Author attacked for being fabulous

From European Son

I’m using the word “fabulous” for a reason. In certain contexts it infers glamorous, frivolous, and a little campy. I think that may sum up author Paris Dipersico, 24, and his latest, self-published, book, Wake Up Call. Not everyone would agree, of course. Recently, Dipersico was attacked by two Muslim men who referred to him by another F-word: “faggot.”According to the Toronto Sun, Dipersico was ”dragged from his bicycle Aug. 17, tied up among trees, then beaten briefly unconscious” by them. No prizes for guessing that they were offended by Dipersico’s flamboyant book, in which he talks about drugs, sex, and, occasionally, Islam — in not an altogether flattering light.

A press release for the book, says,

He believes “Islam is a Religion of ‘peace’ and Muslims will kill you to… continue reading!

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