Could SARS CoV-2 be a bioweapon?

This is a Sticky Post for a while. Its importance also merits a little more time at the top we think. Please scroll down for newer posts for now. Thank you.

A Ph.D in biology familiar to the authors at VladTepesBlog, took the time and effort to really look at some of the available documents on the nature of the Wuhan strains of the Corona virus now shutting down the world.

There are a number of anomalies that differentiate it from all other strains of Corona which deserve a closer look. One of which, and one of several, is the insertion of segments of the HIV virus which is not found in any other strain of Corona anywhere. But there is much more to cause concern and raise suspicion that this is really a WMD bioweapon from the Communist Chinese government.

Below, the executive summary of this Dr.’s investigation.

A summary of some of the research papers used to write this summary can be downloaded here.

could SARS CoV-2 be a bioweapon?

Dr. Anon Ph.D.

On January 31st, Indian scientists (Pradhan et al.) posted on a research website a not-yet-peer-reviewed paper called “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag.” They looked at the genomes of all of the versions of the new coronavirus now known as SARS CoV-2 that were available at the time (there were 28) and also the genomes of all coronaviruses whose genome sequences were published in databases (there were 55). The different versions of the SARS CoV-2 virus differ in generally less than a dozen nucleic acids in its approximately 30,000-nucleic acid genome. Such mutations are typical of viruses. Pradhan et al. found the most closely related virus to be the SARS CoV virus that caused the 2002-03 pandemic.

They then also closely compared the spike protein of the new virus with that of SARS CoV and generated a three-dimensional structure of the spike protein of the new virus. They found that all 28 strains of the new virus contained four insertions of amino acids that were not present in SARS CoV. They named the insertions insertion 1, 2, 3, and 4. They also looked for the insertions in all of the other 55 coronaviruses and did not find them. One other group (Zhou et al.) had reported three insertions but those authors had not looked at the entire sequence of the spike protein.

Looking for where the insertions might have come from, Pradhan et al. used the nucleic acid sequence of each insert as a “query” of all available viral sequences found in databases. They found that each of the four inserts aligned with short segments of the HIV-1 virus. Inserts 1, 2, and 3 aligned with parts of the HIV-1 gp120 protein and insert 4 aligned with a short segment of the HIV-1 Gag protein. Inserts 1 and 2 were both six amino acids long had 100% sequence homology with the corresponding segments in HIV. Insert 3 was twelve amino acids long and aligned with a 15-amino acid segment in gp120 if one left a 3-amino acid gap in insert 3. Insert 4 was eight amino acids long and aligned with a sequence in the HIV Gag protein if one left a gap of 11 amino acids between the first four and the last four amino acids in the coronavirus sequence. [Using the one-letter abbreviationsfor amino acids, the amino acid sequence of insert 4 is QTNSPRRA, and is located in positions 677 to 684 of the spike protein.]

The authors thought it was unusual to find short stretches of amino acids in unrelated proteins and expressed the opinion that it was unlikely the inserts were there by chance. When they modelled the structure based on the available structure of the SARS CoV spike protein they found that the first three inserts folded together to constitute part of the binding site that recognizes the host receptor. Insert 4 was located at the junction of the S1 and S2 subunits of the spike protein. (When the virus binds to the host cell, its spike protein S is cleaved by proteases on the host cell into subunits S1 and S2. S1 is needed for binding to the receptor and S2 is involved in fusing the virus membrane with the cell membrane.)

Pradhan et al. also thought that the insertions would provide additional flexibility to the glycoprotein binding site by forming a hydrophilic loop that may facilitate or enhance virus-host interactions. (The spike protein is a glycoprotein, meaning there are sugar groups attached to it.)

Pradhan et al. (2020) withdrew their paper within days of prepublication after it was criticized for methodological reasons.

Another pre-published (not yet peer-reviewed) paper by Tong Meng et al. titled The insert sequence in SARS-CoV-2 enhances spike protein cleavage by TMPRSS says that the insert sequence in SARS CoV-2 enhances the cleavage of the spike protein needed for infection. The insert sequence they are referring to is  the insert 4 of Pradhan et al.

