EDL warn of militias to tackle hate preachers.

Whether you agree with the EDL’s position or you do not, it might do well to dispassionately examine the overall phenomenon of the existence of the EDL and why it exists before condemning it. People who oppose it may do better to think of them as white blood cells massively increasing in the blood supply to tackle a very real and very lethal infection. Those, like the woman interviewed who probably is a very nice person and if questioned, would likely have the same values as most readers of this site, may wish to find another course of action to stave off the staggering and disproportionate islamic rape and slavery gangs of ‘kafir’ young girls in the UK. Or the various other forms of jihad muslims are waging on the West with the intention, and result, of destroying Western civilization.

Hopefully the time for peaceful and legislation based solutions have not passed in the UK, although the smart money already seems to think it has, but she, the counter-EDL demonstrator, and all like her could try. Opposing the EDL however, and trying to get them shut down by reason of making illegal statements due to “the race relations act” etc. is tantamount to giving the social body AIDS.

If you have a better way to fight the infection madam, then please do it. If not, do not stand in the way of the people are trying everything they can to retain classical liberalism, even if it doesn’t appear that is what the EDL are doing, and even if they, the EDL, don’t know that is what they are doing.

The clock is ticking and things are getting worse. Alternate solutions madam and I would start right away.

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

6 Replies to “EDL warn of militias to tackle hate preachers.”

  1. said, “think of them as *white* blood cells massively increasing in the blood supply”

    White blood? Try a different analogy. You trying to get them into trouble?

  2. I’ll tell you one thing the EDL are doing. They’re making Muslims from around the world stop and ask themselves if moving to the UK to join an Islamic fifth column is going to work out for them so well in the long run. But before we get too down on the EDL, have a look at how folks are reacting to Muslims in the Central African Republic, then take a trip to Myanmar and see how things are going there. Oh, and how about Assam in India? How about the Chinese with the knife-happy Uighurs? Racists, all? Perhaps… Or maybe they’re just ordinary people doing what comes naturally to ordinary people when they are threatened with extermination by the murderous zombies of an ancient murder cult. And don’t they love to scream “racist!” the minute anybody dares to defend themselves against them. Pure evil…

  3. There are two religions…

    One that makes males feel like kings, the other that makes females top dogs.

    Today these extremists are called Islamists and Socialists. Men’s Rights and Women’s Rights. Their ideology is hatred of the opposite gender in the guise of peace, (unless you complain). Blasphemy and Hate Crime flows readily from their lips.

    Their handlers, the Muhammadans and Communists, manipulators of men and women, respectively, just watching them hang themselves and wait for them to call out to be rescued by a Mullah or Politician.

    The Nye Bevan Project, post a British Empire, bankrupted the nation morally and financially. That no person should live with dignity or die with dignity. https://www.google.co.uk/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-orange-gb&source=android-browser&q=nye+beven&gfe_rd=cr&ei=MB2UU_udGMPR8gfg5oGoBw#facrc=_&imgrc=u9UT_vgWNaxkkM%253A%3Bundefined%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffc06.deviantart.net%252Ffs70%252Ff%252F2012%252F075%252F1%252Fd%252Fnye_bevan_by_darkone173-d4swzv9.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fshiki-scarlet.deviantart.com%252Fart%252FNye-Bevan-290433429%3B656%3B504

  4. Eeyore I am with you and hoping the time for a peaceful solution isn’t passed, however it is rapidly passing and the more the governments of the west ignore the common people and their fears the quicker it will pass. One thing that has to happen is that well meaning people who oppose racism have to learn what is racism and what is legitimate fear and anger for the religion, culture and nation.