Explicit, “very very explicit” proof, that this whole thing was NEVER about medicine or science but about politics from the start

When governments tell doctors what they can and cannot say and do about treatment, and much worse, what they must say, and may not say, about a government plan to treat everyone, then this is not science or medicine. Case in point, Canada’s Minister of Health is a graphic designer with no medical training at all, and is a perfect example of what may be a result of Klaus Schwabs’s little future-leaders project.

Ill go farther.

It never was and anyone who says it is, has not thought it through.

Doctors deal in medicine and scientists deal with science. And in Western thought, each individual often draws different conclusions which is why for all my life’s experience in Canada, the default response to a doctor’s visit one is unhappy with has always been: “You must go and get a second opinion”. Even doctors told you that. This is default thinking under reason and logic.

Now we have proof that in both Canada and Australia, the same tactic was used. Government threatened doctors to follow a political line of reasoning that was even internally inconsistent and self contradictory. For example, that they may not ever prescribe a treatment for Covid at all but only point to a Vaccine, which did not even exist for a year of this policy.

That recommending a course of HCQ or Ivermectin would lead to loss of livelihood or worse.

And that this policy we see proof for, being in Canada and Australia, and we can reasonably assume France, the UK, much or most of the USA and other nations, leads us to believe that this was not, ever, nor is not about medicine or science.

In Canada:

We posted the actual email sent out to doctors in Canada from the Canadian government that stated that they may not reccomend or prescribe untested or unsafe treatments for Covid such as HCQ or Ivermectin etc. and could not in any way say or do anything leading to “vaccine hesitancy” despite the fact that the vaccines discussed are not safe by definition as they have not even finished trials yet, but drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin have been out for decades and are known to be safe and one even got a Nobel Prize for medicine.

At the moment I cannot find that post. But it was Dr. Charles Hoff who, I believe actually revealed that email.


About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

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