For the Meng et al. paper, it is important to know that both SARS CoV and SARS Cov-2 get into human cells via the “ACE2” receptor (i.e., the spike protein of the virus binds to the host’s ACE2 receptor) and that, to get into the cell, the spike (or S) protein needs to be “primed” by a cellular proteases that cleaves the S protein at specific sites, which are called S1/S2 and S2’. The first site is located at the boundary of the S1 and S2 subunits and divides S into its two subunits and the second site is inside the S2 subunit and snipping off a small piece helps drive the fusion of the virus and host cell membranes. For both SARS CoV and SARS CoV-2, a protease called TMPRSS is involved in cleavage.

The gist of Meng et al.’s paper is that the insert in the SARS CoV-2 spike protein makes the cleavage of its S protein more efficient relative to the S protein of SARS CoV. Although the affinity for the ACE2 receptor is similar for the two viruses, SARS CoV-2 is more transmissible and infective. In addition to getting into pulmonary alveoli (lungs), it also targets intestinal and esophageal epithelia.

Meng et al. note that the amino acid sequence SPRR in the S1/S2 cleavage site had the effect of increasing the virus’ “furin score.” [SPRR was part of insert 4 of Pradham et al. It is amino acids #4 to 7 of the eight amino acid-long insert 4.]  Furin is a membrane-bound protease expressed in many tissues which cleaves precursor proteins and facilitates their conversion to a biologically active state. The increased ability of furin to cleave the S1/S2 site in SARS CoV-2 compared to SARS CoV seems to be related to the SPRR sequence. The cleavage by furin greatly increases ability of the S1 subunit of SARS CoV-2 to bind to the ACE2 receptor and get into the cell.

The authors also found that the insertion sequence formed an exposed loop at the S1/S2 site of SARS CoV-2 which was “easily recognized by the catalytic pocket of TMPRSS2. Thus, both the furan score and molecular docking revealed that the insertions sequence of SARS CoV-2 facilitates the TMPRSS2 recognition and S protein cleavage.” So even though both viruses had similar affinity for the ACE2 receptor, SARS CoV-2 got more activation by the host cell’s proteases which may be related to its greater infectiveness and transmissibility.

They also noted that more R (R682, R683, R685) in the S1/S2 site of SARS CoV-2 enhances the cleavage of S1 from S2, and that when the structural constraints of S1 on S2 are removed, and the fusion peptides in S2 are exposed and insert into the target host cell membrane more efficiently. [More R means more amino acid arginine, there is an arginie in  positions 682, 683 and 685; the first two of those arginines are amino acids # 6 and #7 in Pradham et al’s insert 4, the last arginine is immediately after the eighth and final amino acid in insert 4.]

The authors also dismiss the findings of Pradhan et al. without mentioning them by name. Verbatim: “By the way, some researchers previously supposed the SARS CoV-2 was artificial due to four inserts in the S protein of SARS CoV-2 from HIV sequence. However, the results of protein sequence alignment revealed that the similar sequence of the reported fourth insertion site (680-SPRR-683) in SARS CoV-2 was commonly found in many beta-coronavirus. Therefore, we supposed that based on the current evidence, it is not scientific to consider the insertion sequence in SARS CoV-2 S protein being artificial.”

Another paper by Andersen et al., The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, considered SARS CoV-2 and concluded that it arose naturally. Although they address and dismiss the possibility that this virus was deliberately created, they also do not cite Pradhan et al.

Andersen et al. say that its genome has two notable features, which are (i) that it appears to be optimized for binding to the human ACE2 receptor and (ii) that the spike protein has a functional polybasic (furin) cleavage site at the S1-S2 boundary through the insertion of 12 nucleotides [i.e., the nucleotides coding for SPRR in Pradhan’s insert 4] which additionally led to the predicted acquisition of three O-linked glycans around the site.

Regarding point 1, the say that while structural and biochemical analyses show high affinity of SARS CoV-2 to the ACE2 receptor, computational analyses predict that the interaction is not ideal.  Therefore they think this is evidence that the high affinity of SARS CoV-2 for ACE2 receptors is the result of natural selection that permitted another optimal binding solution and is not the product of purposeful manipulation of its receptor binding domain (the RBD is part of the S1 subunit).

