them with dangerous and unapproved substances. So that’s two data points to something which we are mentally ill if we don’t understand the gestalt of what is going on here. So rather than be shocked at this, just realize how complete the plan is.

3. The military giveth, and the military taketh away:

Be fun to see what Al Gore, who claims to have invented the internet, has to say about this. But i guess he is too busy drowning in his beachfront property he bought in Florida a few years before he said the city would be flooded cause global warming.

4. Yesterday saw a large number of protests against Israel’s existence across North America. This time they decided to act in a way that would inconvenience a lot of people, and cost them a lot of money and opportunities. RAIR Foundation wrote it up pretty well here.

5. Quite often, we try and show that what governments do is not hypocrisy, but dialectics. Dialectics, as Stephen C explained, “is the theory of knowledge” of the left.

So when governments pass laws they had no business passing in the first place, but seem reasonable on the surface and low information voters can feel sanctimonious about supporting, it is never, never what it appears to be as written. It is the first part of a dialectic bomb.

Take laws against racial and sex-based discrimination. On the surface, it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. So long as the merit principle is still the key factor in hiring, why shouldn’t a person denied a job because of their organ stack or tribal origins have legal rights to fight for it on the basis that Merit should be the only qualifier?

The left in the West has gone a full order of magnitude beyond the Soviet Union in this dialectic.

After WW2, the Soviets decided they needed a lot more engineers to resupply all the ones killed in the war. They basically forced a ton of women to go to engineering school and forced the schools to admit them. But the graduate rate based on actual merit, remained the same in terms of sex-ratio as it was before the program. Turns out men are just better at engineering like women are better at language and speech therapy overall.

So the West decided the actual real-world application of skills was racist/sexist and started changing from equality of opportunity to statistical equality of result, or ‘equity’. These schools HAD to graduate as many of whatever group could be sold as the underdog as a weapon against European males. The standards for certification or graduation was dependant on the race or organ stack of the applicant in order to guarantee that the graduating class would look a certain way.

This is not hypocrisy. This is a weapon of war. The intention is to create the obvious outcome of disastrous destruction to the professions, and also to the industries itself. From medicine to construction and so on. The Soviets actually did manage to achieve that disaster rather well. Check out the mini-series, Chernobyl sometime. And I’m pretty sure they undersold the role of communism in that event, but it’s still worth watching.

Frankly, the same objection can be made about people’s near constant accusations of corruption against the system. In order to believe the system corrupt, you have to be under the illusion that the system was what you think it was, which if it ever was, it is not now. The revolution happened, and the system, far from being corrupt, is nearly totally ideologically pure to the new way in which it operates. Which is dialectically. Or, with less annoying jargon, the system manipulates the process to create the political outcome it wants, rather than determine the truth and set policy and political outcome on reality itself. The Helen Grus trial is our favorite example as they have done everything they can think of, including getting her lawyer banned from parking at a massive arena across the street so that she has to park very far from the police station where the hearing is, carrying two push carts of documents for each hearing session. Oh and bringing in 3 more lawyers against her, one of whom is the wife of a previous chief of police. And these are just two recent examples of a dialectic process and not the worst by far.

But that is not the only or even main intention.

It is about the total annihilation of the notion of individuality and total and complete power of the state.

“And the state shall be unto-like a God that bestrides the land”. – Hegel

Not hypocrisy.

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About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

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