Tommy Robinson Gulag update

We have been informed of the following from a source close to Tommy:

1. He is still in the same clothes he went to prison in

2. They are refusing to allow him clean/fresh clothes – family members took clothing in but they would not allow it to be handed over

3. He has received no mail or money from anyone and he knows his wife gave in a Postal Order for a large amount whilst visiting

4. He is being refused all privileges

5. With no money he cannot purchase razors, food etc. and is having to eat the slops provided

6. He was arrested with £90 but at the Prison when asking for his money he was told he didn’t have any, where has this £90 gone?

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

17 Replies to “Tommy Robinson Gulag update”

  1. Given the way both major parties act would Labor be doing anything different?

    Throughout history Britain has had periods of authoritarian rule, they fall either because of an uprising, or the death of the monarch. I don’t think the latter would make any difference this time.

  2. Heads will roll over this. This will not be forgotten. Everyone responsible for this should eventually be purged out of office, and the ones at the very top brought to trial.

  3. Where are all the human-rights lawyers? This is a high-profile case, they could win a lot from fighting it.

    And if there aren’t any in Britain (or shall we say, they’re all committed to fostering the left wing’s agenda), why don’t some american civil-liberties lawyers try to intervene, allied (which they probably will have to, to be able to act before a british court) with some not totally unsuitable british colleague?

  4. The fresh-clothing issue is one which, were Mr. Robinson a black-cube worshipper, would already have been reported frenetically on by the BBC and the Grauniad…

  5. There is a price to be paid for what the British government is doing.

    Every single one of those prison warders are well as the bureaucrats who are involved in the arrest and incarceration of Tommy Robinson must be clearly identified.

    When this gets rolling the price for their treason must be exacted.

    Here is the end result of those Vichy French who chose to align themselves with the Nazi’s.

    A fitting end for treasonous cowards.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Edson, Alberta, Canada

  6. What did we expect? Of course the authorities are going to arrest the EDL. If they didn’t, that would mean that they think the EDL are harmless, and can be ignored.

    The fact that leaders of the EDL have been rounded up and imprisoned, should be taken as a compliment. It is also a means by which the government can negotiate with the EDL. Examine how the British ruling elite have operated over centuries. One can see this event as a positive one for the EDL. From a street agitation group, they have been catapulted to a party. Even the method of incarceration is redolent of “negotiations in offing”.

    The real question now is how the EDL is going to respond?. They can respond as the IRA did, and lose, or they can respond with restraint and wise leadership. Tommy Robinson and Paul Weston, now have an opportunity in prison, to think and reflect the next stage in political action.

  7. DP your method has to be tried, unlike you I am not sure it will work, I see a very real possibility of the British Government turning even more autocratic.

  8. Hello there………………………….

    While you ponder my ponderings you can listen to what I listen to…..but only if you like…….:

    Its a bit of a long rambling read…….but pour a coffee and be patient……..lets begin shall we?…….

    This is so close to absolute chaos……

    The analogy of the frog in the pot of water not noticing the increase in heat to the point of boiling so long as it’s done very slowly, illustrates perfectly the current dilemma faced by patriotic Briton’s.

    They now are brought, day by day, outrageous act by outrageous act, closer toward total enslavement at the hands of a puppet government controlled by their islamic caliphate manipulators. There seems to be no stopping the islamic juggernaut and it’s as though the treachery and treason of the British government knows no bounds.

    Now we have good, decent, law abiding men in prison and their families, wives and children wondering if they will ever see their fathers, brothers, sons and husbands again. These are the echoes of history, so oft repeated over the last 4000 years. This is the prelude to what will be a time of such incredible agony and darkness as to make the Inquisition look as little more than child’s play, and if achieved, will last far longer than the Thousand Year Reich we narrowly missed less than 7 decades ago.

    Unless I am badly mistaken, the reality, blissfully ignored, a manifest ignorance disguising sheer suicide, is that this will, sooner or later, come to blood. It must. Even the poorest student of history will tell you that the currency of conflict wrought from those seeking to crawl out from ‘neath the bootheel of a tyrant, always has been and always will be; blood.

    Further reality as to both the inevitability of the fight that looms large and to the growing futility of civilized discourse and debate, is the unceasing, injurious and provocative perversion of democratic process and judicial avenues of redress by virtually all levels of government, judiciary and law enforcement across Europe and the UK.

    To think or speak otherwise of our current state of affairs is both delusional and fatuous and serves to only further strengthen the shackles we are to wear, shackles now being forged by the muslims and their collaborative Western governments.

