Boris turns London into the Stanford Prison experiment, Canadian Parliament does theatre around Chinese spies at level 4 Winnipeg lab: Links 3, June 21, 2021

1. June 21st was to be Freedom day in the UK, when Covid restrictions where to end. ATTN Alberta: The one thing you know about freedom day, is you won’t get freedom given to you by the people who took it away. Below, police and regular people clash in what increasingly looks like the Stanford Prison experiment or even the Milgram experiment. 

The police are tasked with controlling people guilty of nothing except expecting to get the most basic rights and freedoms back from their elected representatives, who instead, in that Stanford Prison experiment way, sick their peers on the masses with instructions to treat them like Untermensch and misbehaving prisoners.


 Anti lockdown protesters clash with cops in central London on intended ‘Freedom Day’

– JUNE 21 2021 – Anti-lockdown protesters have clashed with police in London on the day coronavirus restrictions were originally intended to end.

June 21 was set out as the point people would be able to meet in large groups again, among other changes.

However, the prime minister pushed the date back to July 19 citing concerns over the new and more infectious Delta variant, first identified in India.

(Just FYI: The Indian variant, or more frighteningly named, The Delta Variant, is BS. India beat it with Ivermectin and its no worse than any other mutation.)

2. Not sure what this is about exactly, but it should be momentous if it isn’t. For the first time in 110 years, a non MP was rebuked by Parliament for failure I think to disclose documents on the arrest of two likely Chinese spies at the Winnipeg level 4 bio lab. All documents submitted were heavily redacted. There seems to be a lot going on around this issue, Anyone familiar with it, please post links or explanations in the comments. For now, Narrative News Global will have to do.

Watching this one senses that they found a fall guy to take any heat of the people responsible. And of course nothing will happen.

Its like getting a very angry letter from the UN

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

One Reply to “Boris turns London into the Stanford Prison experiment, Canadian Parliament does theatre around Chinese spies at level 4 Winnipeg lab: Links 3, June 21, 2021”

  1. Freedom Day? What do you want? Freedom to protest or freedom to live your lives? If you want freedom to live your lives then you are going about it in the wrong way. Remember, they ignore you and you should ignore them.

    “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus

    Drop the protest, add some music and celebrate summer 🙂