German Teen Girl Stabbed To Death By 15-year-old Afghan In Drugstore

An original translation from B.Z. Berlin:

15-year-old Afghan stabs girl to death in supermarket

Dec. 27, 2017

A 15-year-old Afghan stabbed a German girl of the same age to death in the town of Kandel in Rhineland-Palatinate. An argument between the two teenagers preceded the attack, Prosecution Landau and Police Headquarters Rhineland-Palatinate announced.

The girl died from her injuries in hospital. Passers-by overpowered the young Afghan after the crime, police arrested him.

According to first investigations, the victim was in drugstore in the company of a friend. But the arrested did not enter the shop together with the 15-year-old. The trigger of the argument is still unknown.

The Afghan will appear before the committing magistrate on Thursday. It was not announced whether or not the youth was a refugee.

Translator’s note: the above text is a dpa (German Press Agency, Deutsche Presseagentur) text, which is currently featured in identical wording in dozens of German newspapers. According to police, the crime took place at 3:20 this afternoon.

The drugstore in which the crime took place.

18 Replies to “German Teen Girl Stabbed To Death By 15-year-old Afghan In Drugstore”

  1. It might be a lover’s quarrel between a stupid pro-Islamic refugee German girl and her new-found boyfriend.
    Nobody really knows the true age of the Afghan guy.

  2. Am I to understand, Egri, that the dpa is a Federal mouthpiece? If so, why does a Federal org control regional info–local news info control? This seems extreme if true. Did Germany always micromanage local news events? If not, does this not represent elevated control? Do reporters question this? Do average people?

    Offering only the barest of facts of such attacks will desensitize the populace to violence. This is a variation of the London mayor. By dampening info you can extend and pretend harsh reality until it is really too late to revolt. The London mayor tells Londoners to get used to it. Does Germany say move on, not much to see here?

    • The trigger of the argument is still unknown.

      Johnnyu, this is your, “move on, not much to see here”. We all know what the trigger is. As one participant at another counterjihad website used to say about the last millennia or more, “Islam is the problem. Islam always has been the problem.”

      The latest excuses like “mental illness” are exactly in line with your perception of, “By dampening info you can extend and pretend [against] harsh reality until it is really too late to revolt.” One of the most notorious of these dampeners is, “the lone wolf myth”.

      This fairytale fabrication is specifically intended to prevent people from “connecting the dots” with respect to how Islamic jihad is a nearly monolithic assault upon Western (and all other non-Muslim) civilizations.

      It is rapidly becoming “too late” for much of Western Europe. This recent influx of fighting-age young men—handily disguised as “immigrants” and “refugees”—is sufficiently violent, parasitical, and disruptive to create a “bottleneck”.

      This sociopolitical constriction will result from successive crashing of the gates rule of law, social benefits (i.e., economics), and subversion of national militaries. The post-crash end-result will be an exceptionally harsh “exclusive-or binary filter” that will only permit successful passage of one or the other parties, but not both.

      The longer that Europe takes to wake the fü¢k up (as per your “dampening” model), the closer that this bottleneck looms. Those who are least prepared will be the most unlikely to get through. Rest assured that one specific parameter required for “safe passage” will be a willingness to employ to violence.

      It is here where these “immigrants” and “refugees” hold many of the trump cards. They have no compunction about committing murder, rape, and mayhem. Insert whatever Morlock versus Eloi comparison >here<.

      As author Victor Hugo noted, "Habit is the nursery of errors." Sometimes, the process of "unlearning" is far more difficult than whatever original acquisition of that knowledge was previously required. Quite easily, this will be the most difficult lesson facing modern Western Europeans. After the horrors of WWII, there appears to have been a wholesale abdication by EU citizens with respect to who holds a monopoly on violence.

      For better or worse, the American people retained their (Second Amendment) grasp on the sword's hilt. Far too often, understandably traumatized post-World War Europeans willingly abdicated their individual rights to administer force of arms—and are presently paying the price. What that ultimate price may be is something which the bottleneck will determine.

      If modern Europeans can unlearn their aversion to arms (along with their decisive administration), then there is some slight degree of hope. Should EU governments continue to get away with their criminal underplaying of the Islamic threat, the outlook is grim, at best.

      As Richard observed in a reply to my comment about 3-D printed firearms:

      All of the world’s governments have to understand that gun control is dead, the era of gun control is coming to an end. A violent bloody end because right now the honest people in most Western Nations aren’t armed. This will be corrected over the next few years.

      I will heartily concur by stating that “the next few years” is about all that Europe has left. Another decade spent neglecting their Right to Bear Arms and exactly who is allowed to govern EU nations will be a death knell for indigenous Western European peoples.

      Again, the end equation is, “Which group will emerge from the bottleneck?”

      Europe rapidly is approaching a “time of little choice”.

        • Thanks much for so eloquently fulfilling my unrealized thoughts, NR. Well done.

          Your kind words honor me, Johnnyu.

          Now, when will we see one or three of your essays here? Your way with words is priceless. Then again, that’s just an ink-stained wretch like me nattering about…

      • The willingness to use violence is what always separates the survivors from the rest. In the last of May 1966 I went into the Army and had to set down and think long and hard about whether or not I could pull hte trigger on another human. I decided I could and haven’t seen diddly since to change my mind.