    Worthy of note, is that even in the face of muslim criminality, of lawfare, treason, sedition, treachery, cultural destruction, riots, fraud, violence, intimidation, murder and over 19,800 acts of terrorism since 9-11, for us to even object much less to speak of blood, delights the islamists as they rear up with shrill and screeching voices, and pointing a crooked finger say; “Look at the intolerant, violent, islamophobic radicals, look at the right-wing, Christian extremists”. These shrill intonations are echoed by those willing members of Mainstream Media who, intellectually sodomized by the lunacy of allah and muhammad, trumpet the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood and its grotesque litter of rabid “Islamic Community Understanding Groups” from pole to pole and sea to shining sea. Then, having silenced the opposition of the filthy infidel, smirking and giggling, these same islamist’s shuffle off to enthusiastically renew their Grand Jihad.

    Confronted with what have been wildly successful tactics and in order to defeat those same tactics, patriotic Britons must become comfortable with the shrieks and taunts of muslims, must be unswayed by, and take pride in, accusations of right wing extremism, intolerance and islamophobia. In fact, these labels must become virtual badges of honour, worn loudly and openly. On a personal note, I wear the badge of intolerent islamophobe so overtly and with such pride, it enters a room several hours before I do.

    Britons and Europeans must, exclusive of hot winded rhetorical debate, hand wringing apology, spineless mitigation and further capitulation, draw their line in the sand and then, after serious, sober, sombre reflection and introspective searching of the soul, decide upon the course of action to be taken once that line is crossed……..and then, upon the crossing of that line, without a moments hesitation, immediately execute the plans made.

    So that means when the people say not one more veil, not one more niqab, not one more mosque, not one more street blocking mass prayer, not one more ritual slaughter of animals on city streets, not one more attack on local cultures, customs and traditions, not one sharia court, not one more islamic prayer forced on students, not one more honour killing, not one more “wedding” of children to pedophiles, not one more rape of “uncovered meat”, not one more muslim immigrant……that is exactly what they mean………NOT ONE MORE!!!!…….NOT ONE MORE!!!!………and any misunderstanding of those words, “Not One More”, should be met with such crushing, unswerving, relentless and unmistakably brutal force as to not only completely eradicate those blissful cobwebs of multicultural confusion, but to illustrate that our patience for muhammad, the Madman from Mecca, has come to an end…….permanently.

    With respect to Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League and Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party, they may well have to spend the next years in prison and in so doing, will provide millions of Britons with the motivation needed for each of them to find and quantify their courage of conviction and the depth of their resolve.

    On a tactical note, we now see the folly of an entire movement taking direction from a handful of men…….if there is ever to be a successful pushback against this Leftist/Islamic tyranny then the EDL, The British Freedom Party and all other groups across the UK and Europe, for members taking a vigorous course of action, must begin to break themselves down into cells. Large scale, mass demonstrations by other, less pro-active rank and file members, will still be of strategic and vital importance.

    Now, across Europe and Britain, any group who opposes tyranny and who has allowed itself to be stripped of virtually all its rights and freedoms including the right to bear arms, faces a battle against the impending slavery made exponentially greater as they are virtually defenseless in the face of a very well armed foe. It seems that the pages taken from Stalin and Hitler’s blood soaked tomes “Tyranny and Population Control Made Easy”, by European and British bureaucracy, have worked miracles beyond their wildest dreams. They can’t say they weren’t warned.

    What to do…..what to do?

    Welcome to the sorry crop harvested from the seeds of apathy, cowardice and hypocrisy sown. In Britain and Europe time grows very short. You must begin to act, it is almost too late.

    Hypothetically speaking, and no doubt the subject of conversation and debate in homes across Europe and the United Kingdom, there is a tremendous problem now in forming a standing army in Britain of those who seek to remove the muslims and the Leftists. Now those who object will have to work on a 2 to 20 man cell level.

    And then there is the problem of armaments and munitions. Reality dictates that raids will have to be made on existing caches on military bases or munitions transports, convoys. The other alternative is for serving soldiers to quietly band together in small numbers and hijack a large amount of equipment, as we have seen in a recent theft of anti-tank mines.

    Let us look to a central figure (s) amongst us who will rise and provide focus and direction, but let us not be rendered impotent should a central figure(s) be arrested and imprisoned. Let us also look to the concept of “leaderless resistance”, you can find all the information you need on the internet by simply researching “leaderless resistance”

    Please read the couple of quoted paragraphs below to illustrate the nature of “leaderless resistance”. Do not be disturbed by the references to “communists” or “white supremacists” the reality is that the French Resistance during WW2 was made all the more effective through the use of individual “cells”.

