Reader’s links for February 8 2017

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About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

105 Replies to “Reader’s links for February 8 2017”

  1. Ein Gutachten des Generalanwalts am Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH), Paolo Mengozzi, könnte die bisherige Flüchtlingspolitik der EU-Länder in Frage stellen. Wenn im Heimatland Folter oder unmenschliche oder erniedrigende Behandlung drohten, dürften EU-Staaten die Erlaubnis zur Einreise nicht verweigern, argumentiert Mengozzi.

    In dem Gutachten erklärt er, wie er selbst im Fall syrischer Flüchtlinge entscheiden würde, die um Asyl in Belgien ersucht hatten. Es ist deswegen so wichtig, weil die Richter am EuGH sich bei ihren Entscheidungen häufig an die Stellungnahmen des Generalanwalts halten.

    Darum geht es in dem Fall: Eine Familie aus dem syrischen Aleppo floh in den Libanon und beantragte bei der dortigen belgischen Botschaft Visa für Belgien, um dort später um Asyl zu bitten. Der Vater gab an, er sei von einer bewaffneten Gruppe entführt, geschlagen und gefoltert worden, die Freiheit habe er nur gegen Lösegeld wiedererlangt. Als orthodoxen Christen drohe den Familienangehörigen zudem religiöse Verfolgung.
    Belgien: Können nicht alle aufnehmen, die “katastrophale Situation durchleben”

    Die belgischen Behörden lehnten ab. Begründung: Man könne nicht „alle Personen“ aufnehmen, „die eine katastrophale Situation durchleben“ und auch nicht „alle Bevölkerungen aus Entwicklungsländern, (Staaten) im Krieg oder solchen, die von Naturkatastrophen heimgesucht wurden“. Der Fall landete vor Gericht und am Ende baten die belgischen Richter ihre EuGH-Kollegen zur Hilfe bei der Auslegung von EU-Recht.

    EuGH-Generalanwalt Mengozzi sieht den Fall ganz anders als die belgischen Behörden. Er leitet aus der EU-Grundrechtecharta ab, dass EU-Staaten in Fällen wie dem aus Belgien Visa zur Ausreise vergeben müssten. Danach müssten die EU-Länder den Betroffenen die Möglichkeit geben, einen Antrag auf Gewährung von Asyl zu stellen.
    “Indiskutabel”, “unzumutbar”: Anwalt lehnt andere Möglichkeiten als Visa-Vergabe ab

    Die Begründung des Generalanwalts: Die EU-Grundrechtecharta schreibe das Recht aus Asyl fest und verbiete Folter und andere unmenschliche und entwürdigende Behandlung. Für die betroffene syrische Familie seien dies reale Gefahren. Mengozzi lehnt es in deutlichen Worten ab, die Familie einfach im Libanon zu belassen. „Sich damit abfinden, illegale Flüchtlinge im Libanon zu werden, ohne Aussicht auf internationalen Schutz, sogar mit dem Risiko, nach Syrien zurückgedrängt zu werden? Indiskutabel“, schreibt er in seinem Gutachten.

    In Syrien zu bleiben, sei für die Familie „unvorstellbar“, schreibt er weiter. Wenn die Familie im Libanon kein Visum beispielsweise von Belgien erhält, würde sie möglicherweise versuchen, mit Hilfe von Schleppern nach Europa zu gelangen. Dies sei „unzumutbar“, urteilt der Generalanwalt.
    Entsprechendes Urteil hätte weitreichende Folgen

    Folgen die EuGH-Richter Mengozzis Auffassung in ihrem Urteil, dann hätte das weitreichende Folgen. „Wenn der Gerichtshof der Meinung des Generalanwalts folgt, dann explodiert eine Bombe“, sagte der auf Migrationsrecht spezialisierte Juraprofessor Philippe De Bruycker von der Freien Universität Brüssel der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. Das Gutachten stelle das Grundprinzip in Frage, dass Migranten es bis nach Europa schaffen müssen, um dort Asyl zu beantragen. „Das würde ein riesiges politisches Problem schaffen.“

