UK Muslim group angry at Koran exhibition

You might expect protests at an exhibition of the Koran to be led by an anti-Islam organization. But, surprisingly, in the British town of Huddersfield an Islamic organization representing more than 15,000 Muslims is campaigning against an exhibition of the Koran that is being held at the local town hall.

The Action Committee is upset that it was arranged by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, which the Action Committee regards as not proper Muslims. Mr Amar Usman Ali, a spokesman for the Action Committee, notes that the Ahmadiyya been declared to be false Muslims.

The Ahmadiyah sect of Islam was… read more.

4 Replies to “UK Muslim group angry at Koran exhibition”

  1. **the Ahmadiyya been declared to be false Muslims.**

    …………. for obvious reasons. they reject the death, doom, violence, murder. etc., etc.that is in the Quran

  2. Well if they are false Muslims they must be stoned to death and that is what worries me about the Ahmadi’s, why worship a God that wants to kill you, It’s like Jews worshipping Hitler or something

  3. Even if these people take over the entire world, kill or dhimmify every infidel and establish their global caliphate, muzzies will still be persecuting and killing other muzzies for belonging to a different flavor of koranic lunacy than their particular one.
    Religion of Peace – yeah right.