10news.dk update: “Denmark: Police attacked at funeral of Islamic State fighter”



Photo: me (Nicolai Sennels) giving a speech against Islam in central Copenhagen. Watch video and read more here.

What could go wrong…? Armed criminal gangs in Denmark dividing in Sunni and Shia…

Denmark: Police attacked at funeral of Islamic State fighter

Life in the ghetto: “Danes can not even sit on their balcony and eat a pork sandwich”

Danish soccer: Whole Muslim team plus fans beat up referee

10News goes live! Watch Nicolai Sennels megaphone his speeches on Islam every Monday at 18:00 in central Copenhagen

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Danes about life in Muslim ghetto: “One is spat upon, thrown stones at or beaten”

5 Replies to “10news.dk update: “Denmark: Police attacked at funeral of Islamic State fighter””

  1. What did the Bard know that we dont?

    “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”

    Hamlet, Act I, Scene 4.