    To further illustrate, consider a tablespoon of mercury…..that is an army, a central figure,……, pour out that same tablespoon of mercury on a large surface and watch it splinter into a million glistening little balls……that is leaderless resistance.


    “The concept of Leaderless Resistance is nothing less than a fundamental departure in theories of organization. The orthodox scheme of organization is diagrammatically represented by the pyramid, with the mass at the bottom and the leader at the top. This fundamental of organization is to be seen not only in armies, which are of course, the best illustration of the pyramid structure, with the mass of soldiery, the privates, at the bottom responsible to corporals who are in turn responsible to sergeants, and so on up the entire chain of command to the generals at the top.

    But the same structure is seen in corporations, ladies’ garden clubs and in our political system itself. This orthodox “pyramid” scheme of organization is to be seen basically in all existing political, social and religious structures in the world today from the Federal government to the Roman Catholic Church. The Constitution of the United States, in the wisdom of the Founders, tried to sublimate the essential dictatorial nature of pyramidal organization by dividing authority into three: executive, legislative and judicial. But the pyramid remains essentially untouched.

    This scheme of organization, the pyramid, is however, not only useless, but extremely dangerous for the participants when it is utilized in a resistance movement against state tyranny. Especially is this so in technologically advanced societies where electronic surveillance can often penetrate the structure revealing its chain of command. Experience has revealed over and over again that anti-state, political organizations utilizing this method of command and control are easy prey for government infiltration, entrapment, and destruction of the personnel involved. This has been seen repeatedly in the United States where pro-government infiltrators or agent provocateurs weasel their way into patriotic groups and destroy them from within………

    An alternative to the pyramid type of organization is the cell system. In the past, many political groups (both right and left) have used the cell system to further their objectives. Two examples will suffice. During the American Revolution “committees of correspondence” were formed throughout the Thirteen colonies. Their purpose was to subvert the government and thereby aid the cause of independence. The “Sons of Liberty”, who made a name for themselves dumping government taxed tea into the harbor at Boston, were the action arm of the committees of correspondence. Each committee was a secret cell that operated totally independently of the other cells. Information on the government was passed from committee to committee, from colony to colony, and then acted upon on a local basis. Yet even in these bygone days of poor communication, of weeks to months for a letter to be delivered, the committees without any central direction whatsoever, were remarkable similar in tactics employed to resist government tyranny. It was, as the first American patriots knew, totally unnecessary for anyone to give an order for anything. Information was made available to each committee, and each committee acted as it saw fit.

    (End Quote)
    Moving on……………

    In post-war Europe many politicians and members of the bureaucracy who assisted the Nazi’s, stood trial on charges of treason and sedition, where, upon conviction, they were summarily executed by firing squad or hanging. To that end there should begin a program of intelligence gathering in order to identify, with particularity, those within the military, law enforcement, judiciary, legal community and various governments, regardless of branch or department, who are assisting the installation of the islamic caliphate.
    This intelligence gathering should also be directed at the muslim community as well, starting with all mullahs and imam’s. Accurate records must be kept. Records of their teachings, records of their speeches, records of their websites, records of their meetings, records of their addresses, records of their businesses, records of all those non-muslims who have assisted them. If we are to successfully stand these men and women on trial and punish them as seditious and treasonous traitors to our individual countries it will have to be done on a foundation of solid evidence and in accordance with the rule of law.Upon their conviction, execution is a mere formality.

    By doing this, by acting individually and decisively, there is no one person that corrupted law enforcement agencies and or intelligence agencies can target; it’s simply a thousand persons acting on their own. That is why the collection of the above information is crucial. It will be available to certain persons upon the verification of veracity and intent surrounding the request. The intent is that a person simply chooses a course of action, decides upon a trigger event and or point in time, and then embarks upon that course of action once that event has been triggered. In other words, draw a line in the sand and then act once it is crossed.

    Start this now……..there is not a minute to waste. Copy and paste this message and pass it along…..we will not, we cannot, allow our culture, our society and our heritage to be destroyed.

    I have said before and will say it again, and as the weeks pass the inevitable reality becomes clearer and clearer; the muslims have no place amongst us and must be removed from our midst.

