Inside the Oklahoma mosque. To behead? Or not to behead. That is the question that plagues them.

An apostate from the Oklahoma mosque reached out to Robert Spencer to counter the official narrative that whatever muslim that committed whatever classical atrocity in the name of islam which was described as a desirable behaviour by canonical islamic scripture was actually the act of a crazy person and had nothing to do with islam.

Mr. Spencer did an article about his conversation with this gentleman a few days ago and then did an interview with him over Skype and Fox’s Meagan Kelly also did a similar piece with this man sometime after Robert Spencer had interviewed him, although the FOX piece was released before the Spencer interview.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

7 Replies to “Inside the Oklahoma mosque. To behead? Or not to behead. That is the question that plagues them.”


    Link to details of the 2005 suicide bombing outside of the university’s stadium. Zombie time included details and maps which detail the proximity of this area…all within 30 miles, the Alfred T Murrah building was bombed – see the book The Third Terrorist, which names Hussein Al. Husseini as a suspect.
    Norman, Oklahoma City, Moore are all towns located in this 30 mile circumference. Zacarias Moussaoui, the “20th hijacker” of 9/11, was connected to the Islamic Society of Norman.

  2. Many of them refrain from carrying out the death penalty for apostasy on him because it would draw the wrong kind of attention, the time isn’t right. There aren’t enough Muslims in Oklahoma yet.

  3. I pray that the FBI is keeping them under surveillance but am afraid that the POTUS has ordered them not to watch Mosques.

  4. The ever growing ‘fifth column’ in the land of ‘denial’. The level of hand wringing and groveling by all of the Politically Correct apologists in the MSM academia and the political class is sickening.

  5. The FBI like other of the ‘alphabet agencies have been deballed, diverted from their true missions and functions and are basically instruments of the regime of our ‘Dear Leader’.