Chat with Danish Lawyer and politician, Rasmus Paludan

Yesterday I had a chance to catch up with Rasmus Paludan, a Danish lawyer, journalist and politician who has been one of the few front runners in the war to inform the Western World, and Denmark in particular, about the effects of leftism, Islam and the alliance of the two on Western institutions and culture.

There are now two trials of ANTIFA members who committed acts of thuggery and other forms of political intimidation, which Rasmus will be attending as he was the primary victim.

Interestingly no terror charges are ever laid on ANTIFA although their actions, violence to achieve a political end against people who are no threat to them, seems to be a near text book definition of it.

(Youtube seems to be having a very odd issue with poster frames for videos. At no point in my interview with Rasmus are there large numbers of elderly women doing some form of aerobics.)

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

11 Replies to “Chat with Danish Lawyer and politician, Rasmus Paludan”

  1. Interestingly no terror charges are ever laid on ANTIFA although their actions, violence to achieve a political end against people who are no threat to them, seems to be a near text book definition of it.

    That is because to do so would effectively narrow down the definition of “terrorism” to where the EU could not maintain this overly-broad-based definition that currently allows them to charge all and sundry with terrorism even if it just involves picking their nose sideways.

    (Youtube seems to be having a very odd issue with poster frames for videos. At no point in my interview with Rasmus are there large numbers of elderly women doing some form of aerobics.)

    Color me unsurprised. There seems very little that Google will refrain from doing when it comes to advancing their private agenda. Long ago I noticed that YouTube poster frames—especially for Conservative or other disagreeable causes—often contained the most unflattering possible image (frequently, from the entire video clip). Has anyone else noticed this?

    It is rather telling that even an “elephant in the hen house” like Alphabet exhibits such insecurity and nervousness when confronted by components of reality that are not utterly dependent upon their particular brand of goods or services.

    Niggling little items like rational discourse, logic, truth, unbiased reporting, and a host of other ethical traits, all of which were once considered to be essential parts of any journalistic endeavor—yet have, somehow, managed to become antiquated in today’s Postmodern world.

    The West has been lied to for so long that there exists reasonable concern as to whether actual truth will be recognized for what it is (if and when it becomes widely available). Right now, we are in a mixed tide of resurgent Conservative thinking that is being cross-checked by a massive, decades-long infiltration of government and academic institutions.

    With the more recent intrusion of Social Media’s (and much of high-tech’s) extremely agendized Liberal schemes, there has begun a shrinking of the Right’s “visual cross section” both online and in printed media. This has resulted in the creation of a ‘massive Liberal echo chamber’ and it is a root cause of America’s brutally polarized politics.

    However, this flagrantly and highly selective obscurantism by Social Media already has begun to draw enough attention such that there is traction for the Streisand Effect. It is our duty to keep throwing branches (not people) under the bus tires and nudge this beast along until it is centered under the spotlights. Social Media’s need for some “disinfecting sunlight” cannot be overstated.

    If we are able to successfully turn the tide with regard to (what is now) long-lost respect for Mass Media and create public demand for honesty in reporting, there is a lot of otherwise unnecessary violence that can be avoided.

    Sadly, the Social Media giants almost unanimously and knowingly enable Identity Politics. If anything, they rely upon such divisions to create those aforementioned “echo chambers” that help drive Identity Politics and also gave us Generation Snowflake.

    • Islam and Leftism are only PART of the threat to the West!
      JEWISH REVENGE on the West is HUGE
      MAFIA is HUGE
      ALL sorts of Nations are moving into the West as LAND is to be parceled out
      …. I would would start heading the CounterJihad movement out of the single issue phase
      This is a Global issue
      Euro TRIBES need to recognize their own self determination is waning if they do not self tribe identify
      Stop the WEAK position of trying to be holier than thou by saying the CounterJihad group believes in DIVERSITY more than the Leftists
      It is cowardly at this point
      We do not have to validate ourselves to meet the JEWISH DIVERSITY crowd
      The time has come to admit
      DIVERSITY was GLOBAL when the WEST believed in itself and were NATION STATES
      The Nation State allows for the variation on a theme with enough room to breath
      Now everyone’s DIVERSITY is in each other’s face and it is unpleasant

  2. Related:

    “The Veritas Forum with Os Guinness at UC Berkeley: Time for Truth”
    RZIM – Streamed live on March 19, 2018

  3. Interesting question: Are these hoodlums GONGOs [Govt organized NGOs] doing the dirty work FOR the govt?

    Yes. Reminds me of Norse’s formulation: Invite sufficient genocidal tards, turn ’em lose, BAM => Europe becomes Judenrein by proxy. Aren’t we civilized?

    The govt itself can be hands-off, they’ve got plausible deniability. All they need to do is protect the Antifa swarm from the consequences of their behavior. Tell police to stand down; those who challenge the agenda will be silenced by the mob. Few to no questions asked.

    • Reminds me of Norse’s formulation: Invite sufficient genocidal tards, turn ’em lose, BAM => Europe becomes Judenrein by proxy. Aren’t we civilized?

      Wouldn’t want to soil those delicate (EU) kidskin gloves, now would we, eh?

      Thank you, dear yucki for giving credit where credit is due. I’m positive that we also both agree how—in a more concentrated but similarly plausibly deniable manner—so-called “Palestinians” are the MME’s “Judenrein by proxy”. Which is why I advocate for Israeli confiscation of border regions along the West Bank and Gaza in response to even unsuccessful terrorist attacks.

      Attack or kill Israelis … property gets appropriated. Especially those in border areas who have the most to lose (where these confiscations begin). Maybe they stop allowing their orchards to be used as Qassam launch points. Please be sure that I am not so naïve as to believe that some groves aren’t used at gunpoint.

      Nonetheless, it’s more than apparent that the longstanding “Arab–Israeli Crisis” status quo—of “catch and release” programs, bracketed with ostensibly fruitful and typically meaningless negotiations—has only been brought significance by Mossad (and IDF) willingness to administer eerily precise retribution.

      Especially against ”Palestinian” terrorism’s most high-value targets (e.g., Yassin’s curbside Hellfire enema, and then Rantisi getting blown out of the Sheik’s still-warm shoes just a few weeks afterward).

      None of which explains why Arafat managed to live such a long and unhealthy life. Much less why Nasrallah continues to steal oxygen in such vast quantities.

      All the same, on a per capita spending basis, Israelis are most likely without a global peer when it comes to directing carefully-calculated resources towards decapitating jihadi terrorist networks.

      For the nonce, I’ll attempt to set aside deep personal reservations stemming from well-documented and very profitable Israeli transfers of Western technology to Red China. There is no polite, rosy adjective available to describe Tel Aviv’s super-cynical behavior.

      • Nasrallah lives like the vampire he is – underground for the last 8 years.
        Be nice if Qassem Suleimani found a permanent resting place underground. Or vaporized.