Regarding point 2, they say that the polybasic cleavage site (RRAR) at the junction of subunits S1 and S2, which allows effective cleavage by furin and other proteases, has a role in determining viral infectivity and host range. (Note: RRA” are the last three amino acids of Pradhan et al.’s insert 4 and the final R in RRAR is the first amino acid beyond that insert. R stands for the amino acid arginine.) They also note that the proline (P) in the insert (P is the 5th amino acid of Pradhan et al.’s insert 4) creates a turn that is predicted to result in the addition of O-linked glycans to S673, T678 and S686 (i.e., a serine at positions 673 and 686 and a threonine at position 678), which flank the cleavage site and are unique to SARS CoV-2. Polybasic cleavage sites have not been observed in related ‘lineage B’ betacoronaviruses (both SARS viruses are lineage B betacoronaviruses) although other human betacoronviruses (including HKU1 from lineage A) have those sites and predicted O-linked glycan. The authors say that given the genetic variation in the spike, it is likely that SARS CoV-2-like viruses will be discovered in other species.

Experiments with SARS CoV (the original SARS of 2002-03) have shown that the insertion of a furin cleavage site at the S1-S2 junction enhances cell-cell fusion without affecting viral entry. The acquisition of such a site in the hemagglutinin protein (HA) of avian influenza converts low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses to highly pathogenic forms. (And presumably no one would think of trying that out on a SARS coronavirus in a lab.)

The authors say the function of the predicted O-lined glycans is unclear, but they could create a “mucin-like domain’ that shields epitopes (the part of an antigen recognized by the immune syster) or key residues on the SARS CoV-2 spike protein. Several viruses use mucin-like domains as glycan shields for immunoevasion (i.e., hiding from the host’s immune system). Although prediction of O-linked glycosylation is robust (i.e., all the models predict it), they authors say more experimental studies are needed to determine if these sites are used in SARS CoV-2.  (If so, and it increases the time before the immune system detects SARS CoV-2, it might help explain the long silent incubation period.)

The authors argue that it’s unlikely that the SARS CoV-2 virus is manufactured because it uses a different way to optimize ACE2 binding than had been predicted. They propose it arose by natural selection either before or after it was transferred from an animal to a human.

They think it arose in bats because a sequence called RaTG13, sampled from the bat Rhinolophus affinis, is about 96% identical to SARS CoV-2.  But the viruses differ in the receptor binding domain, suggesting it would not bind efficiently to human ACE2. Although the overall genomes of the pangolin (Manis javanica) coronaviruses are not as close to SARS CoV2 as RaTG13, some pangolin coronaviruses exhibit strong similarity to SARS CoV-2 in the receptor binding domain, including all six key RBD residues. (It is worth noting that in the virus most closely related to SARS CoV-2, which is SARS CoV, five of the six key RBD residues (ie., amino acids) differ from those of SARS CoV-2. It is interesting that the critical RBD of SARS CoV-2 should be so much more closely related to that of a pangolin coronavirus, even given that the RBD is the most variable part of the coronavirus genome.)

The authors say that the similarity between the RBDs of pangolin coronaviruses and SARS CoV-2 show that its spike protein optimized for ACE2 binding arose by natural selection. This, despite the fact that neither the bat nor pangolin betacoronaviruses have polybasic cleavage sites and there is no known animal coronavirus sufficiently similar to SARS CoV-2 to have served as a direct progenitor of such a site. But they blame the fact that no such polybasic cleavage site has been found on the fact that cornaviruses in bats and other species have been massively undersampled. (That seems surprising, given the SARS outbreak in 2002-03, which one would think would increase sampling of bat coronaviruses.)

On the possibility of the virus evolving by natural selection in humans following animal to human transfer, they say it’s possible that a progenitor virus jumped into humans acquiring the genomic features described through adaptation and undetected human-to-human transmission. Once acquired, these adaptations would enable the pandemic to take off. The presence in pangolins of an RBD that is very similar to that of SARS CoV-2 means that we can infer it was probably in the virus that jumped to humans.

The authors acknowledge that even if the evolution in humans as described above occurred, it doesn’t explain the insertion of the polybasic cleavage site, which they claim must have occurred during human to human transmission. Since the evidence points to the emergence of the virus in late November to early December of 2019, this scenario presumes a period of unrecognized transmission in humans between the initial zoonotic event and the acquisition of the polybasic cleavage site. They use the MERS CoV outbreak as evidence that this could happen, where all human cases resulted from repeated jumps of the virus from camels to humans, producing single infections or short transmission chains with no adaptation to sustained transmission.