    Für angreifbar hält er, dass Mengozzi die EU-Staaten in der Pflicht sieht, Verfolgten die Einreise zu erlauben. Denn möglicherweise gebe es ja doch noch weitere Möglichkeiten für syrische Flüchtlinge, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen, etwa in der Türkei.
    Deutliche Kritik aus der CSU
    Bei der CSU stieß das Gutachten auf Kritik. Der innenpolitische Sprecher der CSU-Landesgruppe Michael Frieser sagte zu FOCUS Online, Flüchtlinge dürften „keinen Zugang für den gesamten Schengen-Raum erhalten“. Er teile die Ansicht des EuGH-Generalanwalts nicht, „dass EU-Botschaften Visa für nachweislich verfolgte Flüchtlinge ausstellen sollten, um in Europa Asyl beantragen zu können“, sagte Frieser weiter.

    Es gebe schon jetzt die Möglichkeit, aus humanitären Gründen ein Schengen-Visum zu erteilten, aber nur mit aber nur mit räumlich beschränkter Gültigkeit und in absoluten Ausnahmefällen, so Frieser. „Angesichts der weltweiten Krisenherde und Millionen betroffener Menschen ist der Vorschlag des Generalanwalts praktisch nicht umsetzbar“, sagte der CSU-Innenpolitik-Experte.

    „Die Botschaften würden sich einem nicht bewältigbaren Ansturm ausgesetzt sehen und müssten bereits vor Ort prüfen, ob ein Asylgrund vorliegt oder die Möglichkeit einer Anerkennung als Flüchtling nach der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention möglich ist“, sagte Frieser. „Im Schengenraum angekommen, könnten sich die Menschen unkontrolliert bewegen“, kritisierte er. Dann könne niemand kontrollieren, ob und wo tatsächlich ein Asylantrag gestellt wird.

  2. Hungary: ‘Border hunters’ undergo pistol shooting drills ahead of deployment

    The first batch of Hungary’s new border guards, nicknamed the ‘border hunters,’ have kicked off their training programmes at several camps across the country. Around 3,000 ‘border hunters’ will join the already existing 10,000 personnel at Hungary’s southern border, to control migration from the south.

    SOT, Usztics Attila, police major, trainer (Hungarian): “Before graduation, all applicants must undergo a psychological inspection, a physical fitness test and an interview as well. And also we have to check their way of life. If they pass, they can come to the drills.”

    SOT, Usztics Attila, police major, trainer (Hungarian): “This training was formed specifically for these tasks, that Hungary witnesses on the southern border due to migration pressure. It was the will of the government. These applicants will join those who are on the border already. All of the drills here are adequate for the situation on the border. Before they have to be sent to full service, they will have practical training on the border.”

    • ‘They grabbed me everywhere’ More than 900 migrants carried out Germany NYE sex attacks

      A “MASS sex attack” by over 900 drunk refugees led to women being sexually harassed on New Year’s Eve in Frankfurt, according to a report.

      The allegations of sexual assaults emerged from pub owners and revellers located in the central business district of the German banking capital.

      One of the victims, Irina A., 27, said: “I can be happy that I wore sheer tights. They [the migrants] grabbed me under the skirt, between my legs, my breasts, everywhere.

      “Me and my girlfriends. More and more of these guys came. Their hands were everywhere.”

      All of the women had been celebrating at the city’s Fressgass – an upmarket shopping and nightlife street.

      Local media says in one incident dozens of men assaulted multiple women in the popular street.

      It has taken over a month for many of the victims to come forward and talk about the event.

      Pub owners reported that Arabic and North African looking men had bothered guests, stolen their drinks, nicked jackets and thrown bottles and pyrotechnics.

