Secretary General of the UN uses Corona crisis to further his agenda of crushing freedom of speech and thought world wide


Who is the Secretary General of the UN?

Here he is from a few years ago:

Make no mistake. It has always been his ambition to crush freedom of speech world wide for a communist agenda. He, like Trudeau and other communists, are using the Ram Emanual tactic of, “Never let a crisis go to waste”.

The real cost of the Wuhan Flu will be incomprehensible to most who simply do not understand how we are and will be led into an authoritarian and totalitarian regime.

UN on Global Compact on Migration:

One honest German reporter on the UN Migration policy

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

9 Replies to “Secretary General of the UN uses Corona crisis to further his agenda of crushing freedom of speech and thought world wide”

  1. God help us all if they ever convince enough people to give them a clear mandate on climate change – like 60/40 or more. That’s the grand prize and the answer to their prayers and by far the most important thing in the world to the left…

    Imagine a sky full of drones furiously judging every action we take in terms of how much CO2 we’re producing and how much we’re hurting the damn planet. Imagine how meticulously the bastards will be able to micromanage our lives once they have the weight of the law behind them and imagine how loudly they will proclaim that it is a crisis on the scale of WWII and there is no excuse for not acting strongly and fanatically. Imagine if they start screaming, “You’re costing lives!” at you and now you’re a murderer for asking questions…

    Do you actually not think that AOC and Elizabeth Warren and Beto O’Rork wouldn’t jump at the chance to have us all dancing on little strings like so many marionettes? Climate change will make the pandemic seem like a walk in the park if it ever really gets going the way they want it to…

      • That is why they want to eliminate it, that will be in first step to bringing the Chinese social credit score to the West. That and the Wuhan Flu are the gifts the CCP want to give the entire west, the problem in the US is that there are still enough people who believe in freedom over safety that they are standing up and saying enough. Combine that with the things that are coming out about the Deep State Members of the Coup and we are in for a bumpy future.

        • “CCP virus” is a misnomer for the novel coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, 2019. It’s a cute way of obscuring complexity. Epoch Times insists on calling it that, but they’re not exactly a disinterested party.

          Not only China or the CCP.

          The fine folks who finance and engage in gain-of-function biogenetic research. Some go to prison, others get buildings named after them. The USA in PTrump’s administration gave millions of dollars to the lab at Ground Zero.

          It’s the collaborators around the world who gave this thing oxygen and turbo-charged it. Our universities, our money. The media:

          And some of the most vocal foes, who are exploiting it for their own agendas. The flip-side isn’t inherently credible either. Remember, Russia funds both Zero Hedge (The Great Game, India) as well as the Ron Paul Institute.

          Serves different sets of agendas, some of them competing, but that doesn’t matter. They’re all riding it. Over our blasted lives and our way of life.

          • CCp virus is what it is commie–the CCP’s lies are the fault. You can’t duck it commie.

            Leftists here have helped them but it is the Chicom scums baby.

          • Mr. Ecks,
            – Not just “helped” them.
            – Not just “leftists”.
            WE funded that research. WE promoted it.
            – – Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research
            Mike Bloomberg and the $1.8 Billion he gave to Johns Hopkins – the same Johns Hopkins that’s been crying Apocalypse Now! – To use this virus for political ends.

            • The ChiComs, for their purposes.
            • The Globalists, including the Demonrat Party, to take down our President.
            • The Russians (or their dupes) to sow confusion with extraneous garbage causes-

  2. Does that Moron mean by “Tsunami of Hate”, that other Religious and Cultural Groups of people are locked into their Homes with draconian Rules and Regulations are pissed off that the protected Species of Muslims do not have to adhere to those selfsame Draconian Rules and Regulations?
    If that’s the case, that Tsunami needs to get much stronger and also engulf those Parasites in the UN, WHO along with the rest of that bunch.

    • The speech was designed for an Islamic audience, they don’t care what the facts are, they just want to take over the world. They are the weapon the left has decided to use to destroy the Western Nations, I don’t think they will succeed in the long run but it will get nasty in the short and part of the medium run.