Italian TV show dares to spout a little truth

Not sure what the context is here exactly. It would appear that an Italian TV show, debating something about the decision to remove crosses from schools in Italy, has a panelist who states some things about Islam the muslims in the audience do not like. The funny thing is, she is wrong on her facts. Mohamed did not marry a nine year old. He married Aisha when she was six, and had sex with her often but did not have genital to genital sex with her till she was nine. The host mistakenly says he married her when she was nine.

Some great comments on this which I have moved here into the body of the post:

First a note from the translator, jdamn:

Here’s your context:
Then, a comment from HellenoChristian (Thank you by the way)

  1. The translation doesn’t accurately report what the Islamic speaker said, which is – while Daniela Santaché told him about Muhammad’s poligamy, and Aysha’s age -: “shut up you don’t know anything. We are talking about serious things here, not about disgusting things like you are” then very summarized that “man” says that Daniela Santaché – which is simply reporting the Reality of Islamic History – is an ignorant (I guess: either this man is an ignorant or he is a practitioner of taqiyyah – he scruplelessly and publically lies ).

    Then the Islamic fundamentalist bearded of the public aggresses Daniela Santaché saying that Islam recognize all the Prophets (well: who cares? Prophets do not need Islam’s approval to exist!), Jesus included, and this is pure taqiyyah in action, since Islam curses every Religion which is not his (own Cult which he called) Islam, and it denies Jesus’s crucifixion which is a very central event in Christianity, both symbolically for Aesotherical Christianity and practically, because it shows TRUE MARTYRDOM and Jesus’s crucifixion exposes the FAKE ISLAMIC MARTYRDOM, which first of all a MURDER, sometimes combined to suicide, too [even Japanese kamikazes feel very offended when people calls Islamic murders a kamikaze – Japanese followed an ethical Code before sacrificing their lives, while Islamic people are Ethicless and murder innocents in the name of their Mafiaboss Muhammad and his fake god Allah -]. I personally wonder: do all Islamic fundamentalists move to the West and Europe?!

    Anyway this pseudo Debate makes me understand something: Islam really is taqiyyah, and the way it calls itself is the perfect example and evidence of it, since Islam publically calls itself “a Religion” and “of Peace”. It actually is EXACTELY THE OPPOSITE

I would add, that Muslims frequently make the claim that they respect the other prophets as a way of making it appear they are being treated asymmetrically at that level. But they rewrote the nature of other religions so as to make their principle symbols unrecognizable. To Muslims, Jesus was a Muslim for example. So they do not respect him, other than their own sort of, ‘fun house mirror’ version of him. Much like everything in Islam actually is a warped mirror of things with actual value or decency. They often attempt to stop any discussion of Mohamed however by claiming that they treat the symbols of other religions with respect.

Thanks again to jdamn for the translation and KitmanTV for subtitling

From the comments,

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

6 Replies to “Italian TV show dares to spout a little truth”

  1. so funny. the muslim was so offended. if you dont like free speech go back to your hell hole of a country. but no he wants all the benefits of a civilized country without being a civilized person

  2. I think she was trying to say that Mo was a pedophile, a pedophile, a pedophile, a pedophile, a pedophile, a pedophile, a pedophile, a pedophile etc.,

    I think.

  3. I think I may have misspelt – I meant to say:

    Mo was a paedophile, a paedophile, a paedophile, a paedophile, a paedophile, a paedophile, etc.,

    That’s more accurate.

  4. The translation doesn’t accurately report what the Islamic speaker said, which is – while Daniela Santaché told him about Muhammad’s poligamy, and Aysha’s age -: “shut up you don’t know anything. We are talking about serious things here, not about disgusting things like you are” then very summarized that “man” says that Daniela Santaché – which is simply reporting the Reality of Islamic History – is an ignorant (I guess: either this man is an ignorant or he is a practitioner of taqiyyah – he scruplelessly and publically lies ).

    Then the Islamic fundamentalist bearded of the public aggresses Daniela Santaché saying that Islam recognize all the Prophets (well: who cares? Prophets do not need Islam’s approval to exist!), Jesus included, and this is pure taqiyyah in action, since Islam curses every Religion which is not his (own Cult which he called) Islam, and it denies Jesus’s crucifixion which is a very central event in Christianity, both symbolically for Aesotherical Christianity and practically, because it shows TRUE MARTYRDOM and Jesus’s crucifixion exposes the FAKE ISLAMIC MARTYRDOM, which first of all a MURDER, sometimes combined to suicide, too [even Japanese kamikazes feel very offended when people calls Islamic murders a kamikaze – Japanese followed an ethical Code before sacrificing their lives, while Islamic people are Ethicless and murder innocents in the name of their Mafiaboss Muhammad and his fake god Allah -]. I personally wonder: do all Islamic fundamentalists move to the West and Europe?!

    Anyway this pseudo Debate makes me understand something: Islam really is taqiyyah, and the way it calls itself is the perfect example and evidence of it, since Islam publically calls itself “a Religion” and “of Peace”. It actually is EXACTELY THE OPPOSITE.

  5. You’ve got a good ear, Hellenochristian! I could barely understand him when he was out-shouted so I didn’t translate the crosstalk.