      Local pub owner Jan Mai said: “When I came in, the whole place was full with a group of around 50 Arabs. They did not speak German, drank our guests’ drink and danced towards them. The women asked me for help because they were being attacked. The mood changed completely.”

      Mai quickly gathered more staff from his restaurant around the corner, after which one of his Moroccan employees tried to talk with the North Africans.

      He said: “They were highly aggressive, there was shouting and hand gestures.”

      When the police arrived, the migrant mob had already dispersed and moved on to another pub, where owner Thomas A. was allegedly severely injured by them.

      The 900 “mostly drunk refugees” came by train from towns around the state of Hesse to Frankfurt. They did not enter the secured central celebration area on the banks of the river Main and moved on to Fressgass.

      Frankfurt authorities are now investigating the previously unreported, alleged mass migrant sex attacks.

      When asked by a newspaper why he did not go public earlier, the restaurateur said: “It was not a very good advertisement.”

      But he was appalled and angry when he read that city authorities spoke of an overwhelmingly peaceful New Year’s celebration.

      The police said that no official complaints had been made but that descriptions of the sex attacks were “worrying”.

      Frankfurt police spokesman Andrew McCormack said: “We had no knowledge of these disturbing descriptions until this time.

      We have initiated intensive investigations to clear up all the facts.”

      During the infamous New Year’s Eve celebrations of 2015-2016 in Cologne, which were marred by mass sex attacks and pickpocketing, it also took weeks until information began to emerge.

  3. Top Democrats All Agree with Trump’s Immigration Plan and Building The Wall to Stop Illegals

    • EDMONTON – Man charged after ‘multiple sexual assaults’ at West Edmonton Mall waterpark

      A 39-year-old man has been charged in connection with several sexual assaults that occurred at the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark over the weekend.

      Police were called to the waterpark at around 10:30 p.m. Saturday.

      Officers allege a man followed and inappropriately touched six teenage girls while they were swimming at the waterpark.

      “It’s fairly shocking,” EPS spokesperson Scott Pattison said. “It’s involved and traumatized six individuals and their families.”

      Pattison said all six girls were under the age of 16.

      “The girls were very courageous in coming forward and talking to the lifeguard, that’s not always the case,” Pattison said.

      Police arrested a man on scene and took him into custody.

      The waterpark was booked out by the Non-Academic Staff Association (NASA) at the time. The association represents non-academic staff working on the University of Alberta campus.

      Nancy Furlong with NASA said the man was not a member of the association. She also said that while the organization had the waterpark booked, there were other people at the facility at the time who were not part of their group.

      Furlong said a note was sent out to everyone who purchased tickets through NASA informing them of what happened.

      Pattison said police believe there are other complainants and he’s urging them to come forward.

      The Zebra Child Protection Centre, which offers support to children who have experienced abuse, stressed the importance of reporting child abuse, believing that child and being there to support them.

      “Child abuse is probably one of the most under-reported crimes in the community,” said Lauren Andrews, with the Zebra Child Protection Centre. “So it’s really up to us as the community, as a whole, to be the eyes and ears of the city of Edmonton to make sure that these children and these survivors of child abuse are getting the support that they need.”

      Soleiman Hajj Soleiman, a Syrian refugee and father of six, has since been charged with six counts of sexual assault and six counts of sexual interference.

      The Edmonton Police Service Zebra Child Protection Section has taken over the investigation.


    Asylum seeker is arrested after ‘abusing EIGHTEEN women’ during a two-hour train journey in Germany

    He is suspected of groping the women on a suburban S-Bahn German train line
    The attacks took place between Munich and Herrsching on January 29
    Police traced the man to a migrant camp in Starnberg, near Munich
    The 23-year-old was then also identified as a suspect in another sex attack


    A ‘huge explosion’ was tonight reported on the Paris Metro which resulted in dozens of commuters being evacuated from the station.

    Reports suggest that the explosion was caused by an electrical fire but has raised alarm in the French capital as it is still on a high alert.

