About Eeyore

Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic

6 Replies to “The very best thing on gun control I have ever seen”

  1. If looks could kill they would have had to carry that dear woman out of the hearing, I could not help but notice the expressions on the faces of all of the Liberal/Leftist anti-gun legislators. I fear once they weaken or tamper with the 2nd amendment, what is to stop them from trashing the entire 27 Amendments to the US Constitution known as The Bill If Rights.

  2. One of those legislators is Chuck Shurmer. He is the weasel with his headresting on the palm of his hand. This gutless Democrat ( NY Jew – surprised?) was too cowardly to hold a Town Hall meeting regarding Obamacare and a key person responsible for the housing meltdown because he was against any investigation into the reason why there was such a high pct of home ownership when Pres George Bush was in office and wrote that any attempt to investigate is racism.

  3. That’s correct Chuck Schumer, a.k.a. Ckuckie Cheese, or Chuck the Schmuck, is one of the most Liberal and Leftist Senators in the senate. He never misses an opportunity to get that commie kisser of his in front of a camera. He gets reelected time and time again it’s always been that way with the locked stepped lemmings of NYC who don’t care about the rest of the country, as long as these tax and spend ultra-liberals bring back billions to NY city and state.

  4. Basically it is stupid what the woman wants. The problem is not the right to carry a concealed weapon, of only to carry it in the open. The problem is that retarded people can get a hold of a gun, simply because there are guns!

    A country that allows guns in the hands of children, by accident pulling the trigger, has to take full responsibility. It is a lost cause, the presence of guns makes it easier for the sick sociopath to fire away and kill as many as he can. The society had to accept the fact that all the victims are on their conto, not of the politicians who want to allow some guns in some hands, but the politicians who allow any gun at all!

    The American public and the politicians have misread the bill of rights and the amendments: being a member of a militia AND carry a gun is not the same as whether you are a member of the militia of not, maybe you could carry a gun!

    More Americans get accidentally killed by loved ones, then as a result of terror in the first ten years of this century. If American society would be safer with guns, why wouldn’t all children get a gun when they have finished elementary school? Then easily all conflicts and arguments can be settled with a gun. Or would you like it to be at graduation form high school, still to young? Then maybe after a psychological test, when somebody is not a sociopath of a sicko, then he could get a permit to carry a gun. But is no sicko’s could get a gun, what would be the use of carrying a gun in town? Not many cheetahs around lately! A hand gun is made to kill people, allowing those guns is allowing people to use it, accepting the accidents is consequence.

  5. When you take the guns from the hands of the civilians you are making slaves for them, they may think they have freedom but they are just waiting for the chains to be put on. Anyone who has read history knows this, the problem is that the left has managed to stop the teaching of history and most people don’t understand that freedom has always come from the armed citizens and not from the governments. Heinlein said that an armed man is a free man, and he was right, another reason that governments hate armed citizens is that they tend to think for themselves and not slavishly accept anything the government tells them is true.