CNN joins MSNBC in the ‘manufacture data’ club to force the leftist narrative.

First of all, even if Bundy said and thinks these racist things that CNN carefully edited a video to that effect, what difference does it make to the issue of the cattle and land in Nevada the federal government isn’t supposed to own etc.? Are we so culturally Marxist that when it comes to any individual Vs. the state all that has to happen is expose, rightly or wrongly, the individual as a ‘racist’, (possibly even adding voluntary behavioral traits to the definition of race so that Islam can be added to the mix) and then the issue is buried and the state wins?

Check out this CNN report on thing Clive Bundy said during an anti-big government rant here

Then watch the whole unedited video below. I think you will find the spirit of what he said to be 180 degrees away from the CNN take on it.

For anyone who has not yet seen it, please watch Bill Whittle’s excellent video on the Frankfurt school and ‘The Narrative’. When you see how it begins, with a total forgery by MSNBC to make a false point using people to tell the opposite story they were there to tell themselves, we begin to see how much we can trust the legacy media.

Thank you for the tip Before It’s News

About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

12 Replies to “CNN joins MSNBC in the ‘manufacture data’ club to force the leftist narrative.”

  1. So it has taken 2 weeks for CNN to notice the Bundy story …..that really is up to the minute news casting!

  2. Not quite up to MSNBC standards, but CNN deserves at least three of the those little red stars for effort.

  3. The person with the mosy clarity that his country has been taken over by Communists is Bundy.
    CNN Communist News Network did a hatchet job on an individual.

  4. Bundy’s assertion that welfare is simply another form of slavery and in many ways worse then chattel slavery is correct.

    As to the poor effort to fake data I am sure they will do a better job the next time.

  5. Bundy did make a mistake with this he should have stuck with HIS issue rather then ‘running for president’ as my friend put it.

    If he left out the “cotton picking” part he would have been fine. There ARE key words that are deemed raciest and that is one of them. Face it he screwed up.

    The over all issue isn’t going way with government micro managing our lives through Natural rights being infringed through regulations.

  6. Yep, Ox, you’re right. He got carried away.

    Many would agree that these black girls have nothing to do but abort their babies while the boys waste their lives in jail. He was great about the Mexicans, G-d love him, but he said “cotton picking” and that was that.

    He should have been coached by Eeyore, the Baron, Bill Whittle, et al. Just the “NOT talking points”. He COULD have been coached, he could’ve had a volunteer beside him for these interviews. For whatever it’s worth, considering the very short time I’ve been at this, I w o u l d have gone myself.

    I wish there were a way to offer people like this a little coaching. I’d be first to volunteer. I’m serious, if anyone knows of an organization that supports this kind of grassroots democracy, I’d be grateful for the contact.

  7. Most people aren’t as familiar with the Lame Stream Media as we are, they think the reporters will treat them fairly.

  8. I’m getting to like the “Lame Stream” epithet, used by Sarah Palin for its perhaps – as you suggested – deliberately urological connotations.

  9. Yep, though I don’t think we can get Eeyore to adopt it. Requires too much explaining.

    “60 Minutes” once taped 6 hours for a segment on a friend of mine. It was spliced & diced to 18 minutes of character assassination.