    It has been reported that eight people have been injured following the incident which happened on Line 6 near the Place d’Italie station.

    Police and security officers could be seen surrounding the station which is in the south of the city.

  6. Hungary stands its ground on migration despite taking heat

    In a Politico article on Hungary’s supposedly hardening immigration line, the publication quotes a Human Rights Watch researcher by the name of Lydia Gall, claiming that:

    “Blanket detention of asylum seekers goes against Hungary’s obligations under the Refugee Convention and EU law. Detention should always be a very last resort and there are clear cut criteria where detention may be used. It should always be decided on a case-by-case basis and never as a general measure.”

    In her point of view, detention seems to be everything barring the way of migrants into Europe. On behalf of the Hungarian government, Orbán’s spokesman Zoltan Kovacs offers a counter-narrative.

    Kovacs says that the new policies are directed at making sure that EU citizens are spared the burden of uncontrolled movement of migrants:

  7. Richard: I think this incident is several months old and I believe the video has been posted before

    Syrian immigrant rapes two underage Swedish girls, gets away with two-month sentence

    Just before Christmas last year, a refugee from Syria forced a 13-year-old girl whom he met through Snapchat into the bathroom of a school in Northern Sweden. He locked the door and, according to the indictment, raped her, both vaginally and anally. After the rape, the man threatened the girl with violent reprisals if she would tell anyone. When apprehended, he stated to the police that the “sex was voluntary.” However, the forensic pathologist found that the girl had injuries consistent with her story. Nonetheless, he was acquitted of abuse, as the court said it was unclear what exactly was said.

    Shortly after this rape went to trial, he was indicted for a separate case, in which he was accused of raping a 14-year-old. He had known her a few days, and according to him, their intercourse was also voluntary. This time, the District Court agreed with him, even though the girl is below Sweden’s age of consent, as she would only turn 15 in a few weeks. This was close enough for the judge, however, so he concluded it wasn’t rape, just sexual exploitation of a child.

  8. ECB President Draghi contradicts himself: ‘France can’t leave the euro, but Italy can’

    During a meeting with the European Parliament on February 6th, where Le Pen urged France to leave the euro, European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi reaffirmed his longtime position that “the euro is irrevocable” simply because “this is the treaty.” However, in doing so, Draghi is openly and knowingly trying to influence the French election by stating things which he himself elsewhere claims, are not true.

    This was shown by two Italian Five Star members of the European Parliament, Marco Valli and Marco Zanni. They asked Draghi about this “irrevocable Euro” in January 2017. Zanni said he “wanted to bring up the issue of exit from the euro and how it can happen.” Draghi’s response on the 18th of January stated that:

  9. Leaked report: ‘Salafism in Belgium spiralling out of control’

    Belgian Muslims are increasingly influenced by radical Salafi and even Wahhabi schools of Islam, which succeed in dominating more and more mosques and religious centres. Extremist Islamic preachers have been gradually outcompeting their less fanatical ideological competitors in the Western European country, a recent study by the Organization for the Coordination of the Threat Level (OCAD) has concluded.

    At the same time, researchers found that imams (Islamic preachers) operating in comparatively moderate mosques are radicalising as well. The study, consisting of some 71 pages, deals with Salafism in Belgium and in Europe as a whole. Wahhabism is a fundamentalist Islamic sect, named after the eighteenth-century Arab preacher and activist Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792), as well as a reform movement, with the goal of restoring pure monotheistic worship by devotees.

    OCAD is known by the general public for dealing with the threat level during episodes when Belgium is faced with immediate terrorist hazards, but it also produces long-term strategic evaluations on terrorist and extremist threats, such as the above-mentioned study, that had been leaked. The Wahhabism OCAD warns for is heavily sponsored by the theocratic dictatorship of Saudi Arabia. Followers of the sect take the view that Islam should not adapt to modernity but, instead, that the developed cultures of the world should be submitting to the will of Allah.