The authors discuss the possibility of a virus escaping from a lab, which they acknowledge can happen. In theory, the SARS CoV-2 could have acquired the receptor binding domain mutations over time during cell culture, but the finding of the SARS CoV-like coronavirus in pangolin with a nearly identical RBD suggests it got in CoV-2 through recombination or mutation. (Apparently putting the pangolin virus RBD into a SARS CoV virus is not in the realm of consideration.) They say that the acquisition of both the polybasic cleavage site and the predicted O-linked glycans argues against a culture-based scenario. New polybasic cleavage sites have been observed only after prolonged passage of low-pathogenicity avian influenza in vitro or in vivo. (Again, engineering doesn’t seem to be a possibility for some reason.)

UPDATED with this Brad Johnson video of April 7 2020

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

46 Replies to “Could SARS CoV-2 be a bioweapon?”

  1. To tthe people who are familiar with the CCP think of them developing weapons of mass destruction and loosing control of the weapon. The author seems to believe that no one would be evil enough to deliberately build something like this. That argument doesn’t convience me that this isn’t a weapon that escaped from the lab.

    • It is admittingly difficult not to view the CCP as the real-world equivalent of the Aschen from Stargate SG1.

    • Ezra’s video on the Wuhan Lab and the Chinese propaganda film boasting about the research China has done on viruses:

  2. Investigate the CIA, FBI & Democrats as the CCP virus was released for political purposes this is how evil those people are

    • I doubt Dems were involved for the simple reason that all states seriously infected are all Dem voters.

      • Those are the states where they attribute blame to Pres. Trump, now and always.

  3. Nothing will make me believe this CCP Flu wasn’t engineered in a lab for release purposes on an unsuspecting public in due time.

    Whether intentional or unintentional is not the issue. What is the issue is they were working on a Bio-Weapon.

    The makeup and complexities involved in its development are too complex for it to be of a ‘natural selection’ variety and, to my knowledge, no citizens had been falling ill and dying in significant numbers prior to its release.

    Bio-Weapon. And may the World never forgive them.

    • I’m with you, 4 mutations all of which increase the infection rate and severity of the infection and they want us to believe this is just coincidence! This was a weapon in development that was probably accidentally released, probably aimed at the neighboring nations. The CCP was willing to loose some of their own people before they “discovered” the vaccine, the accidental release before the vaccine was developed ruined this whole plan.

      Now the CCP is facing major loss of face and influence because of the damage they have done to their own and other economies. With either the first wave not being stopped (my guess) or a second wave of infection starting the CCP is facing another couple of months their economy being shut down. They are also facing major starvation in China because of the Wuhan Flu, the Swine Flu and the Bird Flu all hitting at once. It is unlikely that the CCP will be able to survive the resurgence of the Wuhan Flu.

      We are going to have to wait a couple of weeks to discover what the Wuhan Flu is going to do to the US economy. If it acts like a normal flu and goes dormant during the war weather North America will probably go into a survivable depression. If it doesn’t go dormant the entire world will be shut down until a vaccine is developed and the depression will destroy most of the nations on earth.

      • On the bright side, they are too afraid or too ashamed to admit it. They had the option of proclaiming some kind of victory and conquest and covering up their own death rates.

        The bombing of Pearl Harbor was never called an accident.

        It’s not like those whose families were responsible for 9/11 celebrated with sweets. (a bit of a non-sequitor)

        • The Chinese are waging a war but so far the fighting isn’t on a Battlefield between Armies, they are fighting a war of shadows and at times using puppets to attack us. You need to get the book Unrestricted Warfare it talks about how to wage war in other realms then the battlefield. They were waging economic war and winning until Trump was elected and in 3 years he turned things around and the Chinese were losing. Then the virus was released and the CCP kept quiet about the new viral flu that was ravaging China because they needed the hard currency that the expats would bring back when they visited their families over Lunar New Year. They then let the expats return to the west spreading the flu, it release was probably accidental but allowing the expats to spread the flu was deliberate. The Chinese experts had a good idea what the flu would do based on what it was doing to China.