        Johnny if you are going to start carrying a folding knife for self defense 1) decide if you can use it on another person, if you can’t don’t carry one. 2) in a tight spot don’t hesitate to use violence, this willingness to use violence gives you a better chance to survive the fight.

        • 2) in a tight spot don’t hesitate to use violence, this willingness to use violence gives you a better chance to survive the fight.

          Totally agreed. Head butt your opponent’s nose (a potentially fatal strike). A flat-hand to your foe’s Adam’s apple (another potentially fatal strike). A knee to the groin (most men know what that means).

          If you want to “fight fair”, YOU WILL LOSE. There is no such thing as a “fair fight”. Should physical violence become necessary, then it’s game over because you’ve used every last nasty trick in the book to make sure that your opponent is left lying on the ground, preferably unconscious or bleeding out.

          Ah yup, that’s just how nasty things have gotten these days (if not always). The Marquess of Queensberry Rules mean absolutely NOTHING. That is, unless you want to lose.

          I carry a Puma General folding hunter on one hip, a Victorinox multitool on the other, plus a Victorinox Swiss Army Mountaineer in my pocket (strictly for the corkscrew, of course).

          Leaving home without any of these blades makes me feel naked.

          When finances permit, I will upgrade to a Puma Emperor, the only drop point, folding blade Puma makes that’s larger than my General.

          Also in my collection is a Buck Fisherman, and a prized Puma 972 Game Warden with hand-crafted sheath.

          Much as I dislike carrying blades made by the maker of Nazi bayonets, Puma knives put to shame, Buck, Gerber, Case XX, and every other American blade I’ve ever owned. Only Victorinox (Swiss Army) comes close. As in, either one will shave hair off of your arm straight out of the box.

          I’ve owned my Puma General for some 20 YEARS without ever sharpening it once and still would not try to flick it open with my thumb out of concern for losing a chunk of flesh.

      • We are seeing that NOTHING will wake Europeans up from their brainwashing, nothing! Seeing their women and children raped, murdered; their young men attacked and killed, apparently nothing is waking them up. My prediction? Only when they are hit in their WALLETS (i.e. economic collapse) will they wake up. But by then, it will be too late. Excellent post Norseradish. It’s all a subterfuge, buying time, until enough of “them” are inside the borders, before the natives open their eyes.

        • Excellent post Norseradish. It’s all a subterfuge, buying time, until enough of “them” are inside the borders, before the natives open their eyes.

          Too right, Jane! This one is for all the marbles. How sad that so few Europeans have the slightest clue.

          Thank you so much for the kind words. Happy New Year!!!


    • Johnnyu –

      dpa is a news agency, a commercial enterprise. The public (state) broadcasters hold 12% of its capital though. So they are sort of independent, even though not fully.

      • Government ownership and control of the media sounds like an old Fascist idea.

        Where are the Antifa kids in black clothing and ski masks?

        • Where are the Antifa kids in black clothing and ski masks?

          Waiting in the wings … Patience, laddie.

          PS: Let’s please work together in order to make sure that these supremely useless wankers get a “poke in the eye with a burnt stick” (to use an old Aussie euphemism).

  3. We all know what the trigger was and we all know what is coming, the only chance most European nations have is to pray for a plague in the big cities to give the Europeans time to arm themselves.

    I am not as pessimistic as NR but the amount of blood that will be spilt will be lessened if the Europeans arm themselves and fight back. I still think that in the end the Europeans will control all of Europe and the invaders will be kicked into the Med and told to swim to safety. But this will take a long time and probably require help from Eastern Europe and North America.

    As I have stated before if you are living in one of the Western European nations and don’t want to become part of a resistance movement in your nation move to another nation that is willing to stand up to the invaders and work to help them resist the Islamic Conquest.

    • Could the two world wars have killed off a critical mass of alpha-males?

      Absolutely, YES!

    • From the articles I have read it is hard to raise an alpha male in a single parent family, this is what the two world wars set in place. Then stir in the indoctrination against the use of violence and love of country. These have set the conditions for a major blood bath, it is too late to stop this but if there are enough alpha males left it is not to late to save Europe. The increase in the Generation Idendity groups and other resistance groups say that Europe can still be saved for the Europeans. It won’t be quick and it will be a long and bloody struggle.

      During the coming chaos (warring state years) we may see the historical norms reversed and see Poland, Hungry and the other Eastern European Nations invade Western Europe to provide a buffer zone between the Invaders and thei Eastern homeland.

      Everyone needs to stop saying that Europe is finished, there have been Islamic enclaves in Europe before and they were kicked out. In most cases it took several Centuries but they were removed. Look at what can be done not what you are afraid is going to happen. By saying it is too late to save Europe you are admitting defeat and setting the stage to believe that the Islamic Conquests in destined to succeed. Think long term not short term, land they conquer can be taken back.

      So far their victories have been political, the military phase hasn’t started yet, it is during this phase that the European Alpha Males will come to the public view.

  4. As long as idiots like Merkel, May, and Macron rule, western europe is finished. The germans even control all their tv stations as to what may be broadcast, i.e. nothing negative against muslim immigrants, and in Britain they arrest patriots like Jayda Fransen weekly, for exposing the muslim threat. All is controlled by the illuminati through people like George Soros