War crimes trial raises specter of mass rape in 1971 Liberation War

From People of Shambhala.
The 1971 Liberation War between East and West Pakistan saw the Pakistan army commit countless atrocities, mostly against Hindus. Hundreds of thousands of Hindu women were raped.

The war was sparked when East Pakistan seceded, declaring itself the independent nation of Bangladesh.

To call the war brutal would be an understatement. Mass graves were still being discovered decades later.

The ghost of the 1971 war still refuses to disappear. Over the last few months… read more.

One Reply to “War crimes trial raises specter of mass rape in 1971 Liberation War”

  1. I have had this belief that Islam goes through surges of loyalty to the cause.
    with this and other actions against Israel around that time I have to re-think this

    “Hundreds of thousands of Hindu women were raped.”

    This had to be an organized effort if it was in these numbers