About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

13 Replies to “Buffaloed by Khalid Qazi”

  1. Priceless! thanks for the reminder. Muzzamil Siddiqi and his da’wa tard of a wife. The best image of islam, ever. We need more Mustard promo like that….

  2. OT – Seems a 13 year-old is feeling his wild couscous and is jumping unsuspecting women in West Ottawa.


    The article states that attacks occurred near Grenon and Noren avenues and – what? Well looky there! Why according to Google maps, the Abraar school is right there too!


    Boasting “Islamic Education for the Next Generation” and fully supported by the muslim association of Canada. You remember the Abraar school, doncha?


    Hmmmmm. This is a real head-scratcher.

    ? ding! ?

    You don’t suppose there’s a conncection between the two? Maybe the poor lad accidently got a headful of supremacy and misogynism at Friday prayers or taught by papa in a house full of chicks and is innocently acting all this out on unsuspecting women because the poor little luv just doesn’t know any better?

    Or perhaps his BLATENT attacks on women stem from this oldie but a goodie:


    Just a drop in the bucket, folks.

    • This dissociation of affection.
      The Muslim removes sex from love. He objectifies sex. It is only that the weaker that submits to the stronger. There is no love.
      The Socialist removes love from sex. She subjectifies sex. Love is any form of sex. There is actually no “sex” but pretence it is.

      All they know is relief from frustration.

      Mustards and Custards. Automitons. These death-camp kingdoms.

      These two diversely populating the leaderless vacuum in governments.

      Those children who find themselves trapped in the hell of their ruthless fragile bitter envy of normal people. No rescue of Christians or Jews.