    • This gets like calibrating our responses as kursed kaffirs to the variously configured rags musleemas choose (hijab, niqab, etc.) to signal boundaries.
      I don’t care to distinguish the fine points of Salafis vs Wahhabis. I just want them elsewhere.

      • Personally I consider the differences of academic interest only, in the real world they are of equal danger and need to be suppressed in all Western nations.

  10. Richard: read the article and the comments, most are interesting but one is a troll trying to shift blame to the right

    92% of German ‘anti-fascist’ protesters still live with their Mum

    A new study published by the German tabloid Bild concluded that 92 percent of those suspected of violent crimes at left-wing demonstrations still live with their mum and dad, or as the Germans blissfully say it “(…) wohnen noch bei Mutti.”

    The study, which was carried out with data from Germany, further concluded that the number of politically motivated (left-wing) crimes increased significantly from 2009 to 2013, with a total of 1523 cases. That number was double the amount of 2003 to 2008. Interior Senator Frank Henkel (52, CDU) recognised this and commented by saying that indeed:

    “most politically motivated violent crimes come from the left-wing scene.”

    Between 2009 and 2013, 80% of the 902 acts of violence were directed against policemen. And of the 1523 cases, 873 suspects were identified, which provided the following findings:

  11. A Muslim Brotherhood Security Breach in Congress
    There’s a national security risk swamp to drain.

    Last year, eight members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a demand that their staffers be granted access to top secret classified information.

    The signatories to the letter were Andre Carson, Luis Guiterez, Jim Himes, Terri Sewell, Jackie Speier, Mike Quigley, Eric Swalwell and Patrick Murphy. All the signatories were Democrats. Some had a history of attempting to undermine national security.

    Two of them have been linked to an emerging security breach.

    The office of Andre Carson, the second Muslim in Congress, had employed Imran Awan. As did the offices of Jackie Speier and Debbie Wasserman Schultz; to whom the letter had been addressed.

    Imran Awan and his two brothers, Jamal and Abid, are at the center of an investigation that deals with, among other things, allegations of illegal access. They have been barred from the House of Representatives network.

    A member of Congress expressed concern that, “they may have stolen data from us.”

  12. CBC – Pointe-Saint-Charles mosque vandalism suspect sought

    Police ask for public’s help identifying man shown in surveillance video throwing objects at mosque

    Montreal police are asking for the public’s help locating a man in connection with a mosque that was vandalized in Montreal’s Pointe-Saint-Charles neighbourhood.

    Police say around 7:23 a.m. on Feb. 2, someone overseeing the Khadijah Masjid Islamic Centre heard a noise outside.

    When the person left the building a little while later, he noticed an egg had been thrown at the entrance and a window was smashed. Brick fragments were found on the ground. The person then called 911.

    The incident happened the same day as the Montreal-based public funeral for the victims of the Quebec City mosque shooting.

    The SPVM’s hate crimes unit released security camera images showing a person throwing at least one object at the building.

  13. Anti-Semitic Keith Ellison Ranted About “Jewish Slavers”

    Keith Ellison spent quite a few years with the Nation of Islam. The NOI is a racist and anti-Semitic hate group led by Louis Farrakhan.

    Ellison has spent years claiming that he had no idea what Farrakhan or the NOI stood for despite his track record in print of defending NOI anti-Semitism. Now a former classmate who has been an Ellison critic in the past reminds us of what he was like.

    One of the campus critics of Ellison (who then went by ‘Keith Hakim’) was an editor of the Minnesota Daily, Michael Olenick. Olenick told Mother Jones that in their conversations Ellison argued that blacks and other oppressed groups “could not be racist toward Jews” because “Jews were themselves oppressors.”

    “‘European white Jews are trying to oppress minorities all over the world,’” Olenick said Ellison would tell him. “Keith would go on all the time about ‘Jewish slave traders.’”