          The economic problems brought on by their over spending, the sanctions Trump put on their products and the flu shutting the Chinese economy down for several months has destroyed the Chinese economy. It is highly unlikely that the CCP will survive the coming economic crash, by allowing the expats to spread the flu the Chinese will also crash the worlds economy which the CCP hopes will allow them to either maintain control of some portion of China or find a safe haven from which they can hide and plot their return to China.

          Wars are fought with money and factories as well as weapons on the battlefield. General (later President) Eisenhower was ask what the most power weapon was used in WWII, he replied the Higgins boat (the landing craft that let us land on beaches instead of having to take ports) and the 6X6 trucks. The Army truck with 6 drive wheels that let them drive over rough country and torn up roads to deliver supplies to the battle line.

          Right now China and the US are staring at each other holding our hands on the switch that will cut off medicine to the US and food to China. two very powerful weapons that have the capabilities of killing a lot of people.

          An unintended consequence of the flu is the way it has made many people aware of how much China has infiltrated the the nations that use to compose Western Civilization. I doubt if the Chinese influence and power in the west will survive the chaos I see developing. But it is unlikely that most of the nation in the West will maintain the same borders throughout the chaos.

  4. So I just saw some doctor on Jesse Waters’ show describe how the hydroxychloroquine is coming along and he assured us that they just can’t know anything at all until extensive proper double-blind scientifically perfect peer-reviewed testing is done and that’s not even going to start for three months. In other words, hydroxychloroquine is damn well not going to be the big Nobel-Prize-winning discovery under any circumstances and they are prepared to bury it until something more to their liking comes along. The leftists see it as a “Trump Drug” and so they hate it blindly. What idiots…

    And can you imagine dying from the plague and having some research geek come up and hand you a placebo for his double-blind test. Oh, bad luck that…

    • The Dems are digging their own graves with their insistence on opposing everything Trump does or says. Their stupidity combined with the Wuhan Flu is going to ensure that the Dems lose big time when the election is held. I am pretty sure that we will find some way to hold the election in November and that Trump is going to win big time.

      Think about what the Dems are going to be doing if 1) the Flu goes dormant during the Summer, 2) a working vaccine comes out and is approved after emergency testing and 3) Trump and the Repubs win big in November.

      While you are thinking about that watch the Tim Poole video I posted late yesterday, it is about all of the things that point towards a major war. Although I think it will probably be a lot of small wars that combined make WWII look small.

    • The spit study from the NIH”s former director made we want to ask now many shares he holds in the Zoom platform.

  5. (Richard: Brad Johnson thinks this was a WMD under development)

    Bird’s Eye View, part II interview with Brad Johnson CCP Virus & China

    • He is spot on about the timing of the virus release, aka USA 2020 election.
      China accomplished three goals: a stop to the Hong Kong riots, derailing its arch enemy Trump in the hope he won’t be reelected, crashing world economies since its own was receding and heading slowly toward a retraction.

      • I agree with Brad Johnson that the release was likely accidental and that the Chinese held off telling about it to get the hard currency the expats brought home for New Years. Yes they allowed the expats to go back to their new homes in the West in the hope that it would damage the Wests economy. I doubt if they thought it would be as bad as it is, they have crashed their economy and the second wave (or continuation of the first wave) stands a good chance of removing the CCP from control of China and given the mood that is being shown by a lot of the Chinese if the CCP falls a lot of the party members are going to lose their lives.

        If the CCP remains in control of China they will be facing a world that is now pissed off at the CCP and is now aware of the amount of control the CCP had seized in the worlds nations. The Wuhan Flu and the CCPs actions have shown the world that all nations need to keep a lot of their manufacturing organic and using Western workers. You don’t want to outsource the manufacturing of your medical supplies, your military supplies and you want to keep your nation as food and energy independent as you can manage.

        It look China a long time to gain the economic and political power they held at the start of the Trade War and the Flu and once things are over if the CCP is still running China it will take a lot longer for them to regain that power.

  6. [CCP Virus] Gordon Chang: Did China’s Regime Downplay Covid 19 to Allow For Its Global Spread?

        • Why do you think Trump wants the drug and other factories brought back to the US? Why do you think people like Brad Johnson want the US intel community cleansed and reformed?

