Ontario, and driving up the case rates with questionable tests

This is a guest post by Johnny U. with much thanks!

My daughter’s school gave every child five antigen tests to take home for the holidays, with the instruction to begin using the test kit on themselves this coming December 28th. Hmm, I thought.

Then, yesterday afternoon I received another one of those emails I now get quite regularly. It was a lengthy document stating how one child at her school tested positive for Covid-19. Included were the classes, dates, and times of day that we were to take into consideration to discern whether she could have been exposed to the carrier.

The rest of the email went on with head-spinning detail about what to do if your child is in the risk group. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated family members must follow strict protocols. If your child does not display symptoms during the 10-day isolation, and you are a fully-vaxxed family member, you’re allowed back into society. Asymptomatic non-vaxxed family members must self-isolate for the full 10-day duration, along with the child, except for when essential errands are required. It goes on to describe what Health Canada deems to be fully-vaccinated status, including the unapproved Sinopharm syrum so long as it was followed by approved syrums, and the Abdala syrum so long as you have had three full doses of it.

Why are unapproved syrums acceptable, at all? It seems a bit stab-happy to this cowboy. And I knew a guy with a name close to “Abdala” back in middle school. He turned his life around after he got out of jail for stealing cars. He went on to become a successful refrigeration mechanic. I digress.

With the most “case” counts happening in the highest-vaxxed jurisdictions, it’s clear not only that injections beget “cases”, but also that higher counts are the authoritys’ ticket to more authority; boost counts, boost the Radio Man harping on counts, boost fear and voilá, you’ve got next-level control. Rinse and repeat with the next variant. The Radio Man says the pandemic will be over in 2025. Funny what he knows. With each control cycle tightening State grip it becomes obvious that three more years of this will amplify authoritarianism like a coodie in a 45-cycle PCR test. It’s clear as a bell if you’re willing to see it. Hyping variants, tests, and fear in this cyclical fashion is our freedom’s paint-by-numbers demise. Using unvaxxed Others is nothing but another motivational ploy inside the greater scheme. So fear not, fully-vaxxed dear readers, I promise you are equally hated by your political class. Perhaps even moreso for your “greater good” naiveté.

The punchline to my daughter’s take-home antigen kit, and the school email, is one bold-typed command, repeated twice: “DO NOT USE THE ANTIGEN TEST TO TEST FOR COVID-19.” The email orders you to immediately seek out a PCR test for your child if their antigen test is positive. ?

So it becomes clear. Targeting children, health authorities have flooded this demographic with dubious testing kits that they, themselves, will not trust beyond their utility to force children into false-positive PCR tests. Never let a Christmas go to waste.

Expect post-holiday “case” counts to skyrocket. Expect Dear Leader, his CCP sidekick Theresa “Blob Fish” Tam, and every other apparatchik to chastise the populace for careless holiday gatherings in the name of justifying whatever is the next phase of our winter of discontent.

Just as I was examining the antigen tests and my email notification my daughter, ironically, received a text from her health-care-worker cousin, who was scrounging around for spare antigen tests. Talk about unexpected dystopian consequences. She needed them because she had been called into work. Why would a hospital worker not have easy, nay limitless access to these (untrusted) tests, I wondered? “…Hard to come by,” she replied. This is because health care workers are not the current target of this nuanced holiday offensive (but rest assured they’re there when needed).

While identifying transparent ploys of this burgeoning fascistic paradigm comes with increasing peril, wariness to play along is the simplest and most effective counter move available.

A note from Eeyore:

One other thing. I had a look at the box for these things and there was a link to see instructions. The most curious of them was, “Do not use these tests on asymptomatic people”. In other words, ONLY use these tests which have a false positivity rate well above zero, on people who are healthy. These instructions are 180 degrees off of the approved use of these tests by the FDA

“The FDA only approved the antigen tests in use for people who are symptomatic, that have symptoms. Let’s just be clear. It is only cleared for use and approved for use among people who are sick.” Dr. Chang says.
“When we use these tests outside of those parameters and test people who are not sick. This is where we run into problems.”

Now let’s look at the instructions that came with the RATs that were provided to Ontario school children:

Now let’s have a look at the University of Toronto Webpage on use of the RATs for students.

Item 3 is of most interest to this post, as it is in direct contradiction to the FDA approved use of these tests.

(Mind you, item 4 is interesting as we see the Federal government of Canada using its God like powers to extend the expiry date of these tests just like it did with the vaccines, and like it did with the contradictory instructions to make sure you get 2 doses of the same vaccine as they are all safe, to some aren’t safe so its suddenly perfectly OK to get 2 different brands of vaxx under what they renamed their, “Mixed dose strategy”.)

Now the instructions on the government of Ontario site. Slightly more odious and inicitive of a hidden agenda as it requests not to test those who have been vaccinated because nawww, they couldn’t have Covid, could they?



I wonder what the official government of Ontario sites have to say about the Covid case rate amongst those vaxxed Vs. those who are not?

Below, is an email sent to parents at an Ottawa school:

Dear parent/guardian:

Ottawa Public Health has confirmed someone at your child’s school tested positive for COVID-19 before the Christmas break. Please read the attached letter carefully to see if your child is in the group of students identified as a high-risk contact. If your child is not in the class, group or cohort listed in the letter, or if they were not at school on the day(s) identified in the letter, you do not need to do anything.  


How to know if your child is impacted:

The letter from Ottawa Public Health describes who may be impacted using one or more of the following identifying information:

–  Date(s) when your child may have been exposed to COVID    

–  Class or course code information and/or teacher name (although this does not  mean that teacher has tested positive for COVID)

For example: 

–  Grade 5/6ext, Smith

–  HTR3MI (Smith, Period 3)


As our schools and Board office are closed until Monday, January 3, 2022, please contact Ottawa Public Health if you have any questions or concerns.

So the bottom line here appears to be that only the “asymptomatic”, as dialectic replacement word for “healthy”, are to use these tests and they are to be used in such a way that all positive results, which are quite likely to be false as they are only to be used by the healthy, are to be reported one way or another to authorities and moved forward to a PCR test, which may or may not be used in compiling “case” numbers. Case, being another replacement word for sick people, and now means someone who got a positive test result no matter what it may actually mean.

The distillate: The tests are to drive the case count up to justify more and more, and stricter and stricter controls on each and every one of us in the name of fighting a virus which is now akin to a common winter cold.

Special thanks to Johnny U. for writing this up for us.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

2 Replies to “Ontario, and driving up the case rates with questionable tests”

  1. Why would anyone ever play into the hands of the propagandists

    Oh ya. My son and his wife cause they travel

    So sad

    STOP taking tests

    • Exactly. Stop the stupid testing and this all goes away.
      But they won’t, because now they are drunk on power.