About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

18 Replies to “Muslims in Hebron Israel celebrate INCOMING Hamas rockets”

  1. Those people are truly demonic. “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar…”. And always the children mixed right in with the adults. The Muslims in control have managed to convince those poor deluded idiots that the thing they want more than anything else in the world is to be killed by an Israeli bullet as they chant, “Allahu Akbar”. They really do want to die. They truly want their children to get killed so they can have more to complain about. How do you fight that?

  2. Muslims are seriously sick and twisted. They are also traitors because they are cheering on the other side.

  3. Morally repugnant. The Pallie equivalent of hooting at a fireworks display, or just the Muslim equivalent more generally. I don’t have much confidence in deprogramming such people. I don’t know how young you would have to get them for denazification to show a defensible success, either in percentages or in how well it takes in individuals. They whisper their evil to fetuses in the womb.

    • The Nazi’s had full records of who had been a Nazi, those on the list were forbidden from holding any elected office or working for any government department. They were also investigated to see if they had engaged in any crimes, since a lot of people joined the Nazi’s out of fear of what would happen if they didn’t it screwed up German politics for a while but the result was much better then what happened in Russia where the left managed to convince people we didn’t need to de comunize Russia and “former” members of the KGB managed to gain control of the nation. It is freer then under communism (rather like what they had under the last Czar) but it sure isn’t what most people thing of when they talk about free nations. Of course non of the western nations meet the description of a free nation and some are very far down the part to becoming police states.

    • I believe Germans who say they snapped out of their trance. They had something to wake up to, German culture, Western civilization. I can see Western converts to Islam recovering their senses. But these bred-in-the-bone Muslims, I don’t know. I’m always hearing second-hand reports about masses of Muslims abandoning Islam, but all my experience, of Gulf Muslims especially, is that they could no more leave Islam than rip out their nervous systems. I don’t think deprogramming is an option there.

      • You may be rightly optimistic about those converts, Don. There are tactics for deprogramming Scientologists and other victims of brainwashing cults.

        For those “bred-in-the-bone Muslims” all we can do is isolate ourselves from them.