          • Got it. I hadn’t seen it as a trade war. I was focused on the labs/modeling/vaccine part.

            • You have to look at everything that China does as a new front in a war of conquest and we have to start reacting to that in such a way that shows we are fighting a war of survival.

              Don’t think of it as a “Trade War” think of it as a “War”, one we either win or become subjects to the CCP. They don’t separate their action into Trade War, Naval War etc., they lump them together as War with all actions part of the War of Conquest.

              I keep mentioning the book “Unrestricted Warfare” I wish more people would read that book in was published in the 90s, a lot of the book was written to play to the superstition of the Chinese people but it also spells out their thinking and future actions to make China the top dog in the world and the rest uf us being vassal states that have to buy everything for China at their price and sell our food to China at their price.

      • and why are we publishing numbers that give succor to whoever let it loose?
        Here’s an interview to help gain insight into how a destructive mind enjoys killing. She smiles when she learns that the child death-toll was higher than initially thought. TERRORIST Ahlam Tamimi MURDERS 15 in Jerusalem but has NO REGRETS!!

  7. “I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC. I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible. I welcome any feedback, especially from those bedside: doctors, nurses, xray techs, pharmacists, anyone and everyone. Does this sound wrong or right, is something more right? Please let me know. @cameronks”
    (He feels that the ventilators are not addressing the oxygen deprivation, but may be damaging the lungs — not a viral pneumonia like any other — asks what altitude sickness looks like — asks for help from anyone familiar with altitude sickness and treatment.)

  8. And still, they won’t release the only statistic that really matters at the moment and that is the number of people who have progressed from the initial “flu” stage of the coronavirus to the deadly “Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome” stage of the disease despite taking a full course of hydroxychloroquine along with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. If that number is large then the drug doesn’t work and we need to move on immediately and stop trying to pronounce “Hydroxychloroquine” because it is a really hard word…

    I know that would shut me up for a while. Why won’t they release that stat? They keep saying “double blind, double blind”, but what about simple observation? Like, is it working? It must be just sitting there at the bottom of the clipboard but they just can’t bring themselves to make a note of it, the lying bastards. They’re all lying about everything, aren’t they? They know they’re driving us crazy with this gaslighting bullshit. Aaarghhhh…!

    • Break it up: Hydroxy chloro quine
      See….not difficult at all.

      May you never need it….

  9. On my previous email from the ER doc
    1) at this time, any information coukd be misinformation, designed to sow distrust.
    The Vietnamese-named surgeon from East Texas shows his Houstin medical diploma and tries to establish cedibility before providing useful information. Mr ER doc’s desperation reflects his own discomfort and is not helpful.
    2) This is from a legal office’s targeted ad campaign. The US needs a wartime like “loose lips sink ships” ; otherwise CCP wins this destructive round:
    3) CCP extensively monitors its own people. It likely can hack into our electronic systems to obtain whatever statistics it needs to neasure its impact. Google publishes how many searches occur on terms. (is that really the name?) publishes how many hits each web site gets and ranks websites by traffic. Assume the CCP knows our popular the CDC site is, from published information alone.
    3) In area where I live, we are praying for 10. The ratio is 7:3 . i don’t need to tell you which number refers to men . The 1918 flu took out young men–we assume–because they were in close quarters due to WWI .
    4) Dissidents allege that Wuhan is being starved. if the people have antibodies in their blood, that might be a strategy to prevent information sharing or economic re-birth.
    5) Why would a culture change? The PRC’s mentality has been to let other countries develop ideas, then run with manufacturing them. How is this happening now?

    • Just a heads up about other information the CCP could have:
      1) electronic health records: why did an entity break into health insurance records? This could possibly be a means to
      a) baseline number and name of prescriptions for antibiotics and ither meds
      b) current pharmacy records (if breached) could show changes
      2) This past year, two offices of docs with large cross-state practices notified me of data breaches. “An employee accidentally clicked on a link in a fake email.” Sounds innocent. One practice was for sleep apnea, which we now know to be a risk factor.

