Syrian ‘refugee’ breaks teacher’s jaw as she searches for his knife

Thank you Ava Lon, for the translation from Swiss German on the video, and also for doing this accompanying article.

From the Swiss daily Aargauer Zeitung:


A 14-year-old Syrian hit his female teacher five to six times — he had received negative attention in the past

by Nadja Rohner

The youth from Möriken-Wildegg talked a lot about the Quran, and during recess instructed girls to dress more modestly.

The case caused shock: last week the Argauer Zeitungpublished the news, that in Möriken-Wildegg a student from the Chestenberg school broke the jaw of a teacher by punching her with his fist.

He did this when she wanted to find out if the Syrian secondary-school student was carrying a knife — as he had already done in the past.

This time the case was taken up by the Weltwochejournalist Alex Baur. According to his research it is about a 14-year-old “M”.

He allegedly comes from a Syrian family with numerous children, who came to Switzerland exactly five years previously and allegedly lives on welfare. His German is good, and he is described as “quite intelligent, self-confident and quick-witted.”

Still, for a while “M.” had often allegedly been talking about the Quran. He also requested — “in Allah’s name”— that the girls from the area dress and behave more modestly. In this context he allegedly played with a knife on the Hellmatt School recess court. This, according to Weltwoche, resulted in his having to empty his pockets every time before being allowed to enter the classroom.

Two days in custody

Obviously, during such a search the attack against the teacher took place. She is said not to have touched the student, but instead only told him to show her the contents of his pockets. At that the teen has attacked her, and, according to eyewitnesses, on whose testimonies theWeltwocheauthor bases his story, he hit the 62-year-old female teacher five to six times with a fist and the edge of his hand.

Additionally, while she was fleeing he allegedly kicked her. The mother of two adult sons was about to retire. As Weltwochefound out from her environment, she is still in shock.

The Syrian was arrested shortly after the act. The youth has been released after having to spend two days in custody. The juvenile prosecutor is investigating.

It is not clear what will happen to him. He will not be going back to the Chestenberg district school. According to Weltwoche, one of his friends, also a Syrian, “had been expelled a year earlier from the Chestenberg district school due to discipline problems, and was put in special setting outside of the Chestenberg district school.”

André Schärer, the school district deputy from the Chestenberg school district, has neither confirmed nor contradicted the question from the Aargauer Zeitungabout the research, based on anonymous sources, by Weltwoche. He could only confirm that the Syrian stood out from the beginning. So Schärer also  heard that “M.” had allegedly told the girls on the recess court to dress more modestly:

“There are clearly certain signs that he doesn’t agree with the way we are cultivating our culture.”

In the media and in the village there’s a rumor that the wounded teacher had to spend a long time in the hospital. Schärer insists that this is not the case. “The Monday after the incident she was off. On Tuesday the incident was discussed in the class concerned with the school social worker. At that point the teacher was already present [in the school] for a couple of hours. From Wednesday to Friday she took care of the class.” Schärer did not want to be misunderstood, however: “I don’t want to downplay the incident; it is serious and should be most severely condemned.”

School district deputy: “We cannot give any more information.”

It took a week before the incident was made public. The school district deputy insists, however, that nobody wanted to sweep the case under the rug: “It happened on Friday June 28th. One day before the Youth Festival. Already that same evening we, with the [female] president of the school district, decided on a communication strategy; we decided to actively inform male and female students and the parents as much as possible.”

Of course, it was discussed during the Youth Festival, and the district had to listen to complaints that they wanted to hide something. “This isn’t correct. We wrote a letter to the parents during the week following the Youth Festival. Our hands are tied, because of the investigation by the juvenile prosecutor. Even if we wanted to give out more information, we are not allowed to.”

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

16 Replies to “Syrian ‘refugee’ breaks teacher’s jaw as she searches for his knife”

  1. “He hit the 62-year-old female teacher five to six times with a fist and the edge of his hand. Additionally, while she was fleeing he allegedly kicked her. The mother of two adult sons was about to retire. As Weltwochefound out from her environment, she is still in shock. The Syrian was arrested shortly after the act. The youth has been released after having to spend TWO DAYS in custody. The juvenile prosecutor is investigating.”

    A society that elevates teenage jihadis above 62 year old female school teachers is a society that is finished. Just build 10,000 new mosques and go for mass-conversion to Islam immediately. It will be less painful for this nation of cucks and cowards.

    • Matt, I cannot get my mind around these THOUSANDS of events by “cultural enrichers.” “House of War” (by G.M. Davis) explains the West’s abject inability to even utter the name of civilization’s enemy: “Islam.”

      Tet, Take Two indeed!

      Where is Jan Sobieski when Europe needs him?

  2. I know this is off topic.
    I remember seeing a video on this site of a man in what appears to be arabic clothing running around the roof of the Notre Dame cathedral as it went up in flames.
    Now it has disappeared it seems.
    What happened?

  3. This is a very good example of how the liberal policies of not punishing the youthful offenders makes the more likely to reoffend. The punk has a history of violence and carry and brandishing a weapon at school, this history required that he be searched everyday to increase the safety of the other students. Now he has decided that he doesn’t want to be disarmed and broke the jaw of the 61 year old teacher. When I was that age if I had attacked a teacher like that I would have been put in a reformatory and held until I was 18. Instead this punk is turned loose and is bragging to his friends how he got away with attacking an infidel who had the gall to expect him to follow the infidel laws.

    Eventually the Europeans will become fed up with the actions of their politicians and will resort to vigilante action. Vigilante action occurs when the criminal justice system has broken down. The Western Governments are doing everything they can to insure that vigilante action never occurs, what all of their actions are doing is insuring that the vigilante action takes place later and is much worse then if the people had been allowed to defend themselves all along. By acting as they are the Western Governments are creating the racist groups that they claim to be fighting. They are creating racism where it didn’t exist, all of their identity politics are forcing the people to become racists and to return to tribal societies.

    When the newly created tribes finally react with vigilante violence the politicians who have betrayed the people are among the early targets.

      • Why do I have to keep telling people that we can’t afford to give away any land? There are signs that the Europeans are getting fed up, granted most of the early fighting is going to be with their governments but they are fighting.

        When you start giving up the first time is hard after that it gets easier and easier until you are fighting all alone. Islam has controlled portions of Europe before and were kicked out, it can be done again but only if we fight. So quit surrendering and start figuring out how to fight the Invaders in Europe.

      • I am glad you weren’t around during WWII, with your attitude we would all be speaking either German or Japanese.

  4. If countries are going to be serious about the security of their people, they must make perpetrators of such crime properly accountable. Instead, they’re just laughing at us harming their victims for life. Shameful!

    They have to be imprisoned for years, not under 5* conditions but harsh ones before being sent home.

  5. In some countries even today if a student comes to school late, doesn’t do homework, is rude to the teachers THEN THEY GET THE STICK. Here in the west we respect ”human rights” of delinquents , we spare the rod and allow these little Hosenscheisser to do whatever. And to make matters worse he’s from Syria, so he is 100% an import problem. Any so called refugee who physically harms a citizen of a country that helped him should be deported immediately.