    Olenick had denounced Ellison’s bigotry before.

  14. No One Is Vetting Syrian Refugees for Signs of Anti-Semitism

    Major Jewish establishment organizations are strenuously lobbying for the resettlement of Syrian refugees on American soil. It’s explained as a natural extension of Jewish values and history – “we, too, were refugees once. We, too, were the ‘other.’” The comparison is, to say the least, abstract.

    It ignores vast differences between European Jewish populations fleeing a Nazism intent on killing them anywhere in the world, and Syrian refugees who are not defamed as “subhuman” nor hunted by a murderous ideology, and who have in Europe – and should have throughout the Arab/Muslim world – plenty of open doors. But this flawed analogy is a mere quibble compared to other differences that make the wholesale importation of Syrian Muslims dangerous not only to Jews but to all Americans. Groups working to resettle Syrian refugees in the US, like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), typically respond to fears about a mass migration of people who might be hostile to American values by focusing narrowly on “terrorism” – and specifically to the fear that jihadists could hide among the innocent civilians. HIAS, federal agencies and other groups supporting Syrian immigration report that Syrian refugees are subject to intense scrutiny, more extensive vetting than any other migrant population. HIAS president and CEO Mark Hatfield said, “Refugees coming to the US are subject to more vetting and screening than any other non-citizen arriving in America, subject to multiple layers of screening and review.”

  15. Californians foot $25G bill for 40 hours of Holder’s anti-Trump time

    California taxpayers are shelling out $25,000 a month for 40 hours of former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s time to help the state strategize for upcoming clashes with the Trump administration, according to a contract obtained by a conservative watchdog group.

    The California Legislature hired Holder and his Washington, D.C., firm, Covington & Burling, last month to assist with legal challenges over everything from immigration to environmental policies.

    Judicial Watch, which obtained Holder’s contract through a records request, called the deal “crony corruption pure and simple.”

    “The new records show California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to bankroll another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the pretense of attacking the Trump administration,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a written statement.

    The firm did not respond to a request for comment.

    On Tuesday, lawmakers paraded the former Obama administration official around the state capital, though they remained quiet on what exactly Holder would be helping them with. Holder himself was coy when asked about his role.

    “I’m here just to assist these gentlemen and the people who they serve with in trying to protect the interests of the people of California,” Holder told reporters.

    Asked how he was doing it, Holder responded, “Well.”

    Holder had a closed-door meeting with Gov. Jerry Brown. State Attorney General Xavier Becerra joined in by phone, according to reports in The Los Angeles Times and Sacramento Bee.

    Tuesday’s visit marked the first time Holder has come to the capital since his firm was hired last month as independent counsel.

    Not all California lawmakers are on board with the hire. Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, a Republican, claims the three-month contract with Holder’s firm is illegal.

    In a letter to the opinion unit of the state attorney general’s office, Kiley contended that hiring Holder as outside counsel violates Article VII of the California Constitution.

    Representatives for Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León – both Democrats — said the legislature was exempt from rules that would apply to an executive agency.

    Holder was one of former President Barack Obama’s longest-serving and most controversial Cabinet members.

    On June 28, 2012, he became the first U.S. attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress on civil and criminal grounds for refusing to turn over documents on Operation Fast and Furious.


    BERLIN (Reuters) – German police have evacuated a technical school in Borsdorf near the eastern city of Leipzig after an unknown man told students not to go into school because he had explosives in his backpack, a police spokesman said on Wednesday.

    The spokesman said the search was ongoing and police have yet to find any explosives or identify the man who claimed to have them in his backpack.
    (Reporting by Michelle Martin, editing by Larry King)

  17. White House considers designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization

    John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., on whether the U.S. should designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization

  18. Immigrants lead Canada’s population growth (gulfnews, Feb 9, 2017)

    “Montreal: Thanks to a large influx of immigrants, Canada had the largest population growth of all Group of Seven countries over the past five years, government statistics showed Wednesday.

