One of the hiding sheriffs at school shooting is CAIR leader for Florida

Read this article from 2016:

Relevant part is below:

Israel’s hires

• Nezar Hamze, an activist who is regional operations director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Florida. He’s working as a sheriff’s deputy, at a salary of $49,274.


Recognize the name from a recent news story:

Four armed officers and years of warnings did nothing to stop Nikolas Cruz from massacring 17 people at a high school.

Tweet from Clare Lopez:


Front Page Magazine did an article about this very sheriff just a couple of years ago.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

14 Replies to “One of the hiding sheriffs at school shooting is CAIR leader for Florida”

  1. From an article published in FrontPage Magazine last Friday:

    CAIR leader Nezar Hamze is now a Deputy Sheriff at the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO), Sheriff Scott Israel appeared on WFTL-Fort Lauderdale’s Joyce Kaufman radio show to discuss the matter. On the show, Israel made a number of weak excuses as to why this has taken place. The following report will challenge these excuses, in an effort to expose this wrongdoing.

    Since the beginning of this year, Sheriff Scott Israel has been hopping around from radical mosque to radical mosque, getting his smiling face photographed with a number of known Muslim extremists in South Florida. It turns out, during that time period, he has had his own Muslim extremist liaison to introduce him to those radical mosques, Nezar Hamze, the local head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and now Deputy Sheriff.

  2. “Florida School shooting with Wolfgang Halbig – #CTM Ep 889”
    John B. Wells – Published on February 23, 2018

    • What was Nicholas doing at the school? Was he used as the fall guy? His behavior was odd after they found him.

  3. I think the technical terms for this are 1) Goat Roping, 2) Cluster F–k, I don’t know of any other terms that fit.

  4. Guess which 1% of the population committed 33% of mass shootings in the last decade?
    Title of article by Thomas Lifson at American thinker.

    Hint: Think Islam.

    Since 2015 there has been a Muslim mass shooting every year.

    Regarding Islam, we need to consider what they are doing in America. They are not here to assimilate and help to continue the great American experiment. Concerning the 4 Broward cowards, one was a Muslim and he certainly felt no compunction to save American children. Non-Muslims are the enemy and giving aid to the enemy is not in their DNA.

    Regarding our children’s safety, which is the real issue here, we must put armed personnel within schools who will act on behalf of the children.

    Regarding Islam, it should be dealt with as an enemy of the state.