About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

11 Replies to “Muslim Convert Beheads Oklahoma Woman 911 Call The Kelly File”

  1. Hello there……its me again…….Don Laird…..

    The Oklahoma murderer is Alton Alexander Nolan.

    The White House denies any connection between this nutcher and terrorism.

    Look at his Facebook photographs on the Barenakedislam website.


    Nothing to do with terrorism?

    Nothing to do with Islam?

    This is disinformation and propaganda in full swing.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown Bastard
    Alberta, Canada

    • You got that right, this is just another example of work place violence.

      What is scary is the way so many of the food processing plants are becoming exclusively Moslem.

  2. Pure Islam has risen because of pure Socialism has flourished.

    You can drag half the population by brain-washing to be blind to their freedoms being taken away from them, but the other half do not find the path to screw -at-impulse seductive enough to live as sheeple, but now with the justification of despise can live as uninhibited wolves.

    A society composed of Subs and Doms. Socialists and Muslims. They have the Gates of Hell covered.

    A child can either have a father praying at the bookies or praying at the Mosque. Their retardation of psychological development secured into adulthood.

    You can then control a population with show-trials of public humiliation and prison, or public floggings and limbs removed.

    And it all entirely depends upon which homosexual that feasts on the male soul we have in control.

  3. @Perfectchild…..


    Yes Perfectchild, you are all of these in some of your pondering…….yet regardless of form and function………you are almost exclusively correct……correct with and uncanny sense of futuristic perception and historical coherence.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown Bastard
    Alberta, Canada

  4. Surely it must be obvious that all leading Western politicians are singing from the same hymn book. They know of Islam, but they cannot, for political, strategic and other reasons, admit that fact, while waging war against Muslim states. Why Libya, why Syria, why Egypt?

    This war will last a long time. We will continue to attack Muslim countries using whatever excuses come to mind. This will result in Muslims living in the West to attack us from inside.

    Politicians have then to keep the peace within by insisting that Islam is the RoP. This is good strategy.

    1. To prevent violent disorder in Western countries, and the breakdown of law and order. I agree with this.

    2. To wage war on Islam (invading Muslim countries for genuine or any made-up reason), while pretending not to.

    3. To divide the Islamic world while the war is in progress.
    So far so good.

    But the reality is that some Muslims know what is going on, thus there will be more attacks like the Fort Hood and Lee Rigby incidents, and more coming This will create further large scale interventions in the ME and elsewhere, leading to more internal Jihad. Meanwhile it will become increasingly difficult for our MSM to persuade that Muslims are not a fifth column. Excellent.

    In the fullness of time, I see a complete separation from the Islamic world, a kind of Cold War situation, with strict immigration and economic embargoes, and a clear out in the West. Exchange of populations is on possibility – Christians in the Islamic countries for Muslims in the West.

    • The only way we can prevent attacks like this are to either convert to Islam or remove Islam from our nation, The first choice is unacceptable to all intelligent people and we have been taught to think the second is evil, As things grow progressively worse in the west we will be faced with choosing he lesser of two evils, remove Islam no matter what the laws say or to convert. My choice is to remove Islam.

  5. Don,

    to what can the Muslim come to, if they cannot be fed?

    Do we just heckle their actions, or explain their super-masculinity that hides a female nature, all the way back to Mohammad and his humiliation and subjugation as a toy-boy under a business-woman aged forty, fifteen years his senior whose only empowerment was to either be a comedian or receiver of angelic-domination messages. From inferiority to fragile-superiority and the conquest of womankind under the heal of men.

    Moses came down the mountain and slayed 3000 of his own countrymen for believing in the Golden Calf. Was he blessed as a Peacemaker or a hugely popular Totalitarian Prophet? The remaining faithful became known as YWH’s Chosen People. They then set out and murdered every man woman and child and animal to occupy their Promised Land of Milk and Honey.

    Mohammad came down from the mountain and slayed all the Christian Baby-Jesus worshipers they found unless they paid a humiliation Jizya tax. Was he blessed as a Peacemaker or revered and feared as Totalitarian Prophet? They became known as Allah’s Chosen Arab People. They murdered, raped and enslave to claim their Promised Lands.