    The first data available from last year’s census shows that Canada now has a population of more than 35 million — 1.7 million (or five percent) more than in the 2011 census.

    About two-thirds of this population increase can be attributed to immigration, with natural population growth representing the other third, according to Statistics Canada.

    “In the coming years, population growth in Canada is projected to be increasingly linked to migratory increase rather than natural increase, mainly because of low fertility and an aging population,” the statistics agency said.

    In the fall, the government set a ceiling on immigration at 300,000 people a year.

    The birth rate in Canada hit 1.6 children per woman in 2016, as compared with 2.9 children per woman in the mainly Inuit territory of Nunavut, which recorded the highest rate of population growth of all Canadian provinces and territories at 12.7 percent.

    Canada had already led the G7 in terms of population growth for the previous periods of 2001-2006 and 2006-2011.

    The three largest cities in Canada are Toronto at 5.9 million, Montreal at four million and Vancouver at 2.4 million.”

  19. Italian minister says asylum seekers should do unpaid work (ansamed, Feb 8, 2017)

    “Interior Minister Marco Minniti told parliament Wednesday that asylum seekers should be put to work doing socially useful jobs while their appeals are being processed. “It is necessary to be able to use asylum seekers for labour for the public good, financed with European funds,”Minniti told a joint meeting of the House and Senate Constitutional affairs committees.

    “This will not create a duplication on the labour market because the work will be unpaid.” Minniti said it was important asylum seekers are not left twiddling their thumbs as they have to wait up to two years for the petitions to be processed. “It is necessary to avoid vacuums as people wait”.”

  20. 330 more academics expelled with state of emergency decree, stirring debate in Turkey (hurriyetdailynews, Feb 8, 2017)

    “A total of 330 academics were expelled with a new state of emergency decree published in the Official Gazette late on Feb. 7, drawing criticism from the opposition and the scholars themselves about the effect the moves will have on education.

    The academics were among 4,464 public workers who were expelled as part of the decree.

    The expulsion of the academics also drew reactions from political parties, with main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmakers Sezgin Tanr?kulu and Aykut Erdo?du criticizing the decision…”

  21. 6 ICRC employees shot dead in northern Afghanistan by ISIS loyalists (khaama, Feb 8, 2017)

    “At least six employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were shot dead in northern Afghanistan.

    According to the preliminary reports, the ICRC employees were shot dead by the loyalists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group.

    A local government official in Jawzjan confirmed that the ICRC workers were executed in Qoshtapa district.

    The official speaking on the condition of anonymity further added that two other ICRC workers were abducted and there are no reports regarding their fate.

    “Six staff members of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been shot and killed in Afghanistan. Two staff members are unaccounted for,” a statement by ICRC said…”

  22. US man gets 30 years for helping plot IS attack in Texas (BBC, Feb 8, 2017)

    “An Arizona man has been convicted of providing support to so-called Islamic State for helping two men in an attempted attack in Texas in 2015.

    Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, an American-born Muslim convert, was sentenced to 30 years for what a judge called an “extraordinarily serious” crime.

    His two friends were shot dead after opening fire at an event that featured cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

    A security guard was wounded but no-one else was injured in the attack.

    Kareem is the second person in the US to be convicted of charges supporting the so-called Islamic State (IS) group…”

  23. In Italy, Islam doesn’t officially exist. Here’s what Muslims must accept to change that. (wapo, Feb 8, 2017)

    “At least 1.4 million Muslims are living in Italy, making Islam the country’s de facto second-largest religion. But as far as Italian authorities are concerned, Islam doesn’t exist.

    Unlike Christianity and Judaism, Islam isn’t formally recognized in Italy. This means that mosques cannot receive public funds, Islamic weddings have no legal value and Muslim workers aren’t entitled to take days off for religious holidays.

    Now that lack of recognition may change — but not without a cost…”