Germany: 1-2 Million Syrians Additionally via “Family Reunification” Visas

An original translation from Bild.

Numbers available to Bild exclusively:
390 000 Syrians to fetch their families
By Frank Solms-Laubach August 28, 2017, 11:30 PM

Syrians in Hungary, 2015

Refugee Summit in France! Monday, chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) attended the summit meeting in Paris with president Emmanuel Macron.
Joining: top politicians from Rome and Madrid, representatives of Libya, Chad, Niger – the three large African states along the migration route to Europe!
Their goal: to reduce the numbers of African migrants ont heir way to Europe by establishing refuge centers (hotspots) in the Maghreb states.
The new numbers of the familiy reunification (available exclusively to Bild) of “entitled”* refugees show just how important this is.
Fact: the amount of “Visas for Family Reunification” issued by Germany is notably rising. 230,000 applications for family reunification were granted between January 2015 and end of June 2017 world-wide via the Visa procedure.
According to intelligence sources, about 70,000 of these applications were granted in 2015; 100,000 in 2016; and 60,000 in the first half of 2017.
The large part of the visas went to Syrians and Iraqis – they received about 102,000 of the entry permits since January 2015. In 2015, it was 24,000 visas; in 2016 it was 48,000, in the first half year of 2017 it was 30,000. The prognosis for the whole year of 2017: 72,000 – a triplication!
Increase expected: The Federal Government expects a strong increase of applications for family reunification especially by Syrians. An internal document (exclusively available to Bild) says: the asylum decisions from 2015 and 2016 mean “potentially 267,500 Syrians who are eligible to fetch their families.”
But: ”From March 2018 on, this potential will increase by currently 120,000 cases.”
This means: in 2018 alone, approximately 390,000 Syrians can bring their families to us!
The fact that the number of currently 230,000 visas for family reunification is still so low, according to the paper, is due to the “flood of applications for family reunification” and the “long waiting times” at the German consulates for an appointment for a visa application of currently “up to 16 months”.
Germans are skeptical about the family reunification: according to a recent INSA-survey commissioned by Bild, 58.3 percent oppose the influx as provided for by statute, only 41.7 percent agree.

The total population of Germany is 82.67 million as of 2017.

* The literal expression in the German original is “schutzberechtigt”, “entitled to protection”, a legal term which includes both migrants whose asylum application has been granted, as they have been found to be true refugees according to the Geneva Refugee Convention, as well as people who aren’t refugees in that sense, but who are allowed to stay, as upon return in their homecountry they might have to fear death penalty, torture, inhumane or humiliating treatment, or risk to their life or health due to an international or domestic armed conflict.

5 Replies to “Germany: 1-2 Million Syrians Additionally via “Family Reunification” Visas”

  1. The Germans believe the migrants will take care of them when they got old. I agree, it will happen! The only difference is the Germans think, it will be years and decades long process, when the migrants will serve them, await all of their wishes and whims in old folks homes and hospitals, while in reality the “taking care” part will be about 90 seconds long.
    That is how long it takes, when someone bleeds out after their throats was slit.

    • The organic animal byproduct is about to hit the air circulatory system big time, the world is going to tremble at the revenge of the young Europeans on the Islamic invaders and their traitorous politicians.

  2. Family reunification is the Trojan horse of immigration. It doubles, if not quadruples (or more), the actual influx. Also tagging along are the elderly grandparents and relatives who will proceed to implode the health care system.

    Mind you, this article is only about the Syrians. Now, what about the Iraqis, North Africans, and all of the MENA region’s other human flotsam that has drifted into Germany over the past few years? Ten million more new arrivals can be expected via family reunification. It is total suicide.

    This story has no happy ending. It will only get worse until a tipping point is reached. Much like a tightrope, on either side is a descent into chaos. Only the identity of any eventual survivors remains in question.

    Germany desperately needs to free itself of Merkel. She is certifiably insane.

  3. Angie is a sneaky old bitch. She can campaign to The Sheeple that she will halt the migrant invasion without notifying them that the other dropping shoe is the Reunification program which perpetuates the invasion anyway.