    Hitler came down from the Parliament and slayed those not of Aryan-Birthright for their Promised World, a time in which Christianity’s only true ritual was the Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

    This pattern is wherever there is the Socialism that destroys Capitalism and removes fathers from their place in the home – men’s weakness-as-an-Anglican-Priest, feminism of fertility and their Politicians for A Big Collective Society – embolden fascists everywhere. to take over. A dying Islam suddenly became alive. (Communists are only fascists who have learned to say they are not. Women are suckered in and then find themselves made masculine).

    So, if you want out, and to never be afraid of your shadow again, Luke 11 has John The Baptist’s Prayer of Repentance, to separate from playing God, from your ego given to you by the world.

    hallowed be your name,
    your kingdom come.
    Give us each day our daily bread.
    Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
    And lead us not into temptation ‘”

    Get your head out of the Television, and you see that the inmates have escaped the asylum.

    • It is rare to get a top-down discussion, and so when it arrives it gets me to show the key to unlock it, so others may then comprehend.

      Repentance of vanity, ownership and forgiveness. Then to never let yourself be trapped again.

      But religion/socialism is about submission, denial of accountability, and judgement. Then to never let anyone free again.

      Those who live by the inner who find love motivates them, and those by the outer who find rage motivates them.

      For many, this is not important for they have learned to be hitched and ridden to live by bread alone. The light has gone out of those nations.

      Israel is not Jewish, the Orthodox know this. It is too complicated for their half-brains to manage. Bring back the ox and plough. I get it. It’s not back to Nature at all.

      And The West is in rapid decline. They tax the wealth producers and feed the fickle. I get it. The half-brain Socialist have removed heterosexual white men out of office. No one is steering. No one at home either.

      I get it.

      • Keynsian Ecconomics created Socialist Ecconomics and justified Quantitive Easing as a simple model for pseudo-scientists to get. They abhor the free market not knowing where the wind blows. I get it. We get robbed by our governments while what they should be focusing on is creating the climate for creating wealth and not taking wealth.

        To condemn others and then be shamed by the values of others. Stop condemning, and you stop being condemned. As simple as that. To not envy the wealthy as a Socialist or steal, rape and behead as a Muslim. The garments they wear are as splattered blood, sweat and tear soaked rags.

        John The Baptist’s head was cut off by a female-centric, with followers of the Sub and Dom, the bedders and the beheaders achieving different orgasmic states of the two ways to hypnotize a chicken: the feeling of Moksha or perfection of Nirvana.

        The dream-states that will fight you to stop being awakened, the religious or political police sent out to hunt you from removing their food.

        John the Baptist appears in two distinct half-brain rationales:
        1. http://www.angelfire.com/nt/theology/mk06-14.html
        2. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/52051.htm

        This reaction happens whenever presented with a normal person.

        For an evil man you get Sunni and Shia. Both converting because of intimidation and pressure from the threat of death and rationalizing insanity and cowardice as good.

        Whenever the halal symbol is shown, remember it means “beheading”.

  6. DP111,

    We were already heading to Civil War and Revolution on the Frankfurt School Plan as they set out to destroy Capitalism and the family unit.

    However, Islam’s Awakening was fed when they found themselves given, on a plate, by the Socialists suddenly a new Preferential Identity of ethnicity, culture and religion way above all the White Heterosexual males. It was a gift made in Heaven with Whores on Earth as a bonus.

    The Communist plan to destroy Western Countries was to infiltrate and agitate the National Socialist Parties and then the Communists would rush in and save the day by crushing them. This had happened in Russia, China, Vietnam by killing the educated and then using the masses of uneducated peasants, but then failed in Spain and Germany just because their populations were not stupid enough.

    This is why Socialist Governments have literally flooded their nations with inbreds and the straight-to-welfare immigrants. This they believe, would end in a blood-bath, eradicate nationalism forever, and peace reign for all The Socialist Peoples of the World.

    Therefore, Islam has come as a shock. The Western Leaders they had paid for in their school education systems and blackmailed for their drug-taking and homosexual entanglements, are taken aback as their Useful Idiot Liberal Puppets are slowly beginning to join Mohammedanism as the dominant hypnotizer, when they should have by now have submitted and rolled-over to their handlers.

    It’s back to the nuclear bunker for a new regime of terror to supplant anything Mohammad used. (And I’m not going to tell them how to do it).