French family kidnapped by Boko Haram, forced to make ransom video

Thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation from French to English. I left the Arabic parts in as those of us who read these kinds of websites probably know enough Arabic by now that we can recognize enough words to get some sense of what threats are being made. I found it interesting that they mention Goodluck Jonathan by name, the president of Nigeria, and there seems to be references to implementing sharia.

The reason I felt this was worth posting is because I think its is extremely important that Western nations as well as Western people take a new attitude towards going to Islamic areas or areas under heavy threat by jihadis.

1. People should not go there. If they do, they should go with the attitude that if they are kidnapped they should expect to die in their custody and probably be tortured in the process.

2. And much more importantly. governments simply must stop funding jihad by paying ransoms for naive morons who go to these places to ‘help’ or for whatever reasons. Thomas Jefferson himself started the Marines because the costs of paying ransoms to Muslim kidnappers was beyond sustainable, not to mention morally repugnant and it was just being used to fuel more jihad against us. We seem to be right back in that exact situation with France, England, Canada and the US paying these bastards to attack us again.

This has to stop.

Oz-Rita, the French translator added the following below in a comment:

From what I gleaned from some other french sites:

1. The family are expatriates, the father works as an engineer for some company. They, father, mother, brother in law and four little boys (oldest 11) were on an outing “in one of the most beautiful places and frequented by tourists”.

2. The threats in arabic contain the straight forward “promise” we will kill them if you dont….blabla

3. One of the captors then threatens in Arabic to kill the hostages, if the demands of the group are not met.

4. The black flag of the jihadists in the back ground  shows  the inscription:  “There is no god but allah and mohamed his prophet”. The group, known as Boko Haram is a radical islamist group who wants to impose Sharia in the north of Nigeria.

5. On the French Government (ergo lefty) TV chain  I have just seen a nearly  8 minutes  long interview with the French Minister for defence, Jean-Yves Le Dian, about this tragedy. Willfully blind to the elephant in the room and obviously a gold medallist in evasive language, he managed to avoid the word “Islam” despite his verbosity, or perhaps because of it.

And lastly: everyone (me included) is absolutely shocked that Islamists should now take even little children hostage.  Have we forgotten Beslan?  And yes, they did  torture and <b>rape</b> little boys too! 🙁

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