Kiss-Attack on Vienna Subway: Police doesn’t care.

Not considered sexual harassment…
Kussattacke U-bahn

Iryna L. is angry and feels helpless: She was attacked, but when she went to the police, she merely received a time validation note for her employer. (Photo: Sabine Hertel)

Iryna L. (27) is still shaking: In Vienna last Monday morning, on her way to work, a man first fondled her, then he kissed her on the mouth. The University Graduate called 133 – the authorities have done little to nothing.

It happened between Reumannplatz and Karlsplatz. And: “It all happened so fast”, Iryna L. says. “The Subway was packed, he sat next to me, and just petted my hand. I yelled “stop it”, and looked around for another seat, and that’s when he grabbed me on my shoulder, pulled me to him, and kissed me on the mouth.”

The business consultant used her purse to hit this fiend. There was no help. “Two men just sat there and gawked stupidly, one woman advised to call the police”, the victim tells. The “kisser” – Iryna L. assumes he was of north-african origin – fled when they arrived at Karlsplatz. Very disgusted, the victim called 133, and waited for the police to arrive and take her to the station.

That’s where she received a nasty surprise: Since a kiss is not considered sexual harassment, the Vienna woman merely received a time validation note for her employer. Her boss on the other hand felt sorry for her, and told her to take the day off.

The police requested surveillance video from the subway car. “Perhaps there may be a financial penalty for public indecency”, a spokesperson said.

Original translation by Nash Montana via:;art23652,1269200


21 Replies to “Kiss-Attack on Vienna Subway: Police doesn’t care.”

  1. Sad, but according to Hollywood, the MSM, and Feminism, this is when she is supossed to go Laura Croft supergirl and kung fu the guy herself. Any Austrian men who saw this migrant and sat there are cowards.

    • It’s not just Australia. The new “code of manliness” that exists everywhere nowadays dictates that direct violent action is always vigilantism and therefore, always wrong. If somebody starts kicking you on the subway and you see a big 20-year-old sitting there in his earbuds, don’t hold your breath waiting for him to come to your rescue. He’s been thoroughly indoctrinated by his left wing unionized school teachers to think that he is incapable of handling such situations, and more importantly that it would be wrong to “take the law into his own hands” under any circumstances. The proper unionized government workers will be along shortly…

      • Shows where my mind is, but what immediately occurs to me is:
        Who’d want to make love with such neutered cowards?
        Maybe that’s why they’re not making babies.

        • It’s all tied in there. I wouldn’t want to be a modern guy. They’ve made it that “manhood” now amounts to absolutely zip, while at the same time assuring them that every child they might father will be nothing but a planet-raping source of sooty black carbon footprints. There’s never a correct time to go acting like some Republican John Wayne and start making serious decisions on your own.

          • While there is never a correct time the reverse is that there is never an incorrect time.

  2. So if one were to do this to a female police officer then… same?

    I sincerely doubt it.

    The police are walking on thin ice. If they do not start resisting their orders from above then they will be given the same treatment as the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials.

    • Depends on how busy the police are, if the Moslems are working hard to overwhelm the police with crimes a female officer might react the same way.

  3. Illegal orders are suppose to be disobeyed, this was what I was taught when I was in the Army. These days more and more people are accepting the excuse that “I was just obeying orders” The Nazi’s didn’t start out shipping people to death camps, they started by having the police not enforce several small laws and then gradually started violating bigger laws.

  4. Having had some time to think there may be another explanation, it might be that the police were so busy with other crimes that since nothing was stolen and no physical injury was suffered they didn’t do much and went to a crime where something was stolen or someone was hurt. We have been having talking about how the police will and probably already are overwhelmed with crimes. They may be doing a triage, those who will live no matter if they get treatment or not over there, those who will die no matter what over on the other side, those who will live if they get treatment right now step up front.

    The above triage is battlefield triage and what the police are doing (if they are doing triage) is less brutal but it is still prioritizing what crimes to move on and when to take names write excuses and move on.

    • She’s also very pretty.
      Maybe the policeman secretly wanted to kiss her too. Controlled himself, but empathized with the filthy tard…

      • yucki.
        I read that the problem with police in Vienna is that are overwhelmed. They have to act according to the regulations, but the regulation do not talk about kissing. They have to make the reports, and what will they say in that report? The law is far behind the events and the law did not take into account the behaviour of the perpetrators of sexual attacks. The law was written for Europeans.

      • If he was that attracted to her he would probably have been acting all efficient police officer hoping to impress her.

    • The police shoot themselves in the proverbial foot by making up stupid excuses for not tackling migrant crime. They should tell people the truth.

      “I’m sorry, but due to the serious migrant crime wave we have no time to deal with anything less than aggravated assault.”

      Of course they’re too worried about being chewed out by their supervisor or being fired for telling the truth.

      My sympathy for them is running low.

  5. How disgusting! I hope he wasn’t carrying any potentially fatal germs! If I were her, I would have run home and washed my face and oral orifice with germicide.

  6. And also, you know, kissing is not a crime. I mean, up till now if somebody was kissing someone else you would say “Oh, how lovely” or “Oh, so young” Would you think that kissing someone could be a factor in a terror activity? Could be used to frighten people, to make them behave like the terrorists want them to behave? Because now it is. The migrants are using kissing as a factor in terrorizing indigenous people.
    And the police,and the whole of framework of the law are far, far behind the events.