    The time for playing games has ended, the muslims are not happy in Canada, North America and the whole of the civilized world. The “good muslim” is a myth; while there are a few brave muslim souls who have emerged recently they are not sufficient in numbers to assuage the justified fears of non-muslims. I have grown weary of the tedious task of speaking for “good muslims”, that nebulous legion of ideological wallflowers who refuse to speak out loudly against the crimes and treason of those within their own communities, hence: the time has come to send all muslims home.

    The time has come to cut the cancer of islam from our midst, our very lives depend on it.

    On a philosophical note, there is an expression: “One’s man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”.

    Consider the following………

    Joan of Arc was considered a terrorist and a criminal.

    Gandhi was considered a terrorist and a criminal.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was considered a terrorist and a criminal.

    The Dalai Lama is considered a terrorist and a criminal.

    The Dutch Resistance were considered terrorists and criminals.

    The French Resistance were considered terrorists and criminals.

    The American patriots during the War of Independence were considered terrorists and criminals.

    The Danish Resistance group “Holger Danske” were considered terrorists and criminals.

    Around the world and here at home battle lines are being drawn and sooner, rather than later, you will have to decide on which side you stand.

    And so I wonder…………………

    As elected politicians and senators will you acquit yourselves of the burden placed on your shoulders by millions of citizens in a civilized liberal democracy? Or will your presence in our parliaments, senates, congress and legislatures be nothing more than volumes spoken to the service of faint hearted self?

    As law enforcement officers and members of the military will you have the courage to call treason treason and treachery treachery and disobey orders and directives that are in direct opposition to our constitutions, charters and bills of rights? Or will you, in the finest traditions of the SS, the Gestapo and legions of tyrants’ henchmen; fill the jails, the gulags and mass graves with citizen patriots?

    As teachers and professors will you speak out against the revision of history and the instruction to poison the minds of our children? Or will you walk the hallowed hallways of higher learning hand in hand with venomous orators who sing the praises of barbaric savagery?

    As journalists and writers will you put pen to paper and hotly condemn mainstream media for their outrageous and insidious betrayal of the demands of truth and freedom of the press? Or will you toe the party line as one more light of a civilized and free society flickers out?

    As judges and lawyers will you allow the treasonous, the duplicitous and the corrupt to bring before you righteous, patriotic, decent men and women whose conscience demanded they speak out against the destruction of their country and the eviseration of their culture?. Or, as learned men and women, will your rage and indignation be heard by millions as you throw from our courts those black-hearted vermin who seek to apply a judicial seal of approval to the butchery of a civilized and free society?

    As citizens, will you wrest from the State and the talking heads of mass media, stewardship of your lives? Will you regain your God given power of self determination and original thought and tell those social engineers and islamists that the smearing of the excrement of muslims and islam on your country, your traditions, your culture and your people has come to an end? Or will you shuffle off, resigned to your fate at the hands of the muhammadans whose mocking laughter rings in your ears?

    To each and every one of you, from waitresses to truck drivers, from secretaries to housewives, from mechanics to carpenters; we stand at a crossroads and the time fast approaches for a decision. Will you speak to the cause of our hard won freedoms and the furtherance of our civilized society?

    Or will you allow a blanket of darkness, the smothering cloak of islam, a savage tyrannical theocracy, the manifest dogmatic sickness of a wretched psychopath, muhammad, to be drawn across our lands?…………and in so doing give us a world of misery and subjugation at the hands of gleeful muslim masters, a world where the word freedom is spoken in hurried whispers, a world where the islamic call to prayer reverberates from minarets around the world……the deserved, vulgar requiem mass of Western civilization.

    Food for thought………………………

    Regards, Don Laird
    Edson, Alberta, Canada

    PS: I have included for your consideration a photograph of smiling young women walking through the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan… 1972…….before the cancer of islam came calling…… may want to look up photographs of students in Tehran, Iran and Beirut, Lebanon during the 1970’s as well……a sort of that was then and….gasp!!!…this is now………..more food for thought…….

    PPS: For my charming yet dangerously dull-witted readers:…..please don’t monkey around with mercury, not only is it deadly poison but cleaning up a spilled tablespoon mercury is virtually impossible…..again…the beauty of leaderless resistance, virtually impossible to “clean up”. (sorry, I couldn’t help myself!!!!)

    PPPS: If you are going to quote this please use my fullname and location……I have long, long ago sickened of living and quivering in shadows.

  9. Just as Cultural “Marxism” was used to undermine the West, so should we undermine our Leftist and Muslim enemies by the power of ideas, augmented by pointing out the eternity of gruesome torture that awaits them after death. Hell is eternal!!!