Sweden: New police veil soon around

Translated by Michael Laudahn

From AVPixlat

[Caption] Iman Aldebe who received the order to design the veil


It is she who designs the new police veil

RELIGIOUS POLICE: At medium term, the majority of religious headgear shall be allowed to be part of the swedish police uniform, among others the moslem veil, and right now designer Iman Aldebe is working to get it made.

‘If the police veil is attractive and fits the swedish police uniform, then I actually believe that it will give women in veil more acceptance out in working life’, she says.

Rikspolisstyrelsen [rik = (german) reich, styrelse = administration] has also ordered specially designed kippahs and turbans.

‘As there now is a police student wearing a headscarf, and there also is [mohammedan, I would assume] civilian staff which have been wearing plain clothes, we now purchase this as part of the uniform’, says Martin Lundin, Rikspolisstyrelsen.

Iman Aldebe is the daughter of Mahmoud Aldebe, speaker of Sweden’s moslem association and the man behind a letter demanding special moslem legislation, which was sent to all Riksdag [(german) reichstag] parties in 2006. In october of 2009, Mahmoud [Aldebe] informed that he would run as a Riksdag candidiate for Centerpartiet  in Stockholm, which caused criticism by several leading members within the party, who thought that he had a lacking notion of democracy. In november 2009, he withdrew his candidacy, and in january 2010, he even terminated his party membership.

His similarly religious wife, however, continues to be a Centerparti member, pleading for the implementation of certain sharia laws in Sweden.



[Original source: http://www.svt.se/nyheter/sverige/hon-designar-den-nya-polisslojan ]



About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

6 Replies to “Sweden: New police veil soon around”

  1. Thirty or forty years ago Sweden would have been leading the way in making female police officers wear LESS clothes, if all those Adult movies and Scandinavian liberal attitudes to nudity were anything to go by.
    How times have changed!

  2. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The Swedish uniform is designed for the Swedes. You want to be in the Swedish police force, you wear their uniform. End of story. Unfortunately, Canada took that wrongful path many years ago when they allowed Sikhs to wear the turban instead of the Stetson in the RCMP. What is wrong with our culture? We better fix this before is it too late.