      It sounds way-off, but recall that after 9-11, USG hired Hollywood writers to come up with scenarios, just as a means to imagine and evaluate scenarios as absurdly harmful as what had just happened. The CCP is not going to repeat the inefficient methods of Islamic terrorists. The Saudi terrorists and financiers expended a lot of effort for that limited act. Did the 9/11 terrorists experiment before their WTC assault? Not to anyone’s knowledge. Did the Nazis experiment before their Zyklon B murders? Yes. We need to ask what experiments the CCP has done with the men it keeps in its concentration camps.
      Even now, Wuhan is an experiment through which the CCP can learn to model how to promote and squash social unrest during an epidemic.

      • Like Brad Johnson you are ignoring the economic side of the pandemic. China was in an economic slowdown before the flu got out, this slowdown was according to many of the China observers a recession. The sanctions and tariffs of the Trade War were hurting China and were forcing them to make concessions to stay afloat. Then the Swine Flu hit and they had to slaughter and burn over half of the pigs they were growing for market.

        This caused them to have to open up their strategic meat reserves and draw them down. Then the bird flue hit and they had to slaughter well over half of the Chickens and Ducks they were growing for market. The CCP was forced to use a lot of their reserve currency to buy meat to replace what they had to destroy and with the Trade War still in place they bringing in enough money to replace what they were spending.

        Remember China is an export economy, if they don’t export to the West they don’t make any money. This lack of income is probably the top reason they waited until after Lunar New Year to release the information about the flu. They needed the Billions of US dollars the expats would bring in and spend. While the exporting of the flu to hurt the West was in their opinion a plus the main reason was to get the money to replace what had been spent to feed the people.

        The CCP has for 70+ years been teaching the Chinese people that the CCP was the only way they could get enough to eat and have shelter from the elements. They have to keep providing this or the people will decide that the CCP hs lost the Mandate From Heaven to rule the world. Releasing the flu during a recession would only make the CCPs position much worse. An accidental release that got away from them makes more sense. Then once they realized how bad the flu was and how much it is going to hurt China they realized that the CCP may lose control of China nd probably have to run for their lives. This would be when they decided to do everything they could to get more money to steal and live on and to damage the west so the US would no longer be the strongest and dominant nation. While they hope that they will remain in power they know that if an economic collapse causes the CCP to lose power as long as the CCP exists in some form they can once again take over China and once again start on working to rule the entire earth.

        Money is a weapon that most politicians don’t understand, this is why they think in terms of military force. Trump isn’t a politician he is a businessman and he wants to use the soft power of economics to destroy our enemies if possible. While I don’t think he would have every achieved his goal of a win/win deal with the CCP he was trying to prevent a major confrontation. Now that the Wuhan Flu has spread that confrontation is here and it is unlikely that the Chinese government will survive the second wave of the flu. As I said above their goal is now to ensure that no nation (especially the US) comes out of flu and probable economic collapse stronger then China.

    • Thanks for the affirmation, Johnny.
      9/11 did have a test:

      After 9/11, there was surprise in the Arab world that taking down Manhattan and an attemot on the Pentagon didn”t destroy OR demoralize us, certainly not both. But the original plan was to take down more cities–who really knows how many? Flights were stopped. So now, the CCP could look and see how many cities need to fall before a country disintegrates and which extreme measure a government takes. Intesesting that a direct attck on 9/11 stopped flights, but that the CCP virus indirect attack hasn’t.

  10. How many people who have been taking hydroxycloroquine on a long term basis have developed COVID-19?

    • I would be very interested to know how many New York area coronavirus patients went to their doctor yesterday and asked to be put on hydroxychloroquine after hearing Trump endorse the idea and say, “Try it! It’s OK”…

      And then I would be very interested in watching the media contort their brains trying to explain the subsequent decrease in death-rate. And then we’ll have to hear them dodge the question when people start asking, “Do you mean that back when I was fighting for oxygen you knew there was a remedy and just didn’t tell me because you really hate Donald Trump and didn’t want to admit anything that might make him look good? Really? You made that choice…?”

      • What I am going to say makes me sick that I could even think of it. But as I get to understand the mind of the far left, and those that hate while thirst for power, I realize that for them, anything justifies the ends.

        And so I suspect that people will start giving people fake Chloroquine or pills that are bad for them and then claim it was Trump’s fault for suggesting Chloraquine. Thats how much I think they hate Trump, and want power for themselves.


        McGill appears to be doing clinical trials. So if they are honest in their methodology, and Ill be blunt I simply do not trust ANY of the old guard orthodoxy at this point, then we may know soon.

        • This makes sense and fits with their actions of setting up committees to investigate Trumps handling of the virus. I don’t think they stand a chance of defeating Trump in the November election but the more the investigate and lie about what is happening the more they radicalize a significant portion of their followers. These are the antifa types, especially those who went to the Middle East and joined that Maoist group of Kurds and got their military training OJT. It is a harsh method of training but those who survive are trained and blooded combat soldiers.

          There aren’t enough of the radicals to win an asymmetric civil war but there are enough to do a lot of damage to the rule of law in the US. Especially if the various trained Islamic personal that have been smuggled in decide to make attacks of their own. This will include attacks from the radicals in Canada. The Good Guys will win in the long run but the left will do alot of damage to our society.

  11. Their is one other possibility. The coronavirus release is the Christmas gift promised by Kim Jong Un. There is nothing he won’t do – and at the bidding of or with the agreement of the Chicoms. The Chicoms can claim innocence by showing a desperate situation that killed a few tens of thousands of their subjects. Kim just keeps unusually quiet as the pandemic ravages the world.

    • I believe you are right. Kim’s promise of a Christmas Present could mean he knew this was coming. If he had said New Years its a dead cert.

      I believe that proves not only is this a WMD made by the Chinese, but its release was intentional.

      • This is an interesting scenario, it could be that their economy was in worse shape then I realized and they decided to release the virus as the Sampson Option to prevent the west from claiming victory or being in a position to exploit the Chinese collapse.

  12. Thank you, doctor, for your efforts to clarify the CCP virus. I read it twice.

    While your effort, from the viewpoint of a layman trying to digest a technically-dense subject, does not conclude that this virus is an artifact created beyond the realm of natural selection, it does suggest another possibility when juxtaposed with other data points that are conclusive.

    Dismissing blatant CCP disinformation, the virus indeed originated in China. The CCP by its own admissions (more accurately bragging) is the world’s most efficient and prolific collector of contagious viruses. The home base of this collection is the Wuhan lab, in the city of the same name from whence this virus, specifically, originated.

    While “the hand of man” aspect of the virus is certainly a necessary path to follow for investigators such as yourself, and for humanity, the salient issue is the one we already know. The CCP’s obsession with collecting the most dangerous contagions known to man, indeed their going so far as to steal viruses from the Winnipeg laboratory, indicates a definite agenda to possess biological WMD’s. (Such thievery is not done in the service of the world’s scientific community.) It doesn’t matter whether they have developed the technical expertise to successfully enhance natural selection’s human-killing ability via insertions. What matters is the panorama of pathogens these communists have collected, their disregard for human life, their history, and the aggressive behavior displayed in every other aspect of the CCP’s behavior. This constellation of malevolence bears a critical mass great enough to readily conclude that a non-artificial virus would be used as WMD in the same way a dirty nuclear bomb can be used. Crude, yes, but effective. Does it target a well-defined theater? No. But depending on the desired outcome accuracy may not be necessary, or wanted. Add to this communism’s previous great foray into the effective weaponization of biology through Lysenkoism, and it hardly matters how good, or even ridiculous their science is so long as it offers the desired mass impact and destructive capabilities. In fact, by this reasoning a better argument may be made that the CCP Wuhan virus is NOT an artifact in that, if it were, it would have been designed to be even more discriminating in terms of for whom it is most lethal.

    That this virus is a blunt CCP WMD is, therefore, certain.To refute such a conclusion would be to give the benefit of the doubt to one of humanities two most lethal ideological pathogens, the other being Islam. This would be foolish and irresponsible. The only question remaining is whether it was released accidentally, or not.

    This, then, opens the discussion to the Left’s penchant for opportunistic behavior in terms of “…never letting a disaster go to waste…” or some variation thereof. This aspect of the problem is relatively straightforward, providing no end of examples.

    @cameronks &
    researchers in Germany and Italy said their Covid-19 patients were unlike any others with acute respiratory distress. Their lungs are relatively elastic (“compliant”), a sign of health “in sharp contrast to expectations for severe ARDS.” Their low blood oxygen might result from things that ventilators don’t fix. Such patients need “the lowest possible [air pressure